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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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If Hindus believe in ALLAH Jesus and others...they should be confused coz ALLAH's teachings are no god but HIM, Jesus is 3 in 1 and others are others...

Now tell me how can you equate NO GOD BUT ME to 3 in one to many idols?

Hindus believe there are many paths to attain salvation.

Since you are confusing a few things:

Brahman is the supreme soul, Brahman is formless, infinite and cannot be defined.

Then we have the Trimurti, a concept in Hinduism in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma (not Brahman) the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver and Shiva the destroyer or transformer. These three gods are addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara. Saraswati-Laxmi-Parvati respectively completes the trinity.

In Hinduism main gods are a few, you can add Ganesha, Karthikeya and Vishwakarma among the main gods, there seems to be many names as the gods have many avatars and many names, Parvati is worshiped in many avatars, Durga, Kali, Basanti, Jagaddhatri, Vaishno Devi, Annapurna, all are same. Vishnu has ten avatars, Ram & Krishna are avatars of Vishnu, they are not different gods.
Yes it can...I agreed to it when I first quoted you then someone came up and said they are not the same!

So you are "matlabi" and only go when you need something?

Better for whom?

No problem!
yes i'm matlabi!!
I go to temple when I need some positive energy and not because going to temple will solve my problem or will it fetch me good marks in my examination. I will have to face the consequence of my actions for sure.
In hinduism we give our karma more importance than our dharma. In short you just have to be a good individual!!

Ab bass i cant give you any more gyaan i am yaawning. Lol
jaane de!! :)
So remember when Ravana wanted to steal away Sita – He had Marich assume the form of a golden deer and walked the deer to the ashram. Sita said, “Ram look at that golden deer, I’ve never seen anything like that, please get that deer for me.” And Ram said, “I think this looks like a trick.” And Sita said, “No one can trick you, you are the hero of light, you are invincible, you are the Supreme Lord made manifest, just go ahead and get the deer for me.” And Ram said, “Sita, You have been in the forest with me for all these years (it had been thirteen years already, one more year was left to complete) and I haven’t been able to give you any comfort whatsoever, so certainly I will get the golden deer for you even though I think it is an illusion. Lakshman, you stay here and guard Sita.
So Sita was greedy?

Why were they in the forest?

If Ram is Supreme he would have snapped his fingers and the deer would have been lunch / dinner
If he was supreme why did he have to stay in the forest'
If he was supreme why on earth did he not SHOW Sita the trickster? Supreme means

highest in rank or authority.
very great or the greatest.

And so Ram went off in pursuit of the golden deer, and when the golden deer ran farther and farther away from the ashram and the hermitage, Ram knew that there was some deceit and trickery going on, still he moved in pursuit. Finally, he was well away from the ashram hermitage and he took the arrow in his bow, and he shot the arrow and it landed into the chest of the deer, and the deer immediately became a demon. And he called out in Ram’s voice, “Lakshman, I’m shot, I’m injured, I’m in the forest surrounded by demons, and I’m wounded and I’m unarmed and they are going to defeat me, please come immediately and help.” And the demon died.
Ram a Supreme Lord fell for the trick? How supreme is that?

When Sita heard the sound of Ram’s voice calling out, She said, “Lakshman, Go help your brother!” And Lakshman said, “Sita, Sita Maiya, no one can hurt Ram, he’s the Lord of the three worlds, this must be some trickery or deceit.” And Sita said, “How can I believe that this is trickery or deceit when my husband is calling out to me in anguish, please go and help him!” And Lakshman said, “Sita Maiya, I’ve been ordered by the Lord to stay here and guard you.” And Sita said, “I am the Queen, and I order you to go and find your brother!” And Lakshman said, “Sita, this is the first time I am disobeying an order from my brother, but because you have given me another order, I am going to follow your instructions. You go into the house, and don’t come out.”
He was soo far how did Sita's magic ears hear the voice?

What 3 worlds?

Husband? Lord was married?

Sita went in to the house. And Lakshman took an arrow, and he said the mantra, and he drew a line in the sand all the way around the house, which is called a Lakshman Rekha. He said, “No one can cross this line. Sita, You stay in the house, not for any reason at all will you cross this line. Don’t come out of the house. As long as You’re in the house you will be safe, and I will go find Ram.”

As soon as Lakshman departed and traveled some distance, Ravana, standing by in the woods, changed his appearance and came in the disguise of an old sadhu. And he came to the hermitage gate and he said, “Bhiksham Dehi, Bhavati Bhiksham Dehi.” Sita was stunned, “What sadhu will come to me in the middle of the day, asking bhiksha. It is my dharma as an aryan woman to give alms to any one who asks. She said to him, “Please, you stand there at the gate and I will bring you some food.”

