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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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That is not possible! How can you live on earth as a human and be god? God doesnt have desires, humans do hence the humans have spouses and need food to sustain and stuff...god doesnt!

Our Gods descend on earth and Take Human form ie Avatars

They also live like a Human life ie Birth ; childhood ; education ; marriage ; children
WARS and righteousness ; grief and suffering and also bereavement and separation

BUT the thing is that they present an IDEAL way to live a human life
inspite of all challenges

Therefore they are GOD and worthy of worship
Because Lord vishnu was in is his human form and bound to follow this Rules &Weakness of the every human character (Maryada)related to it. Its was because of the boon by brahma to Ravana that he will killed only by comman Human.Rama follows every form of weakness of the human nature eventually he knows everything but he was living his duty living in as Maryada(Taboo) Purushottam RAM.eventually Iqbal Raised Rama character
So Lord almighty knows everything but still didnt stop chasing the deer?

Our Gods descend on earth and Take Human form ie Avatars

They also live like a Human life ie Birth ; childhood ; education ; marriage ; children
WARS and righteousness ; grief and suffering and also bereavement and separation

BUT the thing is that they present an IDEAL way to live a human life
inspite of all challenges

Therefore they are GOD and worthy of worship
When they have human traits they will also have negative human traits...Like chasing the deer...even knowing it is wrong...cant resisting temptations of a wife and so on? How is that worthy of worshiping? Its like worshiping a film hero...
Then he isnt god coz he wasnt perfect! Why would I want to pray to someone who has flaws like me when I can pray to a supreme one?

What is perfect? Did god created the world as a perfect place?

Avatars of Vishnu appeared on earth for a limited period to serve some specific purpose, here is the list of ten avatars.
You have to read a lot and give yourself some time to understand Hinduism, (in case you are genuinely interested :) ), Hinduism is vast and not so easy to grasp.

  1. Matsya, the fish, from the Satya Yuga. Vishnu takes the form of a fish to save Manu from apocalypse, after which he takes his boat to the new world along with one of every species of plant and animal, gathered in a massive cyclone.
  2. Kurma, the tortoise, from the Satya Yuga. When the devas and asuras were churning the Ocean of milk in order to get amrita, the nectar of immortality, the mount Mandara they were using as the churning staff started to sink and Vishnu took the form of a tortoise to bear the weight of the mountain.
  3. Varaha, the boar, from the Satya Yuga. He appeared to defeat Hiranyaksha, a demon who had taken the Earth, or Prithvi, and carried it to the bottom of what is described as the cosmic ocean in the story. The battle between Varaha and Hiranyaksha is believed to have lasted for a thousand years, which the former finally won. Varaha carried the Earth out of the ocean between his tusks and restored it to its place in the universe.
  4. Narasimha, the half-man/half-lion, from the Satya Yuga. The rakshasa (An evil person) Hiranyakashipu, the elder brother of Hiranyaksha, was granted a powerful boon from Brahma, not allowing him to be killed by man or animal, inside or out, day or night, on earth or the stars, with a weapon either living or inanimate. Vishnu descended as an anthropomorphic incarnation, with the body of a man and head and claws of a lion. He then disembowels the rakshasa at the courtyard threshold of his house, at dusk, with his claws, while he lay on his thighs.
  5. Vamana, the dwarf, from the Treta Yuga. The fourth descendant of Hiranyakashyap, Bali, with devotion and penance was able to defeat Indra, the god of firmament. This humbled the other deities and extended his authority over the three worlds. The gods appealed to Vishnu for protection and he descended as the dwarf Vamana. During a yajna of the king, Vamana approached him and Bali promised him for whatever he asked. Vamana asked for three paces of land. Bali agreed, and the dwarf then changed his size to that of a giant. He stepped over heaven in his first stride, and the netherworld with the second. Bali realized that Vamana was Vishnu incarnate. In deference, the king offered his head as the third place for Vamana to place his foot. The avatar did so and thus granted Bali immortality. Then in appreciation to Bali and his grandfather Prahlada, Vamana made him ruler of Pathala, the netherworld.
  6. Parashurama, warrior with the axe, from the Treta Yuga. He is son of Jamadagni and Renuka and received an axe after a penance to Shiva. He is the first Brahmin-Kshatriya in Hinduism, or warrior-saint, with duties between a Brahmana and a Kshatriya). King Kartavirya Arjuna and his army visited the father of Parashurama at his ashram, and the saint was able to feed them with the divine cow Kamadhenu. The king demanded the animal, Jamadagni refused, and the king took it by force and destroyed the ashram. Parashurama then killed the king at his palace and destroyed his army. In revenge, the sons of Kartavirya killed Jamadagni. Parashurama took a vow to kill every Kshatriya on earth twenty-one times over, and filled five lakes with their blood. Ultimately, his grandfather, rishi Rucheeka, appeared and made him halt. He is a Chiranjivi (immortal), and believed to be alive today in penance at Mahendragiri.
  7. Rama, the prince and king of Ayodhya, from the Treta Yuga. He is a commonly worshiped avatar in Hinduism, and is thought of as the ideal heroic man. His story is recounted in one of the most widely read scriptures of Hinduism, the Ramayana. While in exile from his own kingdom with his brother Lakshman and the monkey king Hanuman, his wife Sita was abducted by the demon king of Lanka, Ravana. He travelled to Ashoka Vatika in Lanka, killed the demon king and saved Sita.
  8. Krishna[4] was the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudev, from the Dwapara Yuga. He is also a frequently worshiped deity in Hinduism and an avatar in Vaishnava belief. He appeared alongside his elder brother Balarama. Balarama is regarded generally as an avatar of Shesha. However, Balarama is included as the eighth avatar of Vishnu in the Sri Vaishnava lists, where Buddha is omitted and Krishna appears as the ninth avatar in this list.[5] He particularly included in the lists, where Krishna is removed and becomes the source of all avatars.[6]
  9. Buddha: Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is generally included as an avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. Buddha may be depicted in Hindu scriptures as a preacher who deludes and leads demons and heretics away from the path of the Vedic scriptures. Another view praises him as a compassionate teacher who preached the path of ahimsa (non-violence).[4][5][7]
  10. Kalki ("Eternity", or "White Horse", or "Destroyer of Filth"), will be the final incarnation of Vishnu, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, our present epoch. He will be atop a white horse and his sword will be drawn, blazing like a comet. He is the harbinger of end time in Hindu eschatology, and will destroy all unrighteousness and evil at the end of Kali Yuga.
with each lasting for 4,320,000 years
So we were primates before and now we are humans....There is no evidence of these no. of years!

