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I need an answer, it's important to me.

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Brother @Skies-

According to my limited knowledge-

Finding inner peace while praying has nothing to do with if you praying to the right God or not- its devotion- belief and submission that leads you to a state that is called Peace-

Allah is not the god of Muslims only- He is the God of every living creature on earth and 7 skies- and he loves them all-

Lets take an example- apart from worshipping some may find peace while embracing their mothers- helping some one- some find peace and satisfaction in hurting others-

Allah do reward non muslims for their good deeds and activities- otherwise we Muslims since we worship only Allah should have been the most blessed- rich- exempt for the worldly matters people on this earth- seems like only thing we had to do was worship Allah-

There is a saying i cant confirm whether it was a Quranic Verse or some hadith-
That Muslims when they do a good deed are blessed by Allah in this world and after- meaning he will get his reward in this life and after life- while non muslims are rewarded for their good deeds in this world only-

Inna mal aymalo bin niyyat-
Every action is judged by intention-

And this implies to the mankind not only Muslims-

Relating to topic A non muslim worshiping his god is rewarded peace in this world while the muslims are to be rewarded on the day of judgement aswell-

Wallahu alam-
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Religion is the biggest bane on Mankind, sooner you realise it, lesser uncomplicated your life will be....
Religion is the biggest bane on Mankind, sooner you realise it, lesser uncomplicated your life will be....

Yeah- when you figure out the purpose of our existence- The Life- come back at me-
feeling peace of mind doesnt mean your on the right path. feeling peace of mind has nothing to do with imaan( faith)

well i guess its comes to knowledge again, if a person believes that god was born in a golden egg, or if he was praying to himself when he was crucified on the cross then let it be, in islam shirk is shirk, if a person chooses to go on the wrong path let it be. god also said that he will guide the person who is searching for to the correct path, if a person chooses not to find him out of the sake pleasing his shirk committing parents or friends, then he will stay on that path.

I said to my relative {he is a Muslim} that you are in a wrong way because you believe that your Pir can marge with Allah, he said he feels peace in his mind when he prays to Allah through remembering his Pir. He even bow down to his Pir, because he believes his Pir and Allah is the same thing as they are merged. He spends a lot time and money for this fake Pir to satisfy both the Allah and his pir, and find peace in these. He says if he were wrong, he would not get peace, that is why he even does not need to listen to me, therefore, I think he will be always giving his best efforts, but his method is wrong.

Stop judging others.
You are only responsible for your actions alone.

Good advise, but when someone breaches the basic tenet of Islam like saying he can marge with the soul of Allah, I can surely say he is in the wrong way, otherwise, I would follow whatever way I like and Allah can not blame me.
I said to my relative {he is a Muslim} that you are in a wrong way because you believe that your Pir can marge with Allah, he said he feels peace in his mind when he prays to Allah through remembering his Pir. He even bow down to his Pir, because he believes his Pir and Allah is the same thing as they are merged. He spends a lot time and money for this fake Pir to satisfy both the Allah and his pir, and find peace in these. He says if he were wrong, he would not get peace, that is why he even does not need to listen to me, therefore, I think he will be always giving his best efforts, but his method is wrong.

Good advise, but when someone breaches the basic tenet of Islam like saying he can marge with the soul of Allah, I can surely say he is wrong way, otherwise, I would follow whatever way I like and Allah can not blame me.

what exactly is your relative doing again?
Yeah- when you figure out the purpose of our existence- The Life- come back at me-

Why should life have a purpose? Why should we even search for it?
Well you know what...Allah lied :D

There will be no Peace , only WAR!

We are not talking about your mother here- we are talking about some ones God- be respectfull or shutup-

Why should life have a purpose? Why should we even search for it?

What is purpose for you?- can any thing exist without it?-
Why should anything have a purpose? can you explain?

A purpose is the phenomenon that already exists-
Since you dispute it- You should answer otherwise-
The question you asked is the first step towards a lot of different outcomes. What do you think could be the answer?

If Allah said peace comes only through praying the way he said, but still others are getting peace by praying differently, what could be wrong?
Somwe will say its cos the devil clogged your friends mind.
Some will say your friend did not experience the real peace yet.
Some will say.. perhaps the feeling of your friend or your belieg.. one of them is wrong.

What answer satisfies you the most? What answer makes you more curious and explore more? Do I believe ur friend when he says he experience s peace? Do you believe other humans when they express similar feeling? Do you empathize with them or do you want to believe only what you want to believe? More importantly.. the major question.. do you beleive what you know is true? Can you explain why you believe its true when that also has come to you from other humans?

I do not know, but if non-Muslims like the Hindus also feel the same divine peace as like the Muslims in their prayer, then I would say I have enough reason to be confused about Islam. Because their peace in other religion would not let them think for Islam, they will just say they are happy with their religion.

I have some other questions/confusions too:

1. Why Allah has the right to test me/trial me/hurt me/create me?

2. Allah says that he never does injustice, he says if you are put into a trial or we are hurt now, we will be rewarded later. Is not it like I keep my slave into starvation for 7 days and give him a lots of food later? Then what about the pains of those 7 days. Then is not it similar to whimsical?

