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I need an answer, it's important to me.

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Much that some would like to feel & propagate so - there are no patents on Peace & Happiness. Each one of us finds them in our own way & through our own deeds.

Ironically, possibly even a terrorist finds peace & happiness after committing the most dastardly acts.

To come to the question raised above. In my view peace should not come from merely praying ( to whom so ever). It should come from following what is told ( again by whom so ever based on the religion you follow). The central theme of all religions is being kind , helping the needy, leading a clean , healthy life and so on. Putting this into practice in our personal & daily lives is what shall give permanent & lasting peace - not cosmetic acts for the people to see.

Lastly, on how hindus, Jews , Christians, Sikhs feel peace despite being a Kafir.

Well , all I can say is that they do not ever wonder how a Muslim can experience peace since he/ she follows a different path or follows another religion.

This in itself should give you an indication where the answer lies.

Thank you for your reply, I understand everything you said here.

But according to Islam, if you pray to anyone other than Allah, you are in wrong path, like Hindus, Sikhs do, one the other hand, Allah said He gives us peace in our mind if we pray to him, peace comes from Allah according to Allah. So the problem to me is, if I feel the same peace in my prayer being a non MUSLIM, then what is the meaning of prayer being a Muslim if the matter of peace is concerned only.
Thank you for your reply, I understand everything you said here.

But according to Islam, if you pray to anyone other than Allah, you are in wrong path, like Hindus, Sikhs do, one the other hand, Allah said He gives us peace in our mind if we pray to him, peace comes from Allah according to Allah. So the problem to me is, if I feel the same peace in my prayer being a non MUSLIM, then what is the meaning of prayer being a Muslim if the matter of peace is concerned only.
it means u are on a different path to god..
unless u have a thinking that only your path is the correct one,there is nothing wrong with this..
@Skies The answers are in Quran quite thoroughly, read it and read it in your native language, it will help you understand it.

I'm not a scholar or something, but I read somewhere in Quran that Allah doesn't distinguish between Muslims or non-Muslims as all human being are his creature. He gives to those who do Shirk with him by worshiping others, he also gives who say there is no God and he worships those who believe only in Him.

Another point is, if someone is non-muslim and he's sincere in his own religion and follows all good teachings of that religion then he'll have peace in his prayers.

Just my newbie 2 cents..
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It took the 15th post for the first troll to emerge.

Now starts the slanging match..

BTW how would you know what a Hindu finds Peace , Pleasure or both ?
shouldnt have quoted him mate.. the thread will be destroyed now.. :cry:
i can talk about this very thoroughly if u like , and im an atheist too...

beware if u folow down this road too far ull reach were we are. If u want ppl to reinforce ur already established belief system the n talk only to Muslims.

and dont go in psychology its bad for all theists.

I want to hear from you, but here it is not possible, so I am interested to know from the Muslims first.
Any religious doctrine based on blind prejudice is bound to mislead its followers and sadly no religion is out of this disease.It (be it any faith) has been proved itself to be a dangerous instrument to hallucinate people all over the world.Also if properly utilized it can off course prove itself to be a blessing.Religion had been long ago created by humans itself and its completely up to us,humans how we use it for our self purification.
If we just put all our holy books,religious manifestations aside and just try to become a simple,honest,truthful human being,our quest for peace would definitely find a conclusive result.
Allah , Bhagwan .. and Christ are Just the Same.
Thats Sums up All.

If a Hindu is Bord and Raised in Christian Family , even being a Hindu Born he will Find Peace in Christ...

I cant Really Compare Kalam , Bhabha and Sarabhai..

the Allah , Bhagwan .. and Christ are Just not same, according to Islam.

please spare the kafir going to hell B.S
recently there was a thread,about a shaheed ahmedi soldier who died for pak,and a fool was sayin that he will still go to hell..

if this is true,i need not to go such a god..

According to Islam, if I do not believe that Kafirs will not go to hell, I will not remain a Muslim.
Thank you for your reply, I understand everything you said here.

But according to Islam, if you pray to anyone other than Allah, you are in wrong path, like Hindus, Sikhs do, one the other hand, Allah said He gives us peace in our mind if we pray to him, peace comes from Allah according to Allah. So the problem to me is, if I feel the same peace in my prayer being a non MUSLIM, then what is the meaning of prayer being a Muslim if the matter of peace is concerned only.

