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I need an answer, it's important to me.

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It does not matter if he finds "peace" in his prayer or not. He is ultimately answerable to God. A person can literally worship pigs, and claim he finds "peace" in the end it is irrelevant. He is answerable to God for what he did, and it is God who would decide his fate.

It really matters, because the person I know thinks he is in right way by committing Shirk, because he feels peace in his way, that he believes his peace comes from Allah.

So he will never listen to me if I tell that he is in the wrong way, because he thinks he feels peace because he is in right way. He thinks if he were wrong, he would not have felt the peace in his prayer/sacrifice.
Indeed it is a problem - self created if you ask me.

As for the part in red - look around you who is in hell ?

The kafirs or the believers ? You will get the answer.

If kafir land was hell the Believers would not try so hard for a Green Card or travel as stowaways in ships to reach Europe / Aus. Would n't they live in their ' paradise' happily ever after ?

Like I said in a previous post - ask politely & do not rest till you get your answers. Do not believe all what you hear.

Take your own call.

The problem is some people are taught to care more about an afterlife which they don't know of than the one that they already have.
All the religions are just the way to reach out god....everyone who follows their religion have their own ways to reach their form of god.....it doesn't matter if you worship Allah or god,bhagwan,lord your final destiny will be the utmost power......if Allah said not to follow anyone else except him then he must be talking about the devil or the wrong bad souls....one may find peace in any god he believes and one may not find peace even if he follows anyone till eternity.....

One thing should be noted that a person and his beliefs,his god should always be the personal matter between the said person and his/her god and none should have the right to interfere..
@Skies .. good that you made a tiny step by asking a question than following something without question. Now it will depend on your own intelligence to find correct answer. There are many fake answers there too.
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The problem is some people are taught to care more about an afterlife which they don't know of than the one that they already have.

It is less care for the afterlife and more of ' scare' of afterlife.
That is between them and God, and it is God who would decide their fate. As I said, someone can literally worship pigs and claim he finds peace, and dies doing so. In the End he is answerable to God, and it is God who would decide their ultimate fate, of heaven or hell...

Whither he became a Muslim or not, that is his own responsibility. And he would be responsible for his actions on the day of judgement, and God would judge him and decide his fate.

So you are saying that even Jews have some possibility to go to Heaven?
Thanks for your reply, I am more willing to hear from the Muslim believers here, that what do they think, if the peace they feel in their prayer is because of something divine from Allah or mere psychological effect.

Whats the point in hearing from muslims? You know first hand about peace from your prayer.. why not find out rrom other religions? Perhaps it will open you up to something.
It really matters, because the person I know thinks he is in right way by committing Shirk, because he feels peace in his way, that he believes his peace comes from Allah.

So he will never listen to me if I tell that he is in the wrong way, because he thinks he feels peace because he is in right way. He thinks if he were wrong, he would not have felt the peace in his prayer/sacrifice.

So be it. In the end it would be God who would decide his fate. God knows everything. He is well aware of what is in his heart and tongue.

We can only warn, in the end we are only responsible for our own actions. Not the actions of others...
Kafir is just vocabulary. It means exactly the same thing to you being a muslim towards others of a different faith of what it means to a non muslim towards you. To them you are a kafir. And since kafir is a word and invented by humans so is the attachment to it. Best of luck understanding your question.
Since you have clicked this thread, so please ignore this thread after reading the first post if you can not understand the importance of this issue to me.

And also hoping that Mods will not close this thread until I get a satisfactory answer.

Now here is the question:

I ask Hindus, I ask Jews, I ask Christians, I ask Sikhs, that, "do you feel peace when you pray or after your prayer", they all say YES!

So my question is, being a Muslim, why would the non-Muslims feel the peace through their prayer, if they are not praying in the right way being Kafir. I hears that Allah gives us peace in our mind, if we offer prayer to Him, but how can then non-Muslims feel the peace through their prayer even it is done in wrong way, or done for anything else rather than Allah?

How can a Hindu feel the same peace like the Muslims feel when they worship to anything else rather than Allah? And how can Jews, Christians, Sikhs feel peace in their prayer being Kafir?

Also I know many people who are blind followers of some Pirs, and they are very dedicated for their Pirs, they sacrifice money, time, and physical labor in the name of fake Pirs, and they commit Shirk. They are Muslim, but believe in reincarnation, Fannah with Allah etc etc, and they feel peace in their activities but by doing in wrong ways by committing Shirks. Why?

So my main question is, does the feeling of peace comes from Allah if we pray, or this feeling of peace is just a psychological effect because of submitting ourselves before someone/something blindly?

In my opinion,Christians and Jews possibly feel at peace as they are still reading some original transcripts when they are reading the Bible and Torah. Hindus and Sikhs, In my opinion are probably praying to some shaitan or jinn and probably feel at peace because shaitan or jinn may be manipulating their nafs.
Whats the point in hearing from muslims? You know first hand about peace from your prayer.. why not find out rrom other related gions? Perhaps it will open you up to something.

"Other ideas" can be scary at times especially if it shakes up your faith. People tend to find comfortable answers when it comes to their religion.
This according to me is the biggest flaw of Islam. If there is a God(I don't know about his existence) my common sense tells me that he would not discriminate you based on the religion of your parents. Let's face it, most religious people would tell you how great their choice of religion is, but the truth is 99% of them have never made a choice as far as their religion is concerned. They just simply follow the religion of their family. Do you think you would still be Muslim if you weren't born as one?

Most probably no. But there is an answer for your concern.

Allah said that Allah has given something called Fitraah , an innate attribute in you by born that could lead you to the path of right and ultimately the Islam.
But still you can be failed to find the right way of Islam using your innate attribute called Fitraah, because you do not want to be ready for the path of Islam and loves to indulge into other ways you think right.

According to Islam you cant blame your parents for your religion, because Allah said that Allah gives you wisdom to find the way of Islam.
So you are saying that even Jews have some possibility to go to Heaven?

i think everybody has a chance. when u ll understand that there is no nationalism racism patriotism these r all fake prides

we all born alone n die alone then ull automatically become religious. :tup:
People other then muslim think they are @ peace because they have never taste true peace and they are satisfied with it and what ever they do according to their religion wrong or right ,devil make

Devil is the biggest hypnotizer. He hypnotizes people who follow him so much so that those misguided people thought that they are perfectly guided and are at peace !

[The Noble Quran 6:43] If only they implored when our test afflicted them! Instead, their hearts were hardened, and the devil adorned their works in their eyes.

[The Noble Quran 7:30] Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of God, yet they believe that they are guided.

[The Noble Quran 16:63] By God, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution.
People other then muslim think they are @ peace because they have never taste true peace and they are satisfied with it and what ever they do according to their religion wrong or right ,devil make

Devil is the biggest hypnotizer. He hypnotizes people who follow him so much so that those misguided people thought that they are perfectly guided and are at peace !

[The Noble Quran 6:43] If only they implored when our test afflicted them! Instead, their hearts were hardened, and the devil adorned their works in their eyes.

[The Noble Quran 7:30] Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of God, yet they believe that they are guided.

[The Noble Quran 16:63] By God, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution.

I'm curious, are you a Muslim?
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