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HQ-9 Surface to Air Missile and Pakistan Air Force


Are they deployed country wide or just being in the evaluation phase?

They are operational and have been deployed for quite some time. From what i know, PAF as of now possess HQ-9 and FT2000 batteries. In future, PAF is not going to be procuring any additional HQ-9 or FT2000 batteries. PAF likes the HQ18 batteries and is currently evaluating them, lets see if anything tangible comes out of these evaluations and negotiations.
Would love to see pics of the hq or ft2000 in pak airpsce soil

If the rumor is true.. then the chance of that battery being photographed is quite unlikely.
After all, If there is a confirmed public perception that PAF does indeed possess these assets then there will be a likely public reaction from the enemy as well.
Sure, intel reports will probably list those assets but until it gets confirmed.. nothing can be said for certain.
Never really UNDERSTOOD the concept of KEEPING A defensive WEAPON system A BIG SECRET.

A STRIKE WEAPON fair enough but HQ 9 & FT2000 if they are in pak service ARE defensive SAM systems
Never really UNDERSTOOD the concept of KEEPING A defensive WEAPON system A BIG SECRET.

A STRIKE WEAPON fair enough but HQ 9 & FT2000 if they are in pak service ARE defensive SAM systems

If you dont know about the defense. .. or rather dont know how many of them are there.. and where they are.. then it becomes difficult to track and defend yourself against them when you attack.
HQ9A or FT2000 system has been offered to Turkey in an open bid. It's not only our self confidence but also the performance must be comparable to those of other bidders with PAC II or S-300.
hq9 s-300 ki hi to copy hai

Thats pretty BS when the HQ 9 is a full meter shorter and 2/3rds as wide with greater range.

Then the public will put pressure on the government to shoot down every intruding drone. Our public is very emotional, and doesn't understand limitations of political will, and strategic consequences. Such systems are kept secret from the population only, all other parties already know. Think about it, with today's tech, who the hell can hide those 10 - 20 meter tubes, and big-arse radars?

Never really UNDERSTOOD the concept of KEEPING A defensive WEAPON system A BIG SECRET.

A STRIKE WEAPON fair enough but HQ 9 & FT2000 if they are in pak service ARE defensive SAM systems
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