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Huge investment on the way as PM finalises deals with Chinese firms

You are welcome. Now hopefully you people will move your behinds, stop giving out empty statements, and finally take actions against these terrorists, and hopefully stop expecting handouts and free lunches from overseas Pakistanis ! :lol:

Just show us how much you send Pakistan last year. Just a screenshot with figure. You can cover the identity part no issue.
You are welcome. Now hopefully you people will move your behinds, stop giving out empty statements, and finally take actions against these terrorists, and hopefully stop expecting handouts and free lunches from overseas Pakistanis ! :lol:
Oh dear.
A country can have trillions of investment or be laden with resources. But doesn't amount to anything, the only thing that critically matters is the will and drive of a nation to come together and work hard for it.

Best example, China and India, where both having similar populations and have been invested in by rich countries. Yet it was China that extricated hundreds of millions of its citizens out of poverty, whereas India languishes with the world's largest poverty stricken population.

Until the day Pakistanis have not come together with the will and the drive to work hard and strive for a better country, better life, better education. One invest billions upon trillions of gold in Pakistan, it will amount ZERO, unless Pakistanis unite to propel Pakistan toward progress and prosperity.

Sad part is that Pakistan has a flawless mechanism built-in at its inception, Islam. And man have made an utter mess of things with it.

I love Pakistan, for it was created on the basis of Islam. Yet I have seen over the last 50 years the pathetic state of it's leadership, it's scholarship of Islam and the disunity of Pakistan.

So to Pakistanis, I say this .... if you want to, then it is only you as a nation coming together in unity, under the flag of Islam, that will propel you forward to the top. Be who you are, Muslim, one that follows the foot steps of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam. For it is He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam) who said to seek knowledge even if you must crawl over ice to attain it. And true knowledge is in the Holy Quran, when you have studied it (not recite it without meaning), you then are armed with knowledge to penetrate the treasures of this world.
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This is propaganda for idiot awam. There will be ZERO Investment until and unless the bad security situation improves in Baluchistan and other parts of Pakistan. Which country in their right mind would want to invest in a dangerous country like Pakistan??

Screenshot 2022-02-05 150157.png

8 years vs 3 month :D
These are not MOU's, these are serious undertakings with committed amount.
Need investment and upgradation of PMTF too, so that Pakistan can at least manufacture industrial machinery required in-house. it was a great initiative at its time, but has sadly been run into the ground due to successive incompetent govts.
Begging bowl, incompetent government, or incompetent judiciary... or there can be a million reasons (justifiable ones as well) to be a pessimist or cautious here.. but the need of the hour is to develop and advance textile, petrochemical, and pharma sectors. Our future lies is with the textile, IT and service industries.
The petrochemical/chemical, textile and pharma sectors, are the least risky sectors and will cause little to no burden on the government. No need for government payment guarantees or a chance of financial hit to the government in the future. If established, the price of the final product or the finished material in which the production will be used will decrease leading to better competition internationally. e.g.
1- For investment in petrochemical and cotton/yarn/made made or non cotton fibers, we consume a lot of raw materials in various industries hence less risky
2- Horizontal and vertical integration is the need of the hour for all three sectors.
3- In the case of pharma, we don't manufacture most if not all of the APIs, all are imported. Similarly, there is not even a single FDA-approved plant in Pakistan. Even Bangladesh has 3. Some of the chemicals are also used in the pharma sector as well.
4- Packing, pesticides, leather, furniture, footwear industries all use by-products of chemicals and some cotton/yarn/nylon industries.

So I will not indulge in a political debate. Being a Pakistani, a patriot, and a well-wisher I wish, hope and most of all pray that direct Chinese investment, or collaboration or whatever mode of investment we get... these three sectors affect us positively in lots and lots of ways. Engro Corporation, Ghani group, and Ittihad chemicals have invested a bit in these sectors which is but minuscule to what is required and consumed. I just hope we get some investment in these sectors.
Gwadar is literally surrounded by rag tag militias kon invest kare ga shitehole mein.
Gwadar is literally surrounded by rag tag militias kon invest kare ga shitehole mein.

@ARMalik and @Great Janjua represent the farts on this forum…..
Where ever they show up leave a nasty and disgusting feeling behind.
Nothing to contribute and discuss just cry like khala natki and propagate Indian propaganda ……

Lakh lanat hai….
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