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Hundreds of Pak Tribals flee to Afghanistan to escape Army shelling.

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I am working on plans to make new independent country "United Punjab" for Punjabies of subcontinent and put full stop on this blame game.

You surely meant the urdu-ised Punjabis of Pakistan right ?
Not all Pakistan. Right now khyber agency is more in chaos than neighbouring province of afghanistan.
You have to keep in mind that any thing that happens in afghanistan directly influences pashtun belt of pakistan, because the whole pashtun belt is contineous, durand line is rather artificial.

on what basis was durrand line created?? ? weren't the Pashtuns considered afghans? ?
Pashtuns only make 13% of army, punjabis are 85%. And i didnt say there were large scale desertion, i said there were some desertions, especially among lower ranks. But it is a fact that many pashtuns of pak army are not o.k with military operations, but none the less they carry out their duty....
P.s: i cant reveal my sources

Name one army in the world that HASN'T had desertions

As for the mil ops, I don't know how you can speak on behalf of the soldiers and their viewpoints. Have there been any mutinies? Pakistan Army isn't like your Afghan army.

dont even bother about sources. My sources are ones including those in the field as we speak
Swat operation (Rah e Rast) would have failed if the locals weren't cooperating and not on the same page as the security forces

I guess you got most of your "knowledge" from your beloved Mullah-FM :lol:

Cooperation of locals? Extracted with army boots. Did you watch that video? In which soldiers kick around white beard swatis with their boots to determine whether they have any information about talibans. And the soldiers are calling names to swatis in punjabi while they are speaking kalma and telling them to spare them for allah sake. In another leaked mobile video of swat operation, soldiers gup shup around in punjabi, keep kicking the already tortured individuals lying on the ground in the groin. One of a soldier place his boot on head of 80 year old half dead and pass a cruel joke. Do i need to share the videos? They are banned here.
In another video pak army jawans are extrajudicially killing swati boys. This incident was noticed by america and army officials decided to take action against culprits within army.
Swatis invited army but they didnt realize that there would be so much collateral damage by pak army. Swatis have told me that hundreds of dead tortured bodies started appearing when operation was completed, some were talibans and some were not. All of them were killed extrajudicially.
its time to send Mangal Bagh where Tariq Afridi was sent...
Everyone ganging up on one guy just because he holds his ethnicity dear. Not cool. Forced homogenization will take the country no where.
on what basis was durrand line created?? ? weren't the Pashtuns considered afghans? ?

The same basis on which hundreds of princely states and other territories were created , @Ayush ... Its a fait accompli , the Afghans should understand that the ruler of Afghanistan set the limit of its boundaries with the British which was then passed on to the successor state of Pakistan , this is the simple story of the Durand Line ...

The Afghan Government accepts the Indo–Afghan frontier accepted by the late Amir
—Article V of the August 8, 1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi

There we have the Govt of Afghanistan ratifying it afterwards , they only created trouble after Pakistan was formed and invaded Bajaur only to be forcefully turned back by the Pashtun tribes and later bombed by the RPAF ...
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I am working on plans to make new independent country "United Punjab" for Punjabies of subcontinent and put full stop on this blame game. :coffee:

Pakistan is every thing to punjabi musalmans, they were always meek people ruled and conquered by foriegners. With pakistan they emerged as powerful ruling majority, they never had such status in history. They went in their greed of power so much that they refuse to share it with bengalis who were twice the population of punjabis....punjabis regret that they lost east pakistan, their bengali slaves on whose resources they got flourished. Now punjab has tight control over his small brothers, he has stick and carrot and he wont allow any one to break pakistan , after all it is the first time punjabi muslims are tasting glory and rule (ranjeet singh was not muslim)

I am working on plans to make new independent country "United Punjab" for Punjabies of subcontinent and put full stop on this blame game. :coffee:

Pakistan is every thing to punjabi musalmans, they were always meek people ruled and conquered by foriegners. With pakistan they emerged as powerful ruling majority, they never had such status in history. They went in their greed of power so much that they refuse to share it with bengalis who were twice the population of punjabis....punjabis regret that they lost east pakistan, their bengali slaves on whose resources they got flourished. Now punjab has tight control over his small brothers, he has stick and carrot and he wont allow any one to break pakistan , after all it is the first time punjabi muslims are tasting glory and rule (ranjeet singh was not muslim)
Pakistan is every thing to punjabi musalmans, they were always meek people ruled and conquered by foriegners. With pakistan they emerged as powerful ruling majority, they never had such status in history. They went in their greed of power so much that they refuse to share it with bengalis who were twice the population of punjabis....punjabis regret that they lost east pakistan, their bengali slaves on whose resources they got flourished. Now punjab has tight control over his small brothers, he has stick and carrot and he wont allow any one to break pakistan , after all it is the first time punjabi muslims are tasting glory and rule (ranjeet singh was not muslim)

Your acting like Idiot - It's Punjabies who sacrificed most for this country and is still intact because of them. Traitor non-Punjabies Eskandar Mirza, Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Jackal Niazi, Bhutto & Zardari clown destroyed Pakistan. They day you see separatist movement in Punjab - that will be end of this country.
Why should we believe a traitor ? :azn: ... He can get the nationality of Afghanistan for all I care since he cares more about Kabul and Pashtuns than his own country and Pakistanis !

You urduspeakers are very quick to issue fatwa of treason and disloyalty to Pashtuns...your mohajir moderator oscar is sitting for a chance to give me infraction otherwise i would have mentioned what you people do with pashtuns in karachi, and i am not talking about just MQM...I miss ayub khan
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