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How will America attack ????

history/ current events are already a judge of this. Iran has won!

Too late to correct the past mistakes of pakestan in Afghanistan or Syria.

The government of Pakistan is neutral on Syrian conflict and is actually against the forceful departure of the government.

I am not going to apologise for anything, any Pakistani who fights for Iran or the Opposition is a traitor.
If tomorrow, Pakestan is under U.S. threat, Iran will send its army to help you, because we don't want to see yet another joker muslim banana republic.

We mean what we say and stand by our allies. No matter if it is U.S. or China/ Russia or whatever.

Nobody dares attack Iran. Almost 40 years of threats and sanctions have amounted to nothing.....in case you haven't noticed.

The government of Pakistan is neutral on Syrian conflict and is actually against the forceful departure of the government.

I am not going to apologise for anything, any Pakistani who fights for Iran or the Opposition is a traitor.
China, Do you thing China Will help, you can expect Russia But not china,

Instent of china you can go back to US and Make peace with them that will be good for iran,
Yes, I think china don't like to see Iran under influence of USA
they would veto Anti Iran resolution in UN, that is enough for me to call support.
I just assume the case of war with US
In the event the US should attack, then:
Q=from which side; A=from all possible sides
Q=what is their weapons; A=anything and everything in their arsenal that may seem remotely usefull
Q=who is their allies; A=whichever country will conveniently provide support.

Thanks for respond

@SubWater they can't even attack north korea,how will they attack iran will nukes? :D murica doesnot win a race by running it fairly,they win it by not letting others run :D
I just assume the case of war with US
U.S can't attack Iran. It's over!
I am agree with you but let study the case of war for fun
If tomorrow, Pakestan is under U.S. threat, Iran will send its army to help you, because we don't want to see yet another joker muslim banana republic.

We mean what we say and stand by our allies. No matter if it is U.S. or China/ Russia or whatever.

Nobody dares attack Iran. Almost 40 years of threats and sanctions have amounted to nothing.....in case you haven't noticed.

Pakestan (Persian: پاکستان‎‎) is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran????

I think you've got me confused with one of your village folks.

With regards to Iran getting attacked, even the biggest Sunni Islamist parties in Pakistan are opposed to American action against Iran. Pakistan won't be used to fight anyone's wars, we saw how that went last time.

I have no issue with Iran or GCC if they stop recruiting Pakistanis to fight in their wars. I still wish you both well. For me, we have no business in the Middle east conflict, the only conflict that matters to me is in Jammu and Kashmir with India.
Whats Secterian in my Post
America will never attack Iran....
Iran has done more damage to Muslim World than Amercia could have done.
Ppl have grown up listening to tall tales of Iran the ture enemy of US, nothing more than a good story fabrictaed by persian story tellers.
please go out of my topic and don't destroy my beautiful topic with your bulshits
Let me simplify it here for all. The U.S. would have to nuke the entirety of Iran in order to defeat it!

More than 100 nuclear weapons need to be used to completely destroy Iran. That is the only way they can win!

Is that likely?...........lol

sher shah bro.......kudos to you for admitting the Pakestani mistake on Afghanistan. That right there puts you in my good books.

Your friend sufi here won't even admit the obvious.
after northern front and Afghanistan front I check Pakistan front
It is hard for me to believe Pakistanis help Americans and grant land to USA for attack Iran they have live conflict with India and also they don't have any interest to fall in conflict with Iran however Wahhabi scums have big loud in Pakistan army and intelligence service, so it is possible to expect guerrilla war with Wahabis in our borders.
Probably, they would be equipped with TOW and anti air craft missiles and also they would launch attack on Kerman and Sistan Balochestan provinces under Wahabi Nato command in Riyadh.

conclusion: at these front we should be ready to counter guerrilla war while some autonomous element in Pakistan decide to follow Riyadh order rather than Islamabad.
please go out of my topic and don't destroy my beautiful topic with your bulshits

Beautiful topic of Chest thumping :pleasantry::pleasantry::pleasantry:
Enjoy Enjoy.....:cheers:

u not being honest bro........admit a mistake at least.

Iran never gets played. We fight for haqq!

What a Joke, What Haq were you finding in Syria when u massacred 600,000+ Muslims,
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You took it wrong and according to your view, 80,000 ppl killed in terrorist attacks and fighting terrorism, Terrorists are not among the martyrs
So how is that any different to Syria? 80,000 pakestani's killed in terror war, most of them innocents........how the hell is that any different to whats happening in Syria?

Should we blame the GOP for this disaster in pakestan?

News flash bro.......when you take up arms against your own state, you become a terrorist!

You understand?

You took it wrong and according to your view, 80,000 ppl killed in terrorist attacks and fighting terrorism, Terrorists are not among the martyrs
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whole EU, Whole UN, Whole Arab league, TR, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Pakistan ,

better to ask:

Who is on our Side ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i forgot india ...

India is not and will not be an ally to US, specially if its against Iran... period.
At this topic I like to discuss How Americans would attack Iran and how Iran would answer to that attack?
from which side
I see 2 possible fronts with (in)direct access to Iran
-First front would be Afghanistan as the USA has a significant presence there.
-second front could be Kuwait, as only a small part of Iraq would have to be crossed in order to reach Iran, to support this front they would probalby use their strong navy and air force, stationed in Saudi Arabia, UAE and the like. Maybe Iraq itself can be used, as we can doubt the capability of Iraq to defend itself, but the USA would face a lot of opposition in the form of guerilla warfare.
Perhaps the Kurds in Syria would be more friendly and host the USA a little, but then you can extend the conflict to Syria as well, as I don't see Assad just sitting there.
I don't see the USA using Turkmenistan or the other 'stans' around it, as Russia has influence there.
Turkey will not allow the USA to use their territory, unless they have a serious beef with Iran on their own, which they do not. Same can be applied to Pakistan and Pakistan has India to worry about.
I think the Caucasus cannot be used for obvious reasons.

what is their weapons
Everything they can possibly use, obvious weapons would be cruise missiles, jet fighters, (stealth)bombers, Aircraft carriers and submarines. Perhaps the USA could even use conventional warheads on their ballistic missilies.

who is their allies
The only real ally would be Hezbollah and other foreign (Shia) muslims fighting for Iran. Also a few volunteers from all over the world can be expected. Perhaps mercenaries can be recruited.
Russia would definitely use Iran as proxy against the Usa, by diplomatic support and delivery of weapons and supplies. Perhaps they could even send a few hunderd 'advisers' or 'volunteers', I think Russian support would be reasonbly significant.
Then China would also deliver aid in the form of weapons and give diplomatic support, but probably in a lesser intensity than Russia.

USA would most likely have the Saudis, UAE and NATO nations aiding them

... and more
The war ending in an American victory is quite unlikely, if not a pyrrhic victory, I think. Iran has the Caspian sea to use as a supply like from Russia and especially the west of Iran is very difficult to traverse.
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