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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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Of course ; SOLDIERS worship their guns as do dacoits

And craftsmen too worship their tools
This is a another form of polytheism
That is not the worship you are talking about...Worship meaning extreme appreciation is different to bowing and asking things from an idol!

Oh that's different and an awesome story - the allegation involves incest. Read about it, you can fire cheap shots later. Make sure you take it literally(a cardinal sin in any Dharmic faith). Only then it's fun. :P Otherwise it boils down to mundane philosophical questions about importance of education and life etc.
ewww...no thanks! I think I will pass!
Reassuring for what?

My question is not what your gods can do or not but why?

Reassuring in the sense that you KNOW whom you are talking too

Just as we talk to a HUMAN being by looking at his/ her face
same way you look at an idol and communicate with God

If you just say your prayers without looking at some one
it kinds of feels very IMPERSONAL

Idol worship makes for a personal and direct connection between Man and God
The very first pillar itself is a very narrow version of god it sounds like my way or highway however Hindus do believe in Allah Jesus or their own gods/goddesses as same ..... Many Hindus pay visit to non Hindus religious shrine from Ajmer Sharif to hazi Ali to Goa churches......
If Hindus believe in ALLAH Jesus and others...they should be confused coz ALLAH's teachings are no god but HIM, Jesus is 3 in 1 and others are others...

Now tell me how can you equate NO GOD BUT ME to 3 in one to many idols?

Reassuring in the sense that you KNOW whom you are talking too

Just as we talk to a HUMAN being by looking at his/ her face
same way you look at an idol and communicate with God

If you just say your prayers without looking at some one
it kinds of feels very IMPERSONAL

Idol worship makes for a personal and direct connection between Man and God
Does god want to be created by its creation?

:( But I did not invent those terms(believer/non believer) now did I? :D
Hell, in my faith there is nothing called that! In fact there is not eternal hellfire or anything either. :P
so what will happen to hitler? thats it 1 bullet and he is dead for killing 6 million?

Then why do good when there is nothing waiting for you? Lets go rob a bank?
My question is not what your gods can do or not but why?

Has man ever been able to answer this question ?

Why does GOD do what what he does

So in Hinduism every act of God is NOT about attributing the act to
a particular diety ; NO blame game happens if that is what you are alluding to

A person can shift to another diety if he wishes
ie if he is not satisfied with his current diety :-)

That is freedom for you and also the advantages of Polytheism
I never called you impure...Plz dont put words in my mouth!

I called adulteration of a religion impure as a synonym...Plz dont quote me out of context for your fun so others can come an comment and bash!

:tsk: sad to see your thought process is soo extreme!
hmm... maybe, u didn't but, I inferred it.
when one group call itself pure, it means others are not pure, thats the only logical conclusion...

any way i didn't took.your words seriously, i know answering many, in a hostile thread do many time boils your blood...:D
hmmm...what about horses or goats?

So then why do some Hindus still eat meat the thing you honour? or more like why do you honor the cow soo much you dont eat it? or some stick to chicken ....That is more than honour when you refuse to eat it...

We have a verse in the QURAN which says it is common for many not to want to leave what their forefathers were doing...its innate habit!

And another thing is the way it spread to India wasnt all peaceful after the Moghuls came in!

Yes to both

My initial question was why do you need soo many? Isnt one enough?
Again doesnt answer my question why so many?

For Abrahamic faith GOD is a strong supreme creator who is self sustained and doesnt require "deity helpers"

Why does Hindu god require deity helpers? Why isnt he strong enough to handle everything himself?

Just read the first 10 pages of this thread and you will see!
In hinduism peoples are classified as devgana or rakhyasgana according their deed including eating non veg.
Anumantaa vishasitaa nihantaa krayavikrayee
Samskartaa chopahartaa cha khadakashcheti ghaatakaah
Manusmrithi 5.51

Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for slaughter; those who slaughter; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of it; those who serve that
meat and those who eat are all murderers.