Sita went inside the house to get some food, and Ravana came to the house and he tried to cross the line. And he couldn’t. Every time he stuck his finger over the line, blazing fire would jump up and sting him. He put his foot there, and the fire burned his foot. And in everyway Ravana tried to cross the Lakshman Rekha, he was unable. And then he understood.
A demon more clever than the wife of THE SUPREME LORD?

Sita, came to the line, and remembered Lakshman’s word. She said, “Sadhu Baba, please, put your hands next to this line, and I will hand you the food over the line.” And Ravana said, “What do you think I am, I’m a beggar that you will feed me from afar, you won’t bring the food to me and let me sit down and have an asan and a glass of water and a clean place to enjoy my meal! What kind of woman are you? Well, I’ll tell you what kind of sadhu am I. I see that you’re traveling in the forest with your husband and his brother, with two men. I see that your husband has gone off in pursuit of a deer. I see that your husband has been wounded in battle, and that his brother has left the hermitage, and he is going to help. I see that I’m going to give you a curse that your husband will die in this battle, and Ravana took some water. And Sita said, “No, No, No, Stop! Don’t give a curse to my husband, I’ll come and give you the food!”
What a nonsense beggar! Any sane woman would have smelled a rat! People feeding him and him being a bitch! Where did he get the water?
Ravana put down the water, Sita crossed the line, and Ravana took his actual dress, and his actual comportment and left his disguise as a sadhu. And said, “Sita, you belong with me.” And he picked her up and carried her away.

Your facts and sources are wrong about Lord ram is wrong.Jai sriram
A lord couldnt save his own wife, was tricked, had a brother who was also tricked! Who would pray to such an ordinary being?

Brahman never had a wife dear
Someone said Bhraman and Sita...I got confused :unsure:
This is hilarious!!
Dont give any random example, and answer my question. Its not about right or wrong but about a character who could be common in both the religious scriptures.

Hinduism is a very adaptive "religion".( Frankly I dont think its a religion but our way of life because unlike other religions we 're not compelled to go to temple on daily and hourly basis nor do we do good because we fear doom's day)
Not so long back hindus were non vegetarians but soon we adapted to something better. And thats exactly the reason why it has survived for so long. :)

Chalo buh-bye and good nite. I'm very sleepy now. Lolzz
Will reply back to your posts tomorrow.

More than half of the Hindus are still non-vegetarians! :D
Hindus believe there are many paths to attain salvation.

Since you are confusing a few things:

Brahman is the supreme soul, Brahman is formless, infinite and cannot be defined.

Then we have the Trimurti, a concept in Hinduism in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma (not Brahman) the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver and Shiva the destroyer or transformer. These three gods are addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara. Saraswati-Laxmi-Parvati respectively completes the trinity.

In Hinduism main gods are a few, you can add Ganesha, Karthikeya and Vishwakarma among the main gods, there seems to be many names as the gods have many avatars and many names, Parvati is worshiped in many avatars, Durga, Kali, Basanti, Jagaddhatri, Vaishno Devi, Annapurna, all are same. Vishnu has ten avatars, Ram & Krishna are avatars of Vishnu, they are not different gods.
What a complex religion how is this not confusing? The same Ram who got his wife kidnapped?
yes i'm matlabi!!
I go to temple when I need some positive energy and not because going to temple will solve my problem or will it fetch me good marks in my examination. I will have to face the consequence of my actions for sure.
In hinduism we give our karma more importance than our dharma. In short you just have to be a good individual!!

Ab bass i cant give you any more gyaan i am yaawning. Lol
jaane de!! :)

Positive energy? So god isnt everywhere to channel the energy? Just have to be a good individual wont settle well for criminals!
So Sita was greedy?

Why were they in the forest?

If Ram is Supreme he would have snapped his fingers and the deer would have been lunch / dinner
If he was supreme why did he have to stay in the forest'
If he was supreme why on earth did he not SHOW Sita the trickster? Supreme means

highest in rank or authority.
very great or the greatest.

Ram a Supreme Lord fell for the trick? How supreme is that?

He was soo far how did Sita's magic ears hear the voice?

What 3 worlds?

Husband? Lord was married?
What a complex religion how is this not confusing? The same Ram who got his wife kidnapped?

Please dont bother about Hinduism and also about RAM and SITA

They are fine in Heaven

ALL our stories are about Good and Bad ; Right and Wrong ;
Karma as we say ;Our GODS descend on Earth and also live in the midst of Humans
He was not the only one. There were thousands of primates. And he is god. And we dont take offense in praying to a primate...afterall they were our ancestors. And regarding other proofs, I'm feeling too sleepy now and got to go to office tomorrow. So, if you want to know other things, google with these key words..."dasavatara evolution". You may find some interesting facts....like this

How dasavatara is related with human evolution?
I meant scientific ones not religious!
Karma as we say ;Our GODS descend on Earth and also live in the midst of Humans
That is not possible! How can you live on earth as a human and be god? God doesnt have desires, humans do hence the humans have spouses and need food to sustain and stuff...god doesnt!
Why was he the ONLY one? Did he have kids? Is he the missing link?

