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How to deal with growing Sindhi Nationalism?

Ager chezon k bary main pta na ho to bila wajah tabsara mat Kia karain.. Pindi boys aik dafa apna hath Sindhi qom paraston pe se utha ker daikhain. Phir aap khud daikhlyna keh kon samander main girta Hai.
Pindi boys will always be there for the welfare of Punjab. Look what they did to PPP in punjab. They created 1 punjabi lahori based party pmln in the past and now pti the 2nd one unfortunately. No balochi pathan muhajir based national party.
A growing threat is the rapid feeling of alienation among the educated Sindhi youth. There exists a wide wedge between them and the state. The recent Bahria Town fiaso has only exasperated these feelings of alienation. Additional factors are...
1) PPP governance
2) No credible alternative to PPP ( PTI had a chance to capitalize on the Bahria Town incident but it only chose to highlight the violence of the protestors and not the land grab by Malik Riaz)
3) Urdu Media Racism ( Sindhi youth feel strongly about racist depictions in mainstream Urdu Media)
4) Karachi politics ( Sindhi youth feel strongly about voices coming from Karachi demanding a separate province)
5) No visible mainstream representation in the national media, sports teams.
6) Unease about demographic change in Sindh ( previously limited to Urdu Speakers but now increasingly hostile to Pushtun presence in Sindh).
7) Water Shortage ( Many believe Punjab is stealing water from them)

Some of the people who have these concerns believe solving these issues within the federation of Pakistan. However, a Sindhudesh idea, as prepostorous and impractical as it may sound, is also gaining traction.

A lot of these concerns can be dismissed as they lay in falsehoods. Demographic change in a multi-ethnic country like Pakistan is a given especially in the 21st century. However, we need to engage them on other issues to bridge the divide.

a) provide a mainstream alternative to PPP ( Due to its corruption and misgovernance, PPP can longer provide a buffer against Sindhi separatism)

b) Bridge rural/urban divide ( Urdu speakers need to join their voices with educated Sindhis and own Sindh.....expressions of hate against Sindh and Sindhi people will not help any community).

c) Solve water issues ( the only long-term solution is the provision of desalination plants for communities in the Sindh delta).

d) Take a stand against reported forced conversions ( Sindhi youth are more progressive as compared to other ethnic groups when it comes to religious liberties hence a stand by the state of Pakistan against this practise will earn us their trust and goodwill).

In terms of numbers, Sindhis are the third largest ethnic group and not sure we can afford another disaffected group. We have to tackle these issues before they blow up in our face and before they become too complicated.

Other ideas are welcome on this thread.

export them to India
None of the countries mentioned above came into existence on the name of Islam

Try again racist

Correction: Pakistan is homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent
Islam exists outside the Indian subcontinent
They can definitely forge a solution w.r.t Karachi but I am feeling ABSENCE OF WILL here.

But we should all wait and see how long this goes !!!

Still angry on losing your title on this forum because of racism?

We usually don't carry weapons hence everyone takes us for granted.

We are hardworking tax paying citizens of Pakistan. We will raise our voice and we will will/should fight for our rights.
Sindh govt thinks that they don't issue licences to Karachi wakas, so we can't arrange it.
Sindh govt thinks that they don't issue licences to Karachi wakas, so we can't arrange it.


I hate to say it, bro. Our ancestors DID two great mistakes.

1. Not adopting gun culture
2. Enmity with Sindhis

Rest of Pakistan is taking advantage on us due to above two factors.

Time will help us, hopefully.

I hate to say it, bro. Our ancestors DID two great mistakes.

1. Not adopting gun culture
2. Enmity with Sindhis

Rest of Pakistan is taking advantage on us due to above two factors.

Time will help us, hopefully.
No one will help us. Enmity with Sindhis is something that is not our fault. Siraiki and Balochs, and Hindus cultivated that in order to remove us from power, giving delusion of power to Samrath Sindhis, and grabbing resources in Sindh. Not our fault.
I will say better leave Pakistan. Naslain berbad hogaeen is bakwas main. Or kitni naslon ki berbadi k bad bat samjho gy?
I will say better leave Pakistan. Naslain berbad hogaeen is bakwas main. Or kitni naslon ki berbadi k bad bat samjho gy?

