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I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed

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"I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed"
well good on you mate. every person has the right to practice and preach his/her religion freely.
the problem arises only when religion takes a front seat and logical thinking is allowed shotgun without a seat belt on a bumpy ride; in simpler words extremism, or when people think their religion is better than others and feel that everyone absolutely must follow their exemplary way of life.
i admit that this has always been a problem in Pakistan and not so much in India, which (about to get bashed by my fellow brothers for saying this) has more often than not stood up to it's secular credentials despite being a 1.2 billion strong nation with such diversity, whereas we in Pakistan can even handle sect differences within our own damn religion. but recent developments such as the controversial statements like "India to be made Hindu only by 2022" and the forced mass conversions aka ghar wapsi of muslims and christians has to be a worrying cause for "secular" India.
though don't get me wrong i'm not bashing out at Hinduism; it's all good n stuff and maybe your historical references might actually contain pretexts of advanced civilization in ancient times but who knows.
anyways, happy living proud Hindus :)
Why cant you understand a SIMPLE concept

One person believes in a particular diety and the other in some other diety

Each person has his favourite deity

For each person his favourite deity does all his work in his life
Why so? Why the lack of unity?

Why favoritism even in gods?

How do we know the favourite one was responsible and not another?
Ok my next question will these 4 sects worship everything from cows to guns?

I am more than happy to...ask your mates to stop quoting me...I have some 15 quotes left to answer :(

Hindus don’t worship cows. We respect, honour and adore the cow. By honouring this gentle animal, who gives more than she takes, we honour all creatures.

Hindus regard all living creatures as sacred – mammals, fishes, birds and more. We acknowledge this reverence for life in our special affection for the cow. At festivals we decorate and honour her, but we do not worship her in the sense that we worship the Deity.

What people are saying here is wrt to cultural assimilation that has
happened in India over the centuries
Are you sure that is what they are saying? Read again...they made it clear that they are only interested in those who go to temples with them!
In India we have developed a composite culture in ALL states

The main thing that decides culture in a state is not religion

Therefore you will see Kerala Hindus and Muslims having much more in common with
each other than their co religionists from UP .; Bengal ; Andhra ; Maharashtra etc

We CELEBRATE diversity ; not hate it
Celebrate it but not accept it in its pure form is the 1 thing and only thing I am asking on this thread
Why cant you understand a SIMPLE concept

One person believes in a particular diety and the other in some other diety

Each person has his favourite deity

For each person his favourite deity does all his work in his life
lol... you are as justifying yourself as the other person is paying any heed to your thoughts and the msg, you are trying to convey...
You need soo many deities? Why cant 1 do all the work? Is he lazy? useless? inefficient?
Because Hinduism is not a single religion but a collection of dharmic faiths with an ultimate aim to attain liberation ( moksha). Hinduism does not give a set of instruction on how to attain it & it gives the people full freedom to choose their method including Bhakthi method. People from different regions believe in different deities as we believe that every image ( idol) is an image of almighty.. And this image varies for different people.
Hindus don’t worship cows. We respect, honour and adore the cow. By honouring this gentle animal, who gives more than she takes, we honour all creatures.
How honourable is a crocodile who has recently ate your neighbour?
Hindus regard all living creatures as sacred – mammals, fishes, birds and more. We acknowledge this reverence for life in our special affection for the cow. At festivals we decorate and honour her, but we do not worship her in the sense that we worship the Deity.
Why cow and not goat?

Do you really not worship her?

Because Hinduism is not a single religion but a collection of dharmic faiths with an ultimate aim to attain liberation ( moksha). Hinduism does not give a set of instruction on how to attain it & it gives the people full freedom to choose their method including Bhakthi method. People from different area believe in different deities as we believe that every image ( idol) is an image of almighty.. And this image varies for different people.
Then how do people know what they are doing is right? is it like trial an error?
Why so? Why the lack of unity?

Why favoritism even in gods?

How do we know the favourite one was responsible and not another?

