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How to deal with growing Sindhi Nationalism?

I just got a like from an Indian on one of my comments. Generally I like the "likes." But Indians, keep out. What goes inside Pakistan and between Pakistanis is our own business.
Please complete your business without spilling blood... That is what I want. Either you stick to Pakistan or Sindhudesh is your business ensure that doesn't have Impact on India. All the best for all your future endeavours...
Wrong, virtually all of us are nationalists in our own way. I live and breath in Sindh every day. Being Muslim has nothing to do with our nationalist tendencies. When push comes to shove we'll always chose Sindh over Pakistan. Much as Bengalis did.

There is no question about Sindh's division. That is plane unacceptable to us. No matter what rationale you can conjure up.

We don't want wadera shahi bs either. But that's our problem to handle. Ironically, the nationalists most of you are trying to target are pro-soliciams, anti-PPP and anti-wadera groups.

I have used my words wisely and I have not transgressed. I speak for my land and my people. No outsider has any rights in this regard.

Thanks for ur valuable views. I would want to know how do you feel if a new capital of Sindh is made may be in keti bandar? Many years ago zulfiqarabad was being made may be as an alternative to Karachi.

Will that benefit interior sindh more in terms of more opportunities? And with karachi no longer a seat of govt will also no longer be a ethnic and power turf war?
I agree, but not only Punjab and Balochistan, all provinces should be divided into more provinces. All provinces in the country are based on language, parties like PPP, PML N, MQM and etc get votes on language racism.

All religious parties should be Banned.

Its better to be a Pakistani, than a Muslim, there are Christians, Hindus, Mirzaye in the country too.
Religion in Pakistan is Cancer, More than 80k killed in the name of Islam, All mullah considers each other Infidel/Kafir.

All parties are military product, Don't be Hypocrite,
PPP and PML N are also military product. Ayob and Zia brought them.

So, Do't criticize military for some parties, All politicians have none of reputation, so they got back of some generals, better to criticize these stupid, hypocrite and immature politicians.
And what will keep Pakistan together?Islam is the only thing that keeps Pakistan United.A Punjabi has no relation with a Pashtun and vice versa except Islam.Same with the other ethnicities.Islam promotes brotherhood and non racism and that will help in Pakistanis looking at other Pakistanis as brothers and fellow countrymen rather than Pashtun's or Punjabis.
Problem is most of Wikipedia pages related to Pakistan and China, mostly Hijacked by Indians. They add their sh*t and add source from Indian media or their propaganda sites, which claim to be from Asia or Europe.
You can check Pakistan-India, and China-India wars related articles, all will be showing Indian victory and Pakistan and China as brutal murderer, genocide and linked source will be from India.

Jinnah was secular and he dreamed for a secular state for Muslims, Christians, Qadiyanis, and Hindu lower casts like Dalit. But unluckily he got death due to illness and Pakistan was Hijacked by Mullahs. As for Islamization, Zia was behind this, not other generals.
I thought it was the Jews that controlled the internet?! LMFAO you sound ridiculous, but the facts still stand, me went to India because he was being discriminated against.
Stop targeting small peaceful province.

The conspiracy against Sindh will not bare fruit.
A growing threat is the rapid feeling of alienation among the educated Sindhi youth. There exists a wide wedge between them and the state. The recent Bahria Town fiaso has only exasperated these feelings of alienation. Additional factors are...
1) PPP governance
2) No credible alternative to PPP ( PTI had a chance to capitalize on the Bahria Town incident but it only chose to highlight the violence of the protestors and not the land grab by Malik Riaz)
3) Urdu Media Racism ( Sindhi youth feel strongly about racist depictions in mainstream Urdu Media)
4) Karachi politics ( Sindhi youth feel strongly about voices coming from Karachi demanding a separate province)
5) No visible mainstream representation in the national media, sports teams.
6) Unease about demographic change in Sindh ( previously limited to Urdu Speakers but now increasingly hostile to Pushtun presence in Sindh).
7) Water Shortage ( Many believe Punjab is stealing water from them)

Some of the people who have these concerns believe solving these issues within the federation of Pakistan. However, a Sindhudesh idea, as prepostorous and impractical as it may sound, is also gaining traction.

A lot of these concerns can be dismissed as they lay in falsehoods. Demographic change in a multi-ethnic country like Pakistan is a given especially in the 21st century. However, we need to engage them on other issues to bridge the divide.

a) provide a mainstream alternative to PPP ( Due to its corruption and misgovernance, PPP can longer provide a buffer against Sindhi separatism)

b) Bridge rural/urban divide ( Urdu speakers need to join their voices with educated Sindhis and own Sindh.....expressions of hate against Sindh and Sindhi people will not help any community).

c) Solve water issues ( the only long-term solution is the provision of desalination plants for communities in the Sindh delta).

d) Take a stand against reported forced conversions ( Sindhi youth are more progressive as compared to other ethnic groups when it comes to religious liberties hence a stand by the state of Pakistan against this practise will earn us their trust and goodwill).