At the end of 1,000 Maha Yugas (one day of the life of the world), the great god Vishnu will adopt the form of Shiva-Rudra and will destroy all life on earth. He will then usher in one night in the life of the world, a period lasting as long as 1,000 Maha yugas.
So 1 day he will destroy and live in earth for 1 day?
First Shiva-Rudra will enter the sun's rays and intensify them for 100 years. This will generate great heat. The excessive heat will evaporate all water on the face of the earth. All three worlds will be affected - heaven, earth, and the Underworld. They will all burn up from this intense heat. The great drought and scorching fire will create a wasteland. Famine will stalk the universe. By the time the 100-year period ends, no living creature will remain in the three worlds.
Didnt some of you just say that there was no such thing as hell?
Any science behind any of this?

Besides the desolate sea, only the great god Vishnu will continue to exist, for the fire and flood will have destroyed all of the other gods along with the rest of all life.
Then how can you worship them?

Just as the great flood begins to bury all life, a large golden egg will appear. This egg will contain the seeds of all forms of life that existed in the world before the flood. As the world drowns, the egg will float safety upon the waters of the boundless ocean.
Sounds like a rip off the Noah's ark!

When the ocean completely covers all three worlds, Vishnu will exhale a drying wind. For 100 years this wind will blow across the world, dispersing the storm clouds. For the remainder of the 1,000 Maha Yugas, that night in the life of the world, Vishnu will sleep and the world will lie asleep also.
Why is everything so intensified into 100s and 1000s?

Supreme GOD sleeps? How is he SUPREME?

At the end of the long night of 1,000 Maha Yugas, Vishnu will awaken. A marvelous lotus flower will emerge from his navel, and Vishnu will emerge from the lotus flower in his creative form of Brahma, creator of life on earth. The lotus will become the foundation of the three worlds.
Who believes this stuff? :blink: Why lotus?

How will the lotus be foundation what happened to the egg?

Once he has emerged from the blossom, Brahma will rest upon it. Brahma will break open the egg to initiate the process of rebirth. This will usher in the next day in the life of the world, a new period of 1,000 Maha Yugas
So people will be born from an egg? Or will evolution happen again?

Why does god have a buttocks? He needs toilets? How is any of this supreme?

Then Brahma will bring forth goats from his mouth, sheep from his chest, cows from his stomach, antelope, buffalo, camels, donkeys, elephants, and other animals from his arms and legs, horses from his feet, and plant life from the hair on his body.
That's some hairy god! Too bad many Chinese and Europeans cant relate :fie:
So Lord almighty knows everything but still didnt stop chasing the deer?

When they have human traits they will also have negative human traits...Like chasing the deer...even knowing it is wrong...cant resisting temptations of a wife and so on? How is that worthy of worshiping? Its like worshiping a film hero...

No it is living a Human Life with all trials and tribulations and YET
following the path of righteousness

Ram and Krishna lived a human life and fought against evil and evildoers
Ram knew what was going to happen

The person called SITA was NOT kidnapped ; it was an illusion of Sita

Basically the epics are full of life lessons for ordinary mortals like us
ie do s and donts

The epics show that why Mistakes happen because of human weaknesses
and hence such weaknesses should be ironed out

The epics are a guides to leading an ideal life

@ashok mourya

Mate you will drive them CRAZY :lol:
No it is living a Human Life with all trials and tribulations and YET
following the path of righteousness

Ram and Krishna lived a human life and fought against evil and evildoers
Ram knew what was going to happen

The person called SITA was NOT kidnapped ; it was an illusion of Sita
So why couldnt human like prophet and messengers do these work? Why god had to come himself?