Breehimattam yavamattamatho maashamatho tilam
Esha vaam bhaago nihito ratnadheyaaya dantau maa hinsishtam pitaram maataram cha
Atharvaveda 6.140.2

O teeth! You eat rice, you eat barley, you gram and you eat sesame. These cereals are specifically meant for you. Do not kill those who are capable of being fathers and mothers.

Anago hatya vai bheema kritye
Maa no gaamashvam purusham vadheeh
Atharvaveda 10.1.29

It is definitely a great sin to kill innocents. Do not kill our cows, horses and people.

Urjam no dhehi dwipade chatushpade
Yajurveda 11.83

“May all bipeds and quadrupeds gain strength and nourishment”

This mantra is recited by Hindus before every meal. How could the same philosophy which prays for well-being of every soul in every moment of life, approve of killing animals?

Meat eaters have always been looked down upon in Vedic literature. They have been known as Rakshasas, Pisacha and so on…. All these words are synonyms of demons or devils that have been out-cast from the civilized human society.
This is as much a violation of rules of PDF banning religious threads as any made by Muslims. Where are the Mods?

@Jango @Oscar @Jungibaaz and others

You will not find me adorned in saffron and shouting hoarse in a crowded market place or at a public gathering that I am a proud Hindu. Neither will you hear me speak of the hidden truth of the great Hindu scriptures or sermonize an unwilling entity on the Vedanta philosophy over buttered scones and tea. I have never found a reason to do any such thing simply because I lack adequate knowledge and even if I were to possess enough of it for arguments sake, I would not see a reason to blow my trumpet unless I am ‘pushed’ to do it. When would I be ‘pushed’ to do such things? If somebody scorns or mocks at the tenets of which Hinduism is based upon, I would then deem it necessary to argue rationally on the merits of the case without making a spectacle of myself. But, this is a highly individualistic display and there are many who well and truly cannot help but make a spectacle of themselves simply because their emotions get in their way. Frankly, even I am not sure as an educated individual if I could garner the gumption to be rationally argumentative and not emotionally argumentative. There is something about religion that always touches the ‘ raw’ nerves. At some point or the other, each one of us have fallen victims to this ‘soft’ spot and even borne the brunt of being termed a bigot.

The fundamental tenets of Hinduism are based on pluralism. In a 1995 judgment, theSupreme Court of India ruled that “Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism … it is a fallacy and an error of law to proceed on the assumption … that the use of words Hindutva or Hinduism per se depicts an attitude hostile to all persons practicing any religion other than the Hindu religion … It may well be that these words are used in a speech to promote secularism or to emphasize the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos, or to criticize the policy of any political party as discriminatory or intolerant.” Crystal clear in my opinion, what more needs to be explained. When somebody talks of how intolerant Hindus are, I simply say to them that they cannot be following the Hindutva way of life, the one that universally embraces the same values and aspirations.

There is a group that raises its powerful head quite often; lets call them the Illuminati for now. This is a highly educated, influential and affluent group. You will find this group in all walks of life, influencing behavior of others with an agenda best known to them. They pretend they are not religious, they pretend to be democratic and yet they carry with them a sword that tears into every audible murmur that a Hindu will make and will try to take him to the gallows at every given opportunity. The Illuminati at the same time turns a blind eye to reason, facts and factualism are usually relegated to the back burners. If their target so as to dares to substantiate a point of view with credence, the target is immediately zeroed in and labeled as an enthusiastic member of the saffron brigade. They are also termed as the bigots who are tearing down the very fundamentals on which the constitution of this country is drafted upon. You will never hear the last of the logic of the Illuminati; usually blaring at you from those tiny squares on prime time lop sided TV debates. Pretty much like the Illuminati of the yesteryears who were however more productive, this not so secret society conspires to establish a new world order. You will find them peeping in movies, magazines, newspapers, television shows and yes, you will find them pulling the strings. More recently, you will also find them laughing and jeering at the ongoing Science Congress which until recently has probably not even dared to rake up the science of the Vedas. It is not about examining into evidences of flights of fantasy that were taken by Indians a long time before Pratibha Patil took them, it is about debunking, refuting the probability of this concept entirely without examination. To the Illuminati, Hinduism is a myth; the sacred texts of the Ramayana and Mahabharata are a mythology in its exact sense even if all other sacred texts that bear no relation with Hinduism are factual Science. But what is their agenda one may ask and the reason for this rather well organized and well funded display of solidarity against all things Hindutva? For one, the core agenda is to shake the roots of which the principles of Hindutva are based upon and to stunt the growth of Hinduism. I must agree with Shashi Tharoor who rightly stated – “To mock the credulous exaggerations of the Hindutva brigade, you don’t need to debunk the genuine accomplishments of ancient Indian science!”