There is UNITY amongst the GODS in Hinduism ; they work TOGETHER
for Universal good

They dont interfere in each other's work NOR they harass the human
worshippers of each other

And all the Good or bad that comes to you ; is the reward or punishment from
your own God

I know I say the same but they feel offended! :(

Even to date those who did convert managed to keep some of the "Polytheism and Idol worship"

Who feels offended ; I did not get your point
exactly my thoughts bhai...she doesn't agree with anything , tat isn't in accordance with islam... i thought of preparing fr my placemnts, everything got disturbed nw...:cry::cry:.

Best of LUCK for your placement

Now please dont waste your time especially on the internet
Hi, we were indulged in a good discussion in some other thread. I still remember that. I want to mention some feature of Hinduism once again-
1. If one is believer of idol worship he may be a part of Hinduism. As you know it very well, I am not giving any link
2. If one believes in single God , he may be a part of Hinduism. One major philosophy/sect in Hinduism is called Advaita Philosophy ( means no duality) which believes in single God ( with no physical shape)
3. If does not believe in Idol worship still he /she can be a part of Hinduism. Many sects in Hinduism do not believe
4. Even if you are a non believer /atheist of different degree still you have a place in Hinduism. Many major cult philosophy in Hinduism like Sankhya, Charvaka are based on various degree of atheism, just imagine!!
Sorry took a while to answer this:

Ok that is interesting and a little weird

So what are the rules? Basically you are telling me Hinduism is not a religion but just like breathing everyone is doing it hence everyone is Hindu? I think many on this thread will disagree with what you have said!
"Samkhya does not describe what happens after moksha and does not mention anything about Ishvara or God."

Samkhya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cārvāka (Sanskrit: चार्वाक), also known as Lokāyata, is a system of Indian philosophy that assumes various forms of materialism, philosophical scepticism and religious indifference.
Cārvāka is classified as a
heterodox Hindu (Nāstika) system.[ It is characterised as a materialistic and atheistic school of thought."
Cārvāka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hinduism is not a single philosophy or a rigid religion like Abrahamic religions. Hinduism is not at all a religion in the same sense as Islam or Christianity. Its really difficult for you to conceive the complexities of several Hindu philosophies. Even most Hindus limit their practice within idol worship which is now main stream Hinduism. Although we often use the word" Dharma" as a translation of the" religion", they do not share same meaning. Dharma is much wider term than the meaning of religion.
In Arabic it is Dean!
"There is no single word translation for dharma in western languages. In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’

Dharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So there are laws but you just said everyone is a Hindu!

Probably before 1400 AD the term "Hindu " was unknown in India. The word Hindu is not also originated in India.

"The word Hindu is derived (through Persian) from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, the historic local name for the Indus River in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent (modern day Pakistan and Northern India). According to Gavin Flood, "The actual term Hindu first occurs as a Persian geographical term for the people who lived beyond the river Indus (Sanskrit: Sindhu)". The term Hindu then was a geographical term and did not refer to a religion.

The Hindu religion (dharma) was set in apposition with Islam (turaka dharma) by poets such as Vidyapati, Kabir and Eknath. 16th- to 18th-century Bengali Gaudiya Vaishnava texts including Chaitanya Charitamrita and Chaitanya Bhagavata also made similar comparisons. Towards the end of the 18th century, the European merchants and colonists began to refer to the followers of Indian religions collectively as Hindus"

Hindu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yea I read the wiki...
How honourable is a crocodile who has recently ate your neighbour?
Why cow and not goat?

Do you really not worship her?

Then how do people know what they are doing is right? is it like trial an error?
We have regards for snake, mouse, owl, bull, lion, fish even pigs , monkeys including you all living beings that created by god.
exactly my thoughts bhai...she doesn't agree with anything , tat isn't in accordance with islam... i thought of preparing fr my placemnts, everything got disturbed nw...:cry::cry:.
Go do work on that and good luck!
How honourable is a crocodile who has recently ate your neighbour?
okay i will ask you one question...
you believed in one god, thats fine,
do you also believed that, god has given us life and he takes the life away...
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