See , here you have picked a line and stuck to it without going further.

Islam also says = Do good, Be Good, set something aside for the less fortunate and so on.

Focus on deeds not words. Lastly , do not follow everything blindly - Question politely but do not rest till you get answers.

In the end remember by any law of elimination if Islam , Hinduism, Sikhism or any ' ism' were bad it would have got eliminated by now. The fact that they still flourish implies that there is merit in them. Its only those who propagate these religions may not be doing so correctly & are often biased.

shouldnt have quoted him mate.. the thread will be destroyed now.. :cry:

Tolerating & ignoring stupidity is itself an act of stupidity.
the Allah , Bhagwan .. and Christ are Just not same, according to Islam.

please spare the kafir going to hell B.S
recently there was a thread,about a shaheed ahmedi soldier who died for pak,and a fool was sayin that he will still go to hell..

if this is true,i need not to go such a god..

According to Islam, if I do not believe that Kafirs will not go to hell, I will not remain a Muslim.

i personally just cant imagine how good people will go to hell and maulvis sitting in mosques and just praying will go to heaven, an ahmedi who dies for a country will go to hell etc.. if true,then gods must be crazy..

i have something more in my mind,but m sorry cant say it ..
May I know if you are a Muslim?

I am Muslims, but many questions are inflicting me.

Just Today, I went to somewhere with someone who is a Muslim. He works/sacrifices a lot to satisfy Allah and his Pir, and find extreme peace in his activities, but he believes that his Pir can marge/Fannah with Allah, which is a Shirk according to Islam.
So ultimately, he is finding peace, but his method is not ok,
I told him that if you believe that your Pir can get Fannah with Allah, then you are committing Shirk/sin, he said No, he is not wrong, because he finds peace in his prayer, but according to Islam, if you commit Shirk, you will go to hell. So I just want that if he gets peace in right way, so his sincere dedication does not go into vain.

If he would not find peace in his prayer, even after doing Shirk, he would not have practiced Islam in wrong way. So I think no one should not find peace in other way according to Islam.
Thank you for your reply, I understand everything you said here.

But according to Islam, if you pray to anyone other than Allah, you are in wrong path, like Hindus, Sikhs do, one the other hand, Allah said He gives us peace in our mind if we pray to him, peace comes from Allah according to Allah. So the problem to me is, if I feel the same peace in my prayer being a non MUSLIM, then what is the meaning of prayer being a Muslim if the matter of peace is concerned only.

tell me is there only one way from islamabad to karachi??same anology can be applied to peace..as long as u believe in something u get peace...u believe in quran so u get peace and christians believe in bible which says praise the lord but no one else and they believe it and practise it so they get peace..its same for every religion
I am Muslims, but many questions are inflicting me.

Just Today, I went to somewhere with someone who is a Muslim. He works/sacrifices a lot to satisfy Allah and his Pir, and find extreme peace in his activities, but he believes that his Pir can marge/Fannah with Allah, which is a Shirk according to Islam.
So ultimately, he is finding peace, but his method is not ok,
I told him that if you believe that your Pir can get Fannah with Allah, then you are committing Shirk/sin, he said No, he is not wrong, because he finds peace in his prayer, but according to Islam, if you commit Shirk, you will go to hell. So I just want that if he gets peace in right way, so his sincere dedication does not go into vain.

If he would not find peace in his prayer, even after doing Shirk, he would not have practiced Islam in wrong way. So I think no one should not find peace in other way according to Islam.

It does not matter if he finds "peace" in his prayer or not. He is ultimately answerable to God. A person can literally worship pigs, and claim he finds "peace" in the end it is irrelevant. He is answerable to God for what he did, and it is God who would decide his fate.
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Muslims only find pleasure, not peace. True Peace is only found by Hindus

And I have no problem with that, if you're truly Hindu/Muslim/Christian/whatever, deep down, you do believe that, you just don't say it. Just as deep down, I believe you're worshiping a fake deity/idol/devil, and you guys probably think the same.

It's the truth, isn't it?
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