I am not into this ethnic stuff much.

But I am for SURE want Karachi and her citizens to get ALL rights and developments.

I agree...No one will help us but ourselves
Hello, Chaps.

Weather here in Karachi is quite good. Rains are expected.

--- We usually talk about Karachi and her problems - No one even bother to look at what's happening in Interior Sindh for 14 years straight.

You need to believe that PPP is allowed to rule province for damn 13 YEARS straight without any progress and governance...Would you believe this?

Whenever I have observed fighting b/w Urdu guys and Sindhi chaps on social media - One thing that came into my notice is apart from trolling each other, both communities feel they have been ditched by their representatives (MQM and PPP) and also got ditched by PAKISTAN. The loss was mutual and both got played. There were shouts on both sides to have RESPECT and CARE for each other as BOTH GOT ONLY ONE HOME aka Sindh Province to live and die in. There is a realization growing among EDUCATED Urdu Youth and Sindhi Youth that ESTABLISHMENT divided them through her puppets and did great damage to Karachi/Sindh. Funny thing is From Karachi to Larkana - Anti Establishment Feelings are gaining traction and popularity.

In 21st century, People are smart and fooling youth is quite difficult as they can interpret things better than their ancestors did.

What does this tell you? It tells you that People ON THE GROUND are realizing that the other side is not much different from the other and there are chances of Friendship and BROTHERHOOD. Urdu guys have dropped their support for MQM to quite an extent and Sindhis also complain to Urdu Chaps that PPP and MQM both ruined us.

May be you guys DON'T realize/know that Altaf Hussain has JOINED the ranks of SINDHI Nationalists. This is what he said in recent Bahria Town Saga. A segment of Urdu Speaking community which follows Altaf Hussain has realized and SENSED this divide and rule game and criminal negligence of establishment....PPP's behavior with Urban Sindh was also instrumental in realization of that. PPP surely told us that look depending on Establishment is BIG BAD JOKE for you.

No governance, rampant corruption and NO WILL at all in PPP government to deliver the people. If anyone thinks - this can continue without any consequences - He needs to be ADMITTED in hospital.

Time cares about no one and certainly WON'T wait for establishment.

If PPP again wins in 2023 election with establishment support - Then PINDI will get exposed BIG TIME and FED UP united Sindh youth will/may/should try to BRING change themselves and those youth will be equipped with modern education and won't have any soft corner for Pindi at all.

In nutshell - RULE OF PPP in SINDH province NEEDS to be ENDED once and for all. The longer she rules, the more harder to safeguard Pakistan's internal security calculus.

A New Honest Patriotic Government/Alternative is need of hour in Sindh Province.

Good day,

You want sindhi-muhajir gathjor against pashtun punjabi itehad. Cut it off. Urdu speakers joined forces with Sindhi nationalists in 80's only to see that ethnic nationalists care about their own only. Thats why MQM was born that too only cared about muhajirs hence the conflict.

Militant MQM was taken care off and so will Sindhi nationalists if they cross red line.
No one will help. Karachi is hopeless and so is Pakistan.

Upper wala haina :)

You want sindhi-muhajir gathjor against pashtun punjabi itehad. Cut it off. Urdu speakers joined forces with Sindhi nationalists in 80's only to see that ethnic nationalists care about their own only. Thats why MQM was born that too only cared about muhajirs hence the conflict.

Militant MQM was taken care off and so will Sindhi nationalists if they cross red line.

I don't want any alliance against anyone.

I JUST want Pakistani Establishment to END PPP rule once and for all.
The actual Pakistan Movement was formed by 2 Pashtuns and 2 Punjabis with the first relevant discussions of a separate country emerging out of Islamia College, Lahore in 1915 - roughly 60-70 years after the British had largely completed their conquest of modern-day Pakistan.

The original Pakistan Movement did not see religion as the sole reason for independence, but instead, as one of three reasons for the basis of Pakistan.

They saw ethno-cultural, historic, geographic, etc... affinities just as important as shared religion for the development of a national identity and national cohesion. Hence why, they advocated for Bengali and Hindustani Muslims to have their own separate countries instead of having them join Pakistan (which is why Bengal is not a part of the Pakistan acronym that was developed by the original Pakistan movement).

