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Hundreds of Pak Tribals flee to Afghanistan to escape Army shelling.

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Do you think the army is so emotionless and senseless tht it would shell civilians for no reason? also dont forget tht PA is composed of every ethnic group in the country...

Pashtun component of Pak army, especially the lower ranks are very uneasy at ruthless military operations in their areas, they have objections. The fact is some pashtuns deserted army and FC...these pashtuns in pak army are crucial to future of our pashtun nation, we are not sure whether pakistan would survive in the future, if disintegration happens these pashtuns of pak army would be our strength.
Actually drones are relatively more precise than PAF jet bombardment. A drone hits its target in the car or in the house but pakistani jet bombardments and shellings some times destroy entire village. Most of the population of waziristan has not migrated because of talibans but due to pak army.

Good if tribals are glad to be kicked by Americans...
Why GOP is bothering to protest drone strikes.....
Pashtun component of Pak army, especially the lower ranks are very uneasy at ruthless military operations in their areas, they have objections. The fact is some pashtuns deserted army and FC...these pashtuns in pak army are crucial to future of our pashtun nation, we are not sure whether pakistan would survive in the future, if disintegration happens these pashtuns of pak army would be our strength.

Also remember that the morale of Frontier Constabulary which consists of mostly Pashtuns is very low acc. to it's commandants themselves:

Ill-equipped, underpaid, FC may give up fight.
By Zahid Gishkori Published: October 19, 2012


In what could be a devastating blow to the country’s fight against militants, officials of the Frontier Constabulary (FC) on Thursday warned senators that a lack of funding, weapons and resulting low morale may force the paramilitary unit into “giving up the fight.”

FC officials added that, as a result, morale amongst the soldiers, who largely belong to the tribal areas, had plummeted and some soldiers were refusing orders to undertake operations due to lack of weapons and protective gear.

Ill-equipped, underpaid, FC may give up fight – The Express Tribune
Good if tribals are glad to be kicked by Americans...
Why GOP is bothering to protest drone strikes.....

Stupid conclusion...i was comparing the extent of damages by two...like me a tribal wonders that their muslim pakistani brothers inflict more deaths and devastation than kafir americans.
Those running into Afghanistan have somrthing to hide..
Or they had stayed there...
Its not that PA bombs built up areas indiscriminate..
Terrorists take refuge in Afghanistan during such operations.

I am pretty sure terrorist run to Afghanistan, when the bombing starts.

But aleast Pakistan should not forget, entire population of the area are not terrorists, significant civilian population resides there as well.

Such a heavy handed approach is only taken against your worst enemy, when you are not worried about collateral damage.

When you are fighting amongst a civilian population(that too your own countrymen), it is necessary to see what you are shooting at, that is why most COIN operations in the world are infantry level operations, with almost nil aerial or artillery involvement.

Come to think of it drone attacks are better that these kind of ops.
This kind of punjabi minset could jeopardize the integrity of pakistani nation, come to your senses punjabi.

its the tribal mindset that has put Pakistan in jeopardy , people from these areas have beein involved in killings all over the country , they give shelter to terrorists and people like you are proud of their acts.

the military does not go in with guns blazing and shooting anything that moves ( much as I would have liked it to ) , they move in to secure areas that are under Pakistan's jurisdiction but which are being used by millitants.

The units that are deployed there have helped the people in these areas , to give you an example in wazristan they pick off pine nuts ( chilgozay ) which grow in those areas and sell them ( tax free ofcourse ) I know units that have helped these people in securing their picking and only to find later that the same village they helped has been harbouring millitants that were attacking them.

people from these areas have played into the hands of Pakistan's enemies and they will learn it the hard way that making war on the very state under whose nuclear unbrealla they have been spared bombardment from american B-52s is going to put them on the receiving end of the firpower that Pakistan has.
its the tribal mindset that has put Pakistan in jeopardy , people from these areas have beein involved in killings all over the country , they give shelter to terrorists and people like you are proud of their acts.

the military does not go in with guns blazing and shooting anything that moves ( much as I would have liked it to ) , they move in to secure areas that are under Pakistan's jurisdiction but which are being used by millitants.

