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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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In hinduism peoples are classified as devgana or rakhyasgana according their deed including eating non veg.
Anumantaa vishasitaa nihantaa krayavikrayee
Samskartaa chopahartaa cha khadakashcheti ghaatakaah
Manusmrithi 5.51

Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for slaughter; those who slaughter; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of it; those who serve that
meat and those who eat are all murderers.

Breehimattam yavamattamatho maashamatho tilam
Esha vaam bhaago nihito ratnadheyaaya dantau maa hinsishtam pitaram maataram cha
Atharvaveda 6.140.2

O teeth! You eat rice, you eat barley, you gram and you eat sesame. These cereals are specifically meant for you. Do not kill those who are capable of being fathers and mothers.

Anago hatya vai bheema kritye
Maa no gaamashvam purusham vadheeh
Atharvaveda 10.1.29

It is definitely a great sin to kill innocents. Do not kill our cows, horses and people.

Urjam no dhehi dwipade chatushpade
Yajurveda 11.83

“May all bipeds and quadrupeds gain strength and nourishment”

This mantra is recited by Hindus before every meal. How could the same philosophy which prays for well-being of every soul in every moment of life, approve of killing animals?

Meat eaters have always been looked down upon in Vedic literature. They have been known as Rakshasas, Pisacha and so on…. All these words are synonyms of demons or devils that have been out-cast from the civilized human society.
Every moment is exaggerated...No one says those when they are sleeping

The 102nd Verse of the 52nd Chapter (Sarga) goes:
Having hunted there four deer, namely Varaaha, Rishya, Prisata; and Mahaaruru (the four principal species of deer) and taking quickly the portions that were pure, being hungry as they were, Rama and Lakshmana reached a tree to take rest in the evening.

Later, Sita said to Ravana (disguised as a sage):
My husband Ram will come back soon with many kinds of wild fruits and plentiful of meat by hunting ruru (a kind of deer), varaha (wild boar) and godha (iguana). Now you please be kind and tell me your name, your gotra (clan or lineage) to which you belong and what you are roaming in this lonely forest for?" (tr. Ibid, p-323).

There are several other verses that suggest that Ram was not vegetarian.

Was Ram and Sita Rakshasas, Pisacha and so on ??
Akheilos said:
What just coz something is old it is automatically correct?

Hitler is older than you and me...was he automatically correct? Answer that !
What kinda logic is that??
My first post on this thread which you'd quoted was about how other religions 're similar to Hinduism and thats why Abraham and Brahma were mentioned in my post.
So when NYT posts an article about something and few days later Guardian decides to post a similar article then which one should get the credit for posting it first, NYT or Guardian?? Answer that first. Lol

Ok my next question will these 4 sects worship everything from cows to guns
What difference does it make?? :)
Let me reverse the question. Why do bad? Why not do good instead? :)

I do good because it makes me feel good. You have to find your reason. If it is because of religious diktat alone, then I can't help. :( My morality DOES NOT depend on my faith. - This is what I can say. @levina - Insights...

I would think it would be delightful. Plus, I don't think God wants anything. :D
you nailed it!!!
Do we have dooms day in our scriptures?? Lolzz

This is a futile debate.What're we trying to prove here?? that my religion is better than your's??
Vacuous and fatuous!!

I'm very sleepy right now lol
soo laterzzzz :-)
I'm a little confused, did someone say you can't be a Hindu and not proud?
What kinda logic is that??
My first post on this thread which you'd quoted was about how other religions 're similar to Hinduism and thats why Abraham and Brahma were mentioned in my post.
So when NYT posts an article about something and few days later Guardian decides to post a similar article then which one should get the credit for posting it first, NYT or Guardian?? Answer that first. Lol
Compare few days to YEARS is not at all logical!

Few YEARS ago America was all for going to IRAQ now IRAQ war is termed a mistake....

What difference does it make?? :)
Because those 4 sects dont believe in such worship so it makes a difference!
It is because of these idiotic claims even the actual scientific achievements are also getting clouded and being laughed at. It is a classic case of boy cries the wolf.
This is a logical fallacy. In your second part you have accepted it's true as well. That is because there is nothing to debate is another matter. Dismissing a whole piece as 'Hinduvta' because two lines did not meet your requirements is rather unfortunate. In any case I am glad you jumped onto the least agreeable part of a long article. You certainly have got a good eye for detail. :tup:
Whats to be ashamed of it? Hinduism says so and atleast science agrees.
Science has the theory on halt and many scientists dont agree due to the missing link!

Check how MODERN understanding of genes and genomes puts a big question mark in the theory!

Plus if Vedas are as old as it claims....thats alot of years for NO form of evolution to have come forward!!
End of the thread - There is one GOD and only one true religion. Rest (that is us) are going to hell. :D Good Night everyone. They Good. We Bad. :(

You have NOT presented any COGENT arguement against the DEMERITS of
Polytheism or Idol Worship
My purpose was not to demerit!
We Hindus dont have any problems with Monotheistic religions
But many of you here on this forum CLEARLY voiced out that you would ONLY accept a Muslim or Christian if he accepts your heritage (including idol worship - read first 10 pages coz people still agreed to it and see how many likes each of the post got)

Even Hinduism believes in ONE Supreme God ; who can take
ANY or many AVATARS ; or forms
Yet many of you here just agreed you have PERSONALIZED gods...who DONT INTERFERE with each other's business...hence it is not the same god with MANY avatars as you said!
Science has the theory on halt and many scientists dont agree due to the missing link!

Check how MODERN understanding of genes and genomes puts a big question mark in the theory!

Plus if Vedas are as old as it claims....thats alot of years for NO form of evolution to have come forward!!
You have no idea what vedas are. Hinduism supports what evolution says...I can type it all. google it
Humanity is borne out of incest (going by the 'other' school of thought). End this discussion NOW. :P
Yes I know. So, diverted the topic from that point of discussion. ;)
It's embarrassing even to discuss for people of dharmic faiths.
This is a logical fallacy. In your second part you have accepted it's true as well. That is because there is nothing to debate is another matter. Dismissing a whole piece as 'Hinduvta' because two lines did not meet your requirements is rather unfortunate. In any case I am glad you jumped onto the least agreeable part of a long article. You certainly have got a good eye for detail. :tup:

I think I did say it was making sense until the last paragraph.

However the more reasonable section of the article doesn't make the rest and more agreeable, if anything it tries to hide the hogwash behind a veil of well crafted arguments.

A good eye of detail is needed, the least agreeable part was highlighted by the thread starter, even he didn't miss the raison d'etre of the long and quite reasonable introduction.

One request sire, please don't speak on behalf of us. We have a voice. :D

Who are us? Don't you think your post is border line thaakedari? And we mock Pakistanis for that! ;)
You have no idea what vedas are. Hinduism supports what evolution says...I can type it all. google it
You mean from Hanuman to us? I swear that is the first thing that popped in my head!
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