A stone Ganesha cannot drink milk and plastic surgery on the elephant God is labeled ludicrous. Yet a stone Mother can weep blood and the veritableness of Immaculate Conception is not debated upon. Our texts state that even many Hindu Gods and Goddesses had their holy offspring’s via immaculate conception. Why not discuss the significance of these events so carefully drafted in religious scriptures as the foundation for modern day reproductive techniques like IUI and IVF? But, will it be discussed? I am a proud and devout Hindu. I enjoy debating and I strongly encourage multiple narratives, I am a liberal, I am not ashamed of my religion and I will not permit my religion to be made a mockery of and will air my ‘limited’ knowledge without fear of being run down. But how many do?

Times Of India | Blogs

I can't find words to describe it , an excellent article that projects the inner feelings of every self respected hindu towards the so called liberals who are at great service to the nation in protecting its secular fibre from evil hindus....

@Soumitra , @ranjeet, @SarthakGanguly ,@Lord Zen ,@Tshering22 , @levina , @Sidak your thoughts ??
Then why do good when there is nothing waiting for you? Lets go rob a bank?
Let me reverse the question. Why do bad? Why not do good instead? :)

I do good because it makes me feel good. You have to find your reason. If it is because of religious diktat alone, then I can't help. :( My morality DOES NOT depend on my faith. - This is what I can say. @levina - Insights...

Does god want to be created by its creation?
I would think it would be delightful. Plus, I don't think God wants anything. :D
Does god want to be created by its creation?

We are NOT creating God ; just an image ; a picture

SO that we know who are we referring to; talking to ; and connecting with

Just as TODAY we look at the pictures of our loved ones
who are away from us; on facebook :-)

And GOD is so far away ; what should we do ; Just look at the skies
So I have mine about Islam no problem then ......

Whats wrong with worshiping many gods and goddess ?

Well, 1stly if there is more of it ...its not unique.
2ndly, if they have human attributes they are not special/ unique
Humans are one of creatures of god which meant us to hold humane traits by acting righteously like speaking truth, be kind to others n etc n so these above sacred attributes makes our god unique which all of us could not inculcate despite being on earth for a such a long time.....
You might have diff version of god which might have different values for you to follow....
How is this answering my question?

3dly, why would you want to bow to semi something when you can do to 1 who is supreme and ABOVE ALL?

How do you know you are supreme than me or vice versa ? I mean how n plz don't create reference from your own religion.....

I would know if 1 can handle what 100000s are handling...def that ONE is supreme as compared to the 100000s
4thly, in Hinduism and OTHER religions like Roman and Greek...the gods fought...how is that not scary? GOD (a supreme one who knows it all) fighting with another of that kind....and then having Greek and Roman gods come to earth for sexual desires?

Which god fought with ? Kindly elaborate this one .... Sexual desire ? Do you even understand the purpose of incarnation?
I am talking about the likes of Roman and Greek gods having more than 1 will abrupt in fights...and their gods did indulge in sexual desires!

5thly, why do you need soo many?
I need few thousands more what's wrong in it ?
The very fact that you need more than 1 looses its uniqueness and supremeness!
6th, is the supreme one not self sufficient enough to control all that he needs more "to help him"?

What is definition of supreme one?
The 1 who ALONE can handle it all! THAT is the definition of supreme!

You have Hindu and then you have non Hindu - those who dont believe in the many gods, who dont follow the vedas and Upanishids
Well no...But when I dont bow to your gods (which is different to accepting them as your gods and if you want to bow them your choice) nor do I follow your books ...Then how can I be a Hindu?