The units that are deployed there have helped the people in these areas , to give you an example in wazristan they pick off pine nuts ( chilgozay ) which grow in those areas and sell them ( tax free ofcourse ) I know units that have helped these people in securing their picking and only to find later that the same village they helped has been harbouring millitants that were attacking them.

people from these areas have played into the hands of Pakistan's enemies and they will learn it the hard way that making war on the very state under whose nuclear unbrealla they have been spared bombardment from american B-52s is going to put them on the receiving end of the firpower that Pakistan has.

It was your punjabi zia ul haq who injected jihadism into FATA , all for american dollors...Punjabi dominated ISI and its punjabized pashtun servants decided that tribals should be used as cannon fodder, as they are not proper pakistanis. They turned FATA into jihaadi training ground against russia and asked tribals to harbour forigen jihadis.
Now when i speak of punjabi mindset, it means "kill them all and fck them all", you people did that in east pakistan. You are doing it on smaller scale in balochistan and on larger scale in pashtun areas. So far our women are spared, but few days ago punjabi soldier was caught red handed with a girl in para chinar and got stoned, it might be a start...mass murders and rapes
Idiot. Durand line practically doesnt exist for us pashtuns. And we wont allow any one to seal or fence it.

Idiot is the person who thinks that without sealing this border terorism will end. Durand line exists for reasonable people.
I am pretty sure terrorist run to Afghanistan, when the bombing starts.

But aleast Pakistan should not forget, entire population of the area are not terrorists, significant civilian population resides there as well.

Such a heavy handed approach is only taken against your worst enemy, when you are not worried about collateral damage.

When you are fighting amongst a civilian population(that too your own countrymen), it is necessary to see what you are shooting at, that is why most COIN operations in the world are infantry level operations, with almost nil aerial or artillery involvement.

Come to think of it drone attacks are better that these kind of ops.

They fly drone after proper intelligence gathering from locals. most of the drone attacks are accurate, if the family is there with targeted individual, then they are also killed in the attack.
On the other hand Pak army shellings and bombardments are indescriminate. If terrorists are hiding in a village, then whole village is in trouble. Moreover they can shoot any one on the road and nobody can question them. Compared to hundreds in balochistan, thousands of pashtuns are picked and disappeared by intelligence agencies. After swat operation alone, about 22 thousand swati youngsters are still disappeared who were picked up by security forces for investigations.
Afghanistan is safer than pakistan? ?

Nothing new. They have family on both sides. When the fighting subsides they'll be back, knowing that their relatives across would also be crossing over (legally and illegally) into our side.

That's how it's been for years

Afghanistan is safer than pakistan? ?


Seems Kabul is safer for women than Delhi that's for sure
Nothing new. They have family on both sides. When the fighting subsides they'll be back, knowing that their relatives across would also be crossing over (legally and illegally) into our side.

That's how it's been for years

Seems Kabul is safer for women than Delhi that's for sure

sir, , Delhi is safer for any citizen of the world than Kabul.
keep thinking. .
Idiot is the person who thinks that without sealing this border terorism will end. Durand line exists for reasonable people.

Fencing and sealing durant wont finish talibanization. Even ISI dont want to seal border, as they are regularly sending talibans to Afghanistan against NATO.
Pashtun component of Pak army, especially the lower ranks are very uneasy at ruthless military operations in their areas, they have objections. The fact is some pashtuns deserted army and FC...these pashtuns in pak army are crucial to future of our pashtun nation, we are not sure whether pakistan would survive in the future, if disintegration happens these pashtuns of pak army would be our strength.

Never going to happen. Keep more hand lotion near your bedside to keep your wet dreams active.

Your knowledge on military is zero. It will suit you to get an education or a job rather than talk about things you don't know nothing about.
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