In terms of numbers, Sindhis are the third largest ethnic group and not sure we can afford another disaffected group. We have to tackle these issues before they blow up in our face and before they become too complicated.

Other ideas are welcome on this thread.
A important and brave thread by you. Before you go further ask yourself this question. Sindhi is third largest ethnic group in Pakistan and in Sindh they make nearly 65% of the population. Given these facts exactly how many Sindhi members do we have on PDF? And does the Sindhi narrative even get a chance of being heard?
I thought it was the Jews that controlled the internet?
Any articles on Wiki that even remotely have anything to do with Pakistan will have been 'contributed' by Indians. In fact I call it Indipedia.
Build schools and universities, and try to sideline ppp in sindh which gets votes in the name of nationalism
Just finish provinces based on ethnic lines.Ethnic identity is a thing of the past.We all are Muslims and Pakistanis.Punjab and Balochistan should be cut down into smaller administrative parts.
P.S I know this is controversial.
I agree. We should break down to 100+ administrative units with autonomous local governments to manage healthcare, education, and local infrastructure. Let the units decide their lingua franca, priorities, by-laws, etc (if Sindhis want to live as Sindhis, let them). Give the units lots of flexibility, e.g., if they want to pool resources, then allow it, but if others want to be hyper-independent from the rest, then allow it too.

That said...policing, postal, telecom, defence, and inter-district affairs (highways, dams, etc) should be federal responsibilities.
Its a sad state of affairs over all. 18th amendment has politically balkanized Pakistan and establishment has to take the blame for it.

Center was already financially poor and now its legally and politically crippled as well.

Civil mil establishment must urgently develop a mechanism to deal with PPP. And also with raw sponsored separatists before they become mainstream.

But the incompetent way with which civil mil bureaucracy is acting, it seems Pakistan might have some serious serious problems in Sindh.

It might be better to move to a new capital in Sindh and cut a deal with ppp to stop making karachi a turf war city
if you are army person then please look at history and see how it blow back

MQM created by whom to counter PPP
Taliban created / supported by whom to counter northern alliance afghanistan
TLP tehreek e labaik created by whom to counter PMLN

May be truth hurt however you need to look into what it resulted in.

just so you know PMLN leadership admitted creating TLP. so scratch that from your list
I agree. We should break down to 100+ administrative units with autonomous local governments to manage healthcare, education, and local infrastructure. If some units want to live under tribal rule or a personality cult, fine, but don't let their BS harm the rest of the region.

But policing, postal, telecom, etc should be national/federal-level responsibilities.

This is an ideal solution in a reasonable society. But it is impossible in Pakistan. Even a local bodies system with limited freedom is not being allowed.
important and brave thread by you. Before you go further ask yourself this question. Sindhi is third largest ethnic group in Pakistan and in Sindh they make nearly 65% of the population. Given these facts exactly how many Sindhi members do we have on PDF? And does the Sindhi narrative even get a chance of being heard?

That is indeed troubling. I think on this thread, we had just one Sindhi member commenting.

Plenty of difference between his views and the other posters.

Views can be different that is not an issue but at least there needs to be an understanding where the other guy is coming from.

What are his insecurities and what can be done to address his concerns while achieving your goals.

Plenty of suggestions on dividing Sindh but no suggestion on how do we reach out to an average Sindhi and convince him of this argument.
And what will keep Pakistan together?
Tell me?

  • What kept the British Raj together for nearly 200 years?
  • What keeps Turkey Iran together?
  • What keeps Turkey together?
  • What keeps Singapore together?
  • What keeps Indonesia together?
On the other hand if Islam is bonding glue tell me?

  • Why did it not keept Bangla in 1971?
  • Why is Afghanistan divided from us?
  • Why is Iran divided from us?
  • Why is Saudia divided from us?
  • Why is there 12 differant Arab countries?

Your logic holds no water. Non.
That is indeed troubling. I think on this thread, we had just one Sindhi member commenting.
Who was this? I think I have been a PDF member now for over decade and I don't think I have even comes across one Sindhi member. There are more Africans here then Sindhi's despite they being the third largest ethnic group who actually have their own province - Sindh. All things equal this place should have at least 1/3 Sindhi's or dozens of members.

This just shows us the issue. PPP is a gift to rest of Sindh because it keeps all of rural Sindh placated and sedated. Or else by now you would have had a full scale military insurgency that would make the Bengali Mukhtos or Indian Maoists look like kindergarten warriors.

I wish there were Sindi's here to explain how despite crushing inequity Sindhi masses are so sedated. I think the nature of Sindhi social structure means as long as you buy out few of their elites - like Bhuttos the mass can be kept chained. In that sense Bhuttos and PPP are actually peforming a vital function for the present order.

Or there would have been full scale insurgency and civil war.
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