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How tall are you lot? Heights around the world revealed, in landmark study.

I ethnicity is the main driver ... sri lankans, south indians etc are short people
I don't know about others but i am quite tall as per standards 5' 10.5" can't wear heels :( even some of male cousins are shorter than me. On girls gang they always look up to talk to me.


You are as tall as my daughter---she is 5'-10" and going to be 17 in sept----.

I ethnicity is the main driver ... sri lankans, south indians etc are short people

It is the lack of iron in the diet that effects the majority---. Here in the U S when immigrants come from south america---men and women are small stature----when the women get pregnant over here in the U S----due to a better diet and supplements available---their babies are born bigger than when they were in their native countries---.

The children of immigrant latinos living here in the U S are definitely taller than their parents.
As per my conversion 1.82 m only 5.10 aprox not that tall.
6 feet = 6 * 12 * 25,4 = 1 82,88 cm which happens to be my height.

When I traveled to Japan in 1983, I flew from Chabarovsk in the Soviet Union.
On the flight, there was a group of young Japanese Women.
We "knew" Japanese Women were pretty short, but all of them were at least 200 cm...

When we arrived in Japan, we found that women indeed was much shorter than the members of the female Basketball national team of Japan!
6 feet = 6 * 12 * 25,4 = 1 82,88 cm which happens to be my height.

When I traveled to Japan in 1983, I flew from Chabarovsk in the Soviet Union.
On the flight, there was a group of young Japanese Women.
We "knew" Japanese Women were pretty short, but all of them were at least 200 cm...

When we arrived in Japan, we found that women indeed was much shorter than the members of the female Basketball national team of Japan!

Nice story.
Lack of data, it's way too dangerous to go there. They also don't have good civil institutions that the researchers could ask for information. The thing is I find them to be mixed, but generally medium to tall height.
I would say that they have average height of about 6 feet especially young guys/boy who are extra slim and tall

I dont get this craze about height. I have some very tall guys in family but they face few disadvantage and people often make fun of them so i think maximum 6 feet is ok ...too tall or too small dont look attarctive
The tallest people in the world are from Dinaric Alps region, which stretches through Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia. Average height in this region for men is 185.6cm, and some 28% of them are with height over 190cm.
I don't know about others but i am quite tall as per standards 5' 10.5" can't wear heels :( even some of male cousins are shorter than me. On girls gang they always look up to talk to me.

There are no females on the Internet
I read somewhere that dutch increased their height massively because they eat a lot of cheese and other milk product...
No surprises in the Dutch and Koreans.. Koreans have always been the largest Asian ethnicity

But pleasantly surprised about Sri Lankans though.. I know there are quite a bit of big made people there especially in Rugby etc.. But always thought on average Afghans and Indians would be taller

Interesting thread @waz.. Cheers mate

Everything to do with nutrition right from the start,in India height of children is increasing but like in western countries alongside obesity.


Still India has a huge issue with stunted population.. This just the latest report


Hahahahah true.
But my height can be confirmed, I've met people from this site in real life. 8-)

Well i'm 5.9" and 2/3 Dutch.. Soooo.... :(

sri lankans, south indians etc are short people

But this study says otherwise
It's genetics+ nutrients/food. For example, I mostly grew up in Pakistan (City), and I am around 5"8, my brother is nearing 5"10 and he still has 3-4 years of growth left but he was around 4 when we moved, and also @Jaanbaz point of rural vs urban holds true to a great extent. Again, another example, My grandfather and all his brothers were over 6", but their next generation who were brought up in the cities are shorter.
For some reason Pakