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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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Every moment is exaggerated...No one says those when they are sleeping

The 102nd Verse of the 52nd Chapter (Sarga) goes:
Having hunted there four deer, namely Varaaha, Rishya, Prisata; and Mahaaruru (the four principal species of deer) and taking quickly the portions that were pure, being hungry as they were, Rama and Lakshmana reached a tree to take rest in the evening.

Later, Sita said to Ravana (disguised as a sage):
My husband Ram will come back soon with many kinds of wild fruits and plentiful of meat by hunting ruru (a kind of deer), varaha (wild boar) and godha (iguana). Now you please be kind and tell me your name, your gotra (clan or lineage) to which you belong and what you are roaming in this lonely forest for?" (tr. Ibid, p-323).

There are several other verses that suggest that Ram was not vegetarian.

Was Ram and Sita Rakshasas, Pisacha and so on ??
Check out the conversation you will find your answer
hmm... maybe, u didn't but, I inferred it.
when one group call itself pure, it means others are not pure, thats the only logical conclusion...

any way i didn't took.your words seriously, i know answering many, in a hostile thread do many time boils your blood...:D
In fact my blood is cool...I am munching on a sandwich with coke...

I never talked about the followers...pure or impure was always about religion an mainly about Islam...So thank you for showing me how much twisting one can do in tension! :tup:
My purpose was not to demerit!

But many of you here on this forum CLEARLY voiced out that you would ONLY accept a Muslim or Christian if he accepts your heritage (including idol worship - read first 10 pages coz people still agreed to it and see how many likes each of the post got)

Yet many of you here just agreed you have PERSONALIZED gods...who DONT INTERFERE with each other's business...hence it is not the same god with MANY avatars as you said!

There are all kinds of Hindus ; liberal ; conservative ; even atheists
who just have a Hindu name

I dont want to comment on what others believe in

Of course having PERSONALISED GODS is also a trait of Hinduism
just as believing in Avatars or forms of One supreme God is

I would use the term FAVOURITE GOD rather than personalised God

The two LINES of thinking are NOT contradictory or opposed to each other

Hinduism is ALL about FREEDOM of choice

SO the Hindus here who have their own personalised or favourite God
are NOT violating any Tenet of HInduism
Compare few days to YEARS is not at all logical!

Few YEARS ago America was all for going to IRAQ now IRAQ war is termed a mistake....
This is hilarious!!
Dont give any random example, and answer my question. Its not about right or wrong but about a character who could be common in both the religious scriptures.
Because those 4 sects dont believe in such worship so it makes a difference!
Hinduism is a very adaptive "religion".( Frankly I dont think its a religion but our way of life because unlike other religions we 're not compelled to go to temple on daily and hourly basis nor do we do good because we fear doom's day)
Not so long back hindus were non vegetarians but soon we adapted to something better. And thats exactly the reason why it has survived for so long. :)

Chalo buh-bye and good nite. I'm very sleepy now. Lolzz
Will reply back to your posts tomorrow.
End of the thread - There is one GOD and only one true religion. Rest (that is us) are going to hell. :D Good Night everyone. They Good. We Bad. :(

Can you please explain what was the role of Hazrat Krishna (as)? And where can I read more about him.. Sorry to butt in like this.
Why was he the ONLY one? Did he have kids? Is he the missing link?

Wait isnt he GOD not HUMAN?
He was not the only one. There were thousands of primates. And he is god. And we dont take offense in praying to a primate...afterall they were our ancestors. And regarding other proofs, I'm feeling too sleepy now and got to go to office tomorrow. So, if you want to know other things, google with these key words..."dasavatara evolution". You may find some interesting facts....like this

How dasavatara is related with human evolution?
This is hilarious!!
Dont give any random example, and answer my question. Its not about right or wrong but about a character who could be common in both the religious scriptures.
Yes it can...I agreed to it when I first quoted you then someone came up and said they are not the same!

Hinduism is a very adaptive "religion".( Frankly I dont think its a religion but our way of life because unlike other religions we 're not compelled to go to temple on daily and hourly basis nor do we do good because we fear doom's day)
So you are "matlabi" and only go when you need something?

Not so long back hindus were non vegetarians but soon we adapted to something better. And thats exactly the reason why it has survived for so long. :)
Better for whom?

Will reply back to your posts tomorrow.
No problem!
Dear GOD what language is that...I understood ONLY1 word from each sentence !

Why was he the ONLY one? Did he have kids? Is he the missing link?

Wait isnt he GOD not HUMAN?

So remember when Ravana wanted to steal away Sita – He had Marich assume the form of a golden deer and walked the deer to the ashram. Sita said, “Ram look at that golden deer, I’ve never seen anything like that, please get that deer for me.” And Ram said, “I think this looks like a trick.” And Sita said, “No one can trick you, you are the hero of light, you are invincible, you are the Supreme Lord made manifest, just go ahead and get the deer for me.” And Ram said, “Sita, You have been in the forest with me for all these years (it had been thirteen years already, one more year was left to complete) and I haven’t been able to give you any comfort whatsoever, so certainly I will get the golden deer for you even though I think it is an illusion. Lakshman, you stay here and guard Sita.

And so Ram went off in pursuit of the golden deer, and when the golden deer ran farther and farther away from the ashram and the hermitage, Ram knew that there was some deceit and trickery going on, still he moved in pursuit. Finally, he was well away from the ashram hermitage and he took the arrow in his bow, and he shot the arrow and it landed into the chest of the deer, and the deer immediately became a demon. And he called out in Ram’s voice, “Lakshman, I’m shot, I’m injured, I’m in the forest surrounded by demons, and I’m wounded and I’m unarmed and they are going to defeat me, please come immediately and help.” And the demon died.

When Sita heard the sound of Ram’s voice calling out, She said, “Lakshman, Go help your brother!” And Lakshman said, “Sita, Sita Maiya, no one can hurt Ram, he’s the Lord of the three worlds, this must be some trickery or deceit.” And Sita said, “How can I believe that this is trickery or deceit when my husband is calling out to me in anguish, please go and help him!” And Lakshman said, “Sita Maiya, I’ve been ordered by the Lord to stay here and guard you.” And Sita said, “I am the Queen, and I order you to go and find your brother!” And Lakshman said, “Sita, this is the first time I am disobeying an order from my brother, but because you have given me another order, I am going to follow your instructions. You go into the house, and don’t come out.”

Sita went in to the house. And Lakshman took an arrow, and he said the mantra, and he drew a line in the sand all the way around the house, which is called a Lakshman Rekha. He said, “No one can cross this line. Sita, You stay in the house, not for any reason at all will you cross this line. Don’t come out of the house. As long as You’re in the house you will be safe, and I will go find Ram.”

As soon as Lakshman departed and traveled some distance, Ravana, standing by in the woods, changed his appearance and came in the disguise of an old sadhu. And he came to the hermitage gate and he said, “Bhiksham Dehi, Bhavati Bhiksham Dehi.” Sita was stunned, “What sadhu will come to me in the middle of the day, asking bhiksha. It is my dharma as an aryan woman to give alms to any one who asks. She said to him, “Please, you stand there at the gate and I will bring you some food.”

Sita went inside the house to get some food, and Ravana came to the house and he tried to cross the line. And he couldn’t. Every time he stuck his finger over the line, blazing fire would jump up and sting him. He put his foot there, and the fire burned his foot. And in everyway Ravana tried to cross the Lakshman Rekha, he was unable. And then he understood.

Sita, came to the line, and remembered Lakshman’s word. She said, “Sadhu Baba, please, put your hands next to this line, and I will hand you the food over the line.” And Ravana said, “What do you think I am, I’m a beggar that you will feed me from afar, you won’t bring the food to me and let me sit down and have an asan and a glass of water and a clean place to enjoy my meal! What kind of woman are you? Well, I’ll tell you what kind of sadhu am I. I see that you’re traveling in the forest with your husband and his brother, with two men. I see that your husband has gone off in pursuit of a deer. I see that your husband has been wounded in battle, and that his brother has left the hermitage, and he is going to help. I see that I’m going to give you a curse that your husband will die in this battle, and Ravana took some water. And Sita said, “No, No, No, Stop! Don’t give a curse to my husband, I’ll come and give you the food!”

Ravana put down the water, Sita crossed the line, and Ravana took his actual dress, and his actual comportment and left his disguise as a sadhu. And said, “Sita, you belong with me.” And he picked her up and carried her away.

Your facts and sources are wrong about Lord ram is wrong.Jai sriram
There are all kinds of Hindus ; liberal ; conservative ; even atheists
who just have a Hindu name
That doesnt make them Hindu! Terrorists have Muslim names but we never want them to be Muslims just to be proud to count the number of Muslims or the flexibility of a religion!

Of course having PERSONALISED GODS is also a trait of Hinduism
just as believing in Avatars or forms of One supreme God is

I would use the term FAVOURITE GOD rather than personalised God

The two LINES of thinking are NOT contradictory or opposed to each other

Hinduism is ALL about FREEDOM of choice

SO the Hindus here who have their own personalised or favourite God
are NOT violating any Tenet of HInduism
So far what I gather is as long as you breath you are a Hindu...What's so grand about it...You call it Hindu I call it being alive!
"In the beginning, my dear, this [universe] was Being (Sat) alone, one only without a second."
(Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.1 also Aitareya Upanishad 1.1.1)

"All this that we see in the world is Brahman."
sarvam khalv idam brahma. (Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1)

"Brahman is Reality, Knowledge, and Infinity."
(Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1.3)
That doesnt make them Hindu! Terrorists have Muslim names but we never want them to be Muslims just to be proud to count the number of Muslims or the flexibility of a religion!

So far what I gather is as long as you breath you are a Hindu...What's so grand about it...You call it Hindu I call it being alive!

Honestly I am unable to understand what exactly you are saying or want to say

OUR views [ ie the views of Hindus ] and position on Idol Worship and Polytheism
are absolutely clear

Both Idol worship and Polytheism are PERFECTLY Valid ; genuine; useful ; beneficial
and above all spiritually consistent practices
ie consistent with what GOD and RELIGION mean to ANY Human being
OR what GOD and religion are all about as per any definition
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