They saw "India" and the "Indian identity" as artificial constructs of the British and loathed British attempts to impose these identities on them.

"India, constituted as it is at the present moment, is not the name of one single country; nor the home of one single nation. It is, in fact, the designation of a State created for the first time in history, by the British. It includes peoples who have never previously formed part of India at any period in its history; but who have, on the other hand, from the dawn of history till the advent of the British, possessed and retained distinct nationalities of their own."

"This was a destructive power victimizing men and nations, crippling religions and states, enslaving at least half of the continent of Asia. With the coming of the British it had manifested itself in the establishment of the Indian National Congress. The motive of this Congress was to establish an All India Federation. The congress had designated all British possessions in South Asia as India denied to the non Indian nations the right to their own nationhood, and, by making pretentious claims, stamped Indian nationality on the peoples of this area."
~ Rehmat Ali on what he referred to as "Indianism" and the "Indianization" of South Asia.​

View attachment 754027

Also to claim that Punjabis and Pashtuns have nothing in common except Islam is just nonsensical. Our regions and ethnic groups are strongly inter-connected whether it be by genetics, geography, history, culture and much more.

This book excerpt sums it up well.
View attachment 754033

Ethno-nationalism will continue in this country for as long as we look to Islam as the only sole pillar of our national identity.
Pak a hard country?
The root cause of deprivation is Sindh's politicians and their corruption ( PPP and kin)
Eradicate them.

A growing threat is the rapid feeling of alienation among the educated Sindhi youth. There exists a wide wedge between them and the state. The recent Bahria Town fiaso has only exasperated these feelings of alienation. Additional factors are...
1) PPP governance
2) No credible alternative to PPP ( PTI had a chance to capitalize on the Bahria Town incident but it only chose to highlight the violence of the protestors and not the land grab by Malik Riaz)
3) Urdu Media Racism ( Sindhi youth feel strongly about racist depictions in mainstream Urdu Media)
4) Karachi politics ( Sindhi youth feel strongly about voices coming from Karachi demanding a separate province)
5) No visible mainstream representation in the national media, sports teams.
6) Unease about demographic change in Sindh ( previously limited to Urdu Speakers but now increasingly hostile to Pushtun presence in Sindh).
7) Water Shortage ( Many believe Punjab is stealing water from them)

Some of the people who have these concerns believe solving these issues within the federation of Pakistan. However, a Sindhudesh idea, as prepostorous and impractical as it may sound, is also gaining traction.

A lot of these concerns can be dismissed as they lay in falsehoods. Demographic change in a multi-ethnic country like Pakistan is a given especially in the 21st century. However, we need to engage them on other issues to bridge the divide.

a) provide a mainstream alternative to PPP ( Due to its corruption and misgovernance, PPP can longer provide a buffer against Sindhi separatism)

b) Bridge rural/urban divide ( Urdu speakers need to join their voices with educated Sindhis and own Sindh.....expressions of hate against Sindh and Sindhi people will not help any community).

c) Solve water issues ( the only long-term solution is the provision of desalination plants for communities in the Sindh delta).

d) Take a stand against reported forced conversions ( Sindhi youth are more progressive as compared to other ethnic groups when it comes to religious liberties hence a stand by the state of Pakistan against this practise will earn us their trust and goodwill).

In terms of numbers, Sindhis are the third largest ethnic group and not sure we can afford another disaffected group. We have to tackle these issues before they blow up in our face and before they become too complicated.

Other ideas are welcome on this thread.

I hate to say it, bro. Our ancestors DID two great mistakes.

1. Not adopting gun culture
2. Enmity with Sindhis

Rest of Pakistan is taking advantage on us due to above two factors.

Time will help us, hopefully.
Gun culture and too much violence is the reason why Pakistan is not going to develop economically and technologically.

There are many illiterate Pakistanis who does not priorities education, technology and healthcare and believe that owning guns and joining the army is the best thing a man can do.

India and Bangladesh on the other hand gave priority to education, healthcare and technology and so they are much more developed than Pakistan.

A country needs to be at peace to progress. Pakistan has a weak economy, a weak healthcare and a weak IT sector.
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