Illusion of Sita? where was the real one?

The epics show that why Mistakes happen because of human weaknesses
and hence such weaknesses should be ironed out
You mean not be human? We have weakness but that makes us human...in some's eyes to cry is a weakness while many see it the power of mercy and so on!
The epics are a guides to leading an ideal life
So they are only illusions?
Who believes this stuff? :blink: Why lotus?

The lotus is associated with several Hindu deities. Krishna is described as the "Lotus-Eyed One," referring to his divine beauty. Brahma and Lakshmi, the deities of potence and wealth, are often seen with the lotus symbol. Other deities associated with the lotus include Vishnu and Sarasvati.
So why couldnt human like prophet and messengers do these work? Why god had to come himself?

Illusion of Sita? where was the real one?

You mean not be human? We have weakness but that makes us human...in some's eyes to cry is a weakness while many see it the power of mercy and so on!

So they are only illusions?

No GODS must come on earth to do what Humans CANT
Humans have their limitations

The Real Sita was in heaven for some time till
all that kidnapping drama and Ravana's death happened

Thereafter she returned to earth to join her husband

The epics are NOT illusions ; we BELIEVE these things really happened
it is our faith our belief
So we were primates before and now we are humans....There is no evidence of these no. of years!

So 1 day he will destroy and live in earth for 1 day?

Didnt some of you just say that there was no such thing as hell?
Any science behind any of this?

Then how can you worship them?

Sounds like a rip off the Noah's ark!

Why is everything so intensified into 100s and 1000s?

Supreme GOD sleeps? How is he SUPREME?

Who believes this stuff? :blink: Why lotus?

How will the lotus be foundation what happened to the egg?

So people will be born from an egg? Or will evolution happen again?

Why does god have a buttocks? He needs toilets? How is any of this supreme?

That's some hairy god! Too bad many Chinese and Europeans cant relate :fie:

@Akheilos What is the scientific evidence behind flying angels coming and saying things to Prophet Muhammad?

Who believes these stuffs? :blink:

Btw, was Prophet Muhammad perfect?

There are things said about your prophet that we can't relate to someone holy! :fie:

But I will get banned if I go into that, no?

@SarthakGanguly Should I avoid a ban? :)

You are NOT the first person who has raised so many
doubts and questions about Hinduism

Hinduism has fascinated MANY scholars of other religions over the centuries
and continues to do so
PRIMARILY because of Polytheism and Avatars

The most important thing is what we believe and how we look at it
Matsya, the fish, from the Satya Yuga. Vishnu takes the form of a fish to save Manu from apocalypse, after which he takes his boat to the new world along with one of every species of plant and animal, gathered in a massive cyclone.
A fish riding a boat? what use were its fins?
Kurma, the tortoise, from the Satya Yuga. When the devas and asuras were churning the Ocean of milk in order to get amrita, the nectar of immortality, the mount Mandara they were using as the churning staff started to sink and Vishnu took the form of a tortoise to bear the weight of the mountain.
Sounds like something from the Greek legend!

Why couldnt he just use his never ending powers? Does he have any powers except to change in other forms?

Narasimha, the half-man/half-lion, from the Satya Yuga. The rakshasa (An evil person) Hiranyakashipu, the elder brother of Hiranyaksha, was granted a powerful boon from Brahma, not allowing him to be killed by man or animal, inside or out, day or night, on earth or the stars, with a weapon either living or inanimate. Vishnu descended as an anthropomorphic incarnation, with the body of a man and head and claws of a lion. He then disembowels the rakshasa at the courtyard threshold of his house, at dusk, with his claws, while he lay on his thighs.
Why become a creature to do your bidding and not just wave your hand ...Arent you the supreme one?

Vamana, the dwarf, from the Treta Yuga. The fourth descendant of Hiranyakashyap, Bali, with devotion and penance was able to defeat Indra, the god of firmament. This humbled the other deities and extended his authority over the three worlds. The gods appealed to Vishnu for protection and he descended as the dwarf Vamana. During a yajna of the king, Vamana approached him and Bali promised him for whatever he asked. Vamana asked for three paces of land. Bali agreed, and the dwarf then changed his size to that of a giant. He stepped over heaven in his first stride, and the netherworld with the second. Bali realized that Vamana was Vishnu incarnate. In deference, the king offered his head as the third place for Vamana to place his foot. The avatar did so and thus granted Bali immortality. Then in appreciation to Bali and his grandfather Prahlada, Vamana made him ruler of Pathala, the netherworld.
I thought he already created all 3 worlds, why needing to squish other heads?

Bali was able to defeat a god? that isnt a god then!

Parashurama took a vow to kill every Kshatriya on earth twenty-one times over, and filled five lakes with their blood.
So god is vengeance?

was the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudev, from the Dwapara Yuga. He is also a frequently worshiped deity in Hinduism and an avatar in Vaishnava belief.
God was born? Doesnt sound godly :unsure:
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