Show me a proof where a Hindu term is mentioned in any our religious book ?
Vedantist or whatever you wanna call it!
So either the philosophy is wrong or it is just an apologist view?

Not wrong but who are linking "Hindu" to certain religious belief has dogma n insecurity...
Tell that to your brothers on this thread! :tup:

Let me reverse the question. Why do bad? Why not do good instead? :)

I do good because it makes me feel good. You have to find your reason. If it is because of religious diktat alone, then I can't help. :( My morality DOES NOT depend on my faith. - This is what I can say. @levina - Insights...
It makes you feel god? who or what makes? who thought you that is good? I mean a bank robber will tell you robbing is good...how do we know we are not doing wrong?

I would think it would be delightful. Plus, I don't think God wants anything. :D
Yes he doesnt...but then why do we make his images?

We are NOT creating God ; just an image ; a picture
But why are you doing so?
SO that we know who are we referring to; talikng to ; and connecting with
Cant you feel it? Is your faith not strong enough?
Just as TODAY we look at the pictures of our loved ones
who are away from us; on facebook :-)
We also feel wind on the face we cant see it but we know its there...Why cant we feel god in the same way? We can see perect mountains standing and not falling all over...we can see the universe unfolding and not collapsing, we can see using ultra sound the unborn growing ....Are these not enough to make us feel?
And GOD is so far away ; what should we do ; Just look at the skies
God is far? who said that?

if he is not satisfied with his current diety
How can you not be satisfied by god?

You have NOT presented any COGENT arguement against the DEMERITS of
Polytheism or Idol Worship

We Hindus dont have any problems with Monotheistic religions

Even Hinduism believes in ONE Supreme God ; who can take
ANY or many AVATARS ; or forms

But Hinduism does not Give a FIXED name to the supreme

It all depends on your choice
Hindu Heritage is not limited to "false" idol worship. Dharmic( which is a more proper term) heritage is integrated with the very fabric of Indian culture & civilization... No body is saying that they need to go to a temple or pray to Hindu gods. And like i said before there is no compulsion & nobody is forcing anyone to accept anything. Just a recognition would be more than enough. After all it's always an individual choice.

That is fine. Calling it Indian heritage would make an Indian proud. Calling it Hindu heritage has two problems: Non-Hindus (and I don't mean Atheist Hindus), especially, Muslims, cannot connect to it as paganism and Islam are almost the opposite; the average proud Indian Muslim will not necessarily feel proud of every element of "Hindu" culture that his Hindu neighbor does. All I was trying to say is that 'Indian' would be a bit more accurate.

Mehndi ceremony is cultural heritage mostly limited to the sub continent, just because Pakistanis follow Islam doesn't mean they have to get done with it.

Once again with that retarded comparison.
A stone Ganesha cannot drink milk and plastic surgery on the elephant God is labeled ludicrous. Yet a stone Mother can weep blood and the veritableness of Immaculate Conception is not debated upon. Our texts state that even many Hindu Gods and Goddesses had their holy offspring’s via immaculate conception. Why not discuss the significance of these events so carefully drafted in religious scriptures as the foundation for modern day reproductive techniques like IUI and IVF? But, will it be discussed? I am a proud and devout Hindu. I enjoy debating and I strongly encourage multiple narratives, I am a liberal, I am not ashamed of my religion and I will not permit my religion to be made a mockery of and will air my ‘limited’ knowledge without fear of being run down. But how many do?

It was making sense until the last paragraph when it went down the hinduvta drain. It is because of these idiotic claims even the actual scientific achievements are also getting clouded and being laughed at. It is a classic case of boy cries the wolf.

No scientific community in world consider stone Mother weeping blood or virgin Mary as scientific facts, it's not debated upon because there's nothing to debate, it's considered a matter of faith just as Ganesha's head and Pushpak Rath. But when you try to present mythology as science at Govt organized Science congress then you only not make a fool out of yourself but make the whole country or other proud hindus look fool as well.
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