Wait isnt he GOD not HUMAN?
Hindus believe that the world is created, destroyed, and recreated in an eternally repetitive series of cycles. It continuously moves from one Maha Yuga (great age) to the next, with each lasting for 4,320,000 years. Each Maha Yuga consists of a series of four shorter yugas, or ages, each of which is morally worse and of shorter duration than the age that preceded it. (See Hindu Cosmology for more details.)

At the end of 1,000 Maha Yugas (one day of the life of the world), the great god Vishnu will adopt the form of Shiva-Rudra and will destroy all life on earth. He will then usher in one night in the life of the world, a period lasting as long as 1,000 Maha yugas.

First Shiva-Rudra will enter the sun's rays and intensify them for 100 years. This will generate great heat. The excessive heat will evaporate all water on the face of the earth. All three worlds will be affected - heaven, earth, and the Underworld. They will all burn up from this intense heat. The great drought and scorching fire will create a wasteland. Famine will stalk the universe. By the time the 100-year period ends, no living creature will remain in the three worlds.

When the fires have consumed all life on the three worlds, Shiva-Rudra will exhale dreadful storm clouds. This will be accompanied by terrifying thunder and lightning. These clouds will move across the face of the earth, obscuring the sun and cloaking the world in darkness. Day and night, for 100 years, a deluge of rain will pour forth until everything in the world has been buried beneath the deep waters of a devastating flood. Besides the desolate sea, only the great god Vishnu will continue to exist, for the fire and flood will have destroyed all of the other gods along with the rest of all life.

Just as the great flood begins to bury all life, a large golden egg will appear. This egg will contain the seeds of all forms of life that existed in the world before the flood. As the world drowns, the egg will float safety upon the waters of the boundless ocean.

When the ocean completely covers all three worlds, Vishnu will exhale a drying wind. For 100 years this wind will blow across the world, dispersing the storm clouds. For the remainder of the 1,000 Maha Yugas, that night in the life of the world, Vishnu will sleep and the world will lie asleep also.

At the end of the long night of 1,000 Maha Yugas, Vishnu will awaken. A marvelous lotus flower will emerge from his navel, and Vishnu will emerge from the lotus flower in his creative form of Brahma, creator of life on earth. The lotus will become the foundation of the three worlds.

Once he has emerged from the blossom, Brahma will rest upon it. Brahma will break open the egg to initiate the process of rebirth. This will usher in the next day in the life of the world, a new period of 1,000 Maha Yugas.

Hindus believe that the image of all three worlds, complete with gods, demons, and human beings, exists within Brahma. First Brahma, the creator, will bring forth water, fire, air, wind, sky, and earth, with mountains and trees upon the earth. Then he will create the forms of time, as a way of organizing the universe.

Soon thereafter, Brahma will concentrate upon creating gods, demons, and human beings. First he will bring forth the demons from his buttocks. He will then cast off his body, creating the darkness we call night, which belongs to the enemies of the gods. Taking a second body, Brahma will bring forth the gods from his face. He will cast off this body as well, creating the lightness we call day, which belongs to the gods.

From successive bodies, Brahma's powers of concentration will bring forth human beings and Rakshasas, snakes and birds. Then Brahma will bring forth goats from his mouth, sheep from his chest, cows from his stomach, antelope, buffalo, camels, donkeys, elephants, and other animals from his arms and legs, horses from his feet, and plant life from the hair on his body.
Ram was an avatar of Vishnu, he was mortal with limitations and flaws of a human being.
Then he isnt god coz he wasnt perfect! Why would I want to pray to someone who has flaws like me when I can pray to a supreme one?

Honestly I am unable to understand what exactly you are saying or want to say

OUR views [ ie the views of Hindus ] and position on Idol Worship and Polytheism
are absolutely clear

Both Idol worship and Polytheism are PERFECTLY Valid ; genuine; useful ; beneficial
and above all spiritually consistent practices
ie consistent with what GOD and RELIGION mean to ANY Human being
OR what GOD and religion are all about as per any definition
All I am saying is anyone can call anything and go away with the Hinduism title...be they believe 1 god or many gods, be they not believe any gods!

We believe God is omnipresent
And Criminals are punished for their bad Karma
Who decides what is bad and who decides the punishment? Who is setting the standards?
What a complex religion how is this not confusing? The same Ram who got his wife kidnapped?
Because Lord vishnu was in is his human form and bound to follow this Rules &Weakness of the every human character (Maryada)related to it. Its was because of the boon by brahma to Ravana that he will killed only by comman Human.Rama follows every form of weakness of the human nature eventually he knows everything but he was living his duty living in as Maryada(Taboo) Purushottam RAM.eventually Iqbal Raised Rama character
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