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I need an answer, it's important to me.

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Because I have found that there is Allah through his creations and implications, and he said if you fear Allah and listen to Allah, you will be rewarded more than this World in the hereafter. If I were not a believer, I could think like you easily.

If I look around I see that people who work hard and follow a disciplined life are getting rewarded more in their life regardless of whether they fear Allah or not. I think I can be happy with that.
Unfortunately, you can not do that according to Islam. What is why even a good Hindu will go to hell according to Islam. this is the problem for some people

And what do you say about a good Hindu who believes in both Islam and Hinduism.....will he still be a kaafir?
People other then muslim think they are @ peace because they have never taste true peace and they are satisfied with it and what ever they do according to their religion wrong or right ,devil make

Devil is the biggest hypnotizer. He hypnotizes people who follow him so much so that those misguided people thought that they are perfectly guided and are at peace !

[The Noble Quran 6:43] If only they implored when our test afflicted them! Instead, their hearts were hardened, and the devil adorned their works in their eyes.

[The Noble Quran 7:30] Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of God, yet they believe that they are guided.

[The Noble Quran 16:63] By God, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution.

this answer is convincing, but I doubt that non Muslims like Jews/CHRISTANS would admit that more peace is in the Islamic way of prayer, (not saying about Islamic way of life).
if this were the truth, then it were a good news for the non Muslims, but according to Islam, you only have to go through Islam only. No other way is accepted according to Islam.

thats what i said if people across the globe believe thats true then everybody will be a muslim dont u think??only muslims believe that and nobody else..if there is a non muslim it means hes happy and peaceful with his religion.if not he'll convert in to islam.or an athiest.it all depends on beliefs.as long as u trust what u practice ur at peace.if quran says that non muslims dont find peace its worng for many others because they dont believe in it..u believe in it so ur a muslim.its same for all the religions there are people who are converting from islam or becoming atheists why do u think that they are doing that if they get peace by practising islam??got what im tryn to say??
But does that reflect what goes on in this world? The reality is 99% of the people, Muslim, non-Muslims alike either stick to their original religion or become non-religious. I am afraid Allah's version is out of touch with reality and there is an inherent discrimination in that.

If that was the matter in reality, how can our forefathers embraced Islam? Because their Fitraath guided them.
If that was the matter in reality, how can our forefathers embraced Islam? Because their Fitraath guided them.

So are you saying it used to be relevant but not anymore? Are you saying your future is dependent on your forefather's choice? Isn't that exactly opposite of what you told me a few posts ago? Everything evolves with time, how about having an amendment to make it more relevant now? Oh wait.....
That's an oxymoron.

not really amitabh bachan regularly prays at dargas and many other hindus do.many hindus participate in ramzan and many muslims in ganesh festivals and holi in india.thats a common view here.similary many go to temples and churches and gurudwars irrespective of their religion because they believe they'll be good doing so..dont look at the world with ur glasses..ethnocentrism is a serious disease.just because u believe in something doesnt mean that everybody who do not believe it is false
Mashallah, I hope we both die as Muslims, ameen.

Sometimes I think if I lose my Iman before I die, that is not my problem, because there are many confusions, and my intelligence is limited,
If that was the matter in reality, how can our forefathers embraced Islam? Because their Fitraath guided them.

well Sword played most important role Behind embracing Islam. nothing to do with Fitraath it was cultural invasion.
What peace is OP talking about..?There can be no peace when you consider your life a test and failure means eternal torture in hell..That was why even prophet muhammed used to be stressed up and cry in his prayers begging allah deliverance from hell..

Am talking about the peace felt in ourselves just after offer our prayer.
well Sword played most important role Behind embracing Islam. nothing to do with Fitraath it was cultural invasion.

i am not Islamic scholar but i have to disagree about cultural invasion its a way of life. n its brilliant.
And what do you say about a good Hindu who believes in both Islam and Hindustan.....will he still be a kaafir?

unfortunately, yes, according to Islam.
Because in Hinduism Hindus believe that other entities have power to guide/save/create people rather than Allah, but in Islam, Only Allah has power, nothing else has any power. If you believe anything has power to save you from your problem rather than Allah, you are committing SHIRK/big sin, and will no go to heaven unless you perform Tauba.
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