3. Why the relationship between Allah and me is like Slave and Lord, why not friendly? Why he likes us to bend before him or go in prostration before him? Just because he created us and powerful than us? Is the relation of bowing before him respectful for Human?

4. Why the relationship between me and Allah is conditional from the side of Allah, I mean, if you obey his conditions, then you will be rewarded, otherwise will be punished. But, since I have been created which I did not want, then why I can not have any condition to apply, like I would say to Allah that you have created me which I did not want, so do not put me into hell, just spare me in the Earth.

5. Why there is no choice between Hell and Heaven? I mean if I do not want to obey Allah, why doesn't Allah just spare me in this earth? If someone obeys his conditions, he can be rewarded with Heaven, a batter place than this earth. But why we are compelled to choose between Hell and Heaven only? The choice should have been given between Heaven and this Earth, not hell.

6. Allah said, he does not need our prayer/worship for him, but we need to worship him for our reward in the hereafter. Does not it mean our prayers/worships have no value to him? It means I will pray to Allah or worship to Allah, but he does not need that at all, is not that disrespectful to me?

7. Why sometimes Allah gives us unbearable pains that some people even commit suicide?

8. Is not Allah is the biggest discriminator who created us differently and givens us different power, property, wisdom etc.?

9. Some people said that we will be judged based on our actions not fate, but is not our fate influence our actions? I can say about my case, I have committed some sins as I was frustrated with my fate/bad luck, like drinking in frustration. Suppose, I am a poor man, so I am not happy, so I do not obey Allah happily, and ultimately I lose my respect for Allah etc etc.. Although according to Allah you cannot be unhappy in any condition with Allah or Allah's any decree.

10. Allah says whatever he does to us is good for us, suppose someone has no child or he is blind by born, Allah says that, that is good for that person, may be if he had the eye sight, he could have been a terrorist. On the other hand, Allah says he can do everything, so why doesn't Allah just gave him the eye sight, and make that good for him? Why giving pain like blindness by born?

And lastly, I think I have enough reason to be confused, so if I do not believe in Islam blindly, Allah just can not blame me, he has given me the limitation of knowledge, on the other hand, he said to believe him blindly, even I have questions.
I do not know, but if non-Muslims like the Hindus also feel the same divine peace as like the Muslims in their prayer, then I would say I have enough reason to be confused about Islam. Because their peace in other religion would not let them think for Islam, they will just say they are happy with their religion.

The key here is: You do not know.
My question is: Who will you believe then? why will you believe them?

Just to give you food for thought. If you will only believe what your religion says (even on whom to believe), will your religion allow an even plane to let you get an unbiased view?

Think of religion as a language. Different religions as different languages. If you need to know what the other person is saying, you need to know the other persons language, you cannot interpret their sentences with your language. If you are interpreting his religious acts though what your religion says, do you think you will understand what exactly he means?
Since you have clicked this thread, so please ignore this thread after reading the first post if you can not understand the importance of this issue to me.

And also hoping that Mods will not close this thread until I get a satisfactory answer.

Now here is the question:

I ask Hindus, I ask Jews, I ask Christians, I ask Sikhs, that, "do you feel peace when you pray or after your prayer", they all say YES!

So my question is, being a Muslim, why would the non-Muslims feel the peace through their prayer, if they are not praying in the right way being Kafir. I hear that Allah gives us peace in our mind, if we offer prayer to Him, but how can then non-Muslims feel the peace through their prayer even it is done in wrong way, or done for anything else rather than Allah?

How can a Hindu feel the same peace like the Muslims feel when they worship to anything else rather than Allah? And how can Jews, Christians, Sikhs feel peace in their prayer being Kafir?

Also I know many people who are blind followers of some Pirs, and they are very dedicated for their Pirs, they sacrifice money, time, and physical labor in the name of fake Pirs, and they commit Shirk. They are Muslim, but believe in reincarnation, Fannah with Allah etc etc, and they feel peace in their activities but by doing in wrong ways by committing Shirks. Why?

So my main question is, does the feeling of peace come from Allah if we pray, or this feeling of peace is just a psychological effect because of submitting ourselves before someone/something blindly?

Allah uh Rabbul Alamin........Allah is God of all Universe

so not the God of Muslim.....
A purpose is the phenomenon that already exists-
Since you dispute it- You should answer otherwise-

You asked me to find a purpose for my life - or asked me if I know it. I fail to understand why I should find a purpose. I fail to understand why life should have a purpose. If you are willing to debate over this and not squarely put the burden of proof on me, I am more than willing to spend time and effort in this discussion.
Good advise, but when someone breaches the basic tenet of Islam like saying he can marge with the soul of Allah, I can surely say he is in the wrong way, otherwise, I would follow whatever way I like and Allah can not blame me.

Religion is not simple maths.
What you see as shirk might not be shirk for someone else. How can you be so sure that your judgement about others is perfect?
Looks like you are been infected by what we call in our country 'wahhabism'. my judgement again don't take it negatively but the point is they are hard liners and mostly responsible for sectarian violence.
for example one of my uncle started adopting wahhabism and one of few changes i noticed in him were he started calling shia kaffir, would not eat or drink with them (some of his friends were shia). and gradually he declared a social boycott with them.

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