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Hungarian teen sells her virginity for £200,000 in online auction


Jan 24, 2010
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London: A Hungarian teenage girl has sold her virginity to a British buyer for 200,000 pounds, after she advertised the sale at an online auction site in a bid to fund her medical studies, a media report said.

The sale, which was originally launched on 'eBay', continued by email after the online auction giant discovered the nature of the transaction and pulled the plug, British tabloid 'The Sun' reported.

The 18-year-old girl, who identified herself only as Miss Spring, has said she is now coming to Britain. The pretty blonde dreams of going to university to become a doctor and has already qualified for a place - but has put it on hold to help her family.

"My family has debts, we cannot afford to pay them. My mother borrowed a lot of money in Swiss Francs, and now with the credit crunch in Hungary the repayments in Hungarian forints have tripled, she couldn't pay it back. We faced losing our home and being on the street. I want to be able to pay back those loans - that's why I came up with the idea for this auction. It is not such a lot of money for what is on offer, considering half will vanish in tax, but it will be enough to pay of my debts and leave us clear," the girl said.
"I was in contact with two final bidders - the Irish guy and the British guy. Both wanted me to come to them. I chose the British guy. He was very sympathetic to my cause. Both men wanted to marry me, take care of me and my family. But for me this was supposed to be a one off thing. Getting married and living with someone is a challenge I am not sure I am yet ready for," she added.
The marketplace is open and accommodating to anyone willing to bring shame to themselves. On the flip side, laws are made and societies go into deep debates if any of ours decides to cover up.
The marketplace is open and accommodating to anyone willing to bring shame to themselves. On the flip side, laws are made and societies go into deep debates if any of ours decides to cover up.

If she is indeed doing it for the studies -- for her better future then there is no shame in this ! I admit it might be difficult for parents, but then better do something about your future rather than crib i dont have money. 200K is not a small amount and western education is hardly affordable.
And who is that idiot spending that money for just Pu..y....
He can spent this money for poority or some other cause..
200,000 pounds...


just wow.

you can find a hooker anywhere nowadays for like 20$ bucks a session ROFL
just another sex trade. This has now become everyday routine. Please refrain posting/creating too threads of this nature
What a bad news. Please don’t discuss and give your analysis. Requesting moderators to close this thread.:tdown:
London: A Hungarian teenage girl has sold her virginity to a British buyer for 200,000 pounds, after she advertised the sale at an online auction site in a bid to fund her medical studies, a media report said.

The sale, which was originally launched on 'eBay', continued by email after the online auction giant discovered the nature of the transaction and pulled the plug, British tabloid 'The Sun' reported.

The 18-year-old girl, who identified herself only as Miss Spring, has said she is now coming to Britain. The pretty blonde dreams of going to university to become a doctor and has already qualified for a place - but has put it on hold to help her family.

"My family has debts, we cannot afford to pay them. My mother borrowed a lot of money in Swiss Francs, and now with the credit crunch in Hungary the repayments in Hungarian forints have tripled, she couldn't pay it back. We faced losing our home and being on the street. I want to be able to pay back those loans - that's why I came up with the idea for this auction. It is not such a lot of money for what is on offer, considering half will vanish in tax, but it will be enough to pay of my debts and leave us clear," the girl said.
"I was in contact with two final bidders - the Irish guy and the British guy. Both wanted me to come to them. I chose the British guy. He was very sympathetic to my cause. Both men wanted to marry me, take care of me and my family. But for me this was supposed to be a one off thing. Getting married and living with someone is a challenge I am not sure I am yet ready for," she added.

No Offence But what makes you to post this news ?
Sad indeed but hey she got paid and got laid lolz ;)
So would you be happy if your sister pimps herself for money?

:) ..no need to get personnel ..but yes I have seen dark side of the red light districts ..therefore know, how many women get into this kind of stuff ..for drugs or better social lifestyle(like extra pocket money)..hence somebody doing it for getting better education, to me is a much nobler cause.

But since you seem to be such an upright man, tell me would be willing to help the poor girl..give her some money, so that she can educate herself??

But since you seem to be such a upright man, tell me would be willing to help the poor girl..give her some money, so that she can educate herself??

What about the men who put themselves through school in hardship ? For 4 years I ate potatoes and bread because I could not fully afford my 4 years in a UK university, and even recently I cleaned tables in a restaurant to pay my way through law school. Alhumdulilah no prostitution or pimping was involved in debt worth much more than 200 measly thousand pounds. Now I have kids of my own and see why my parents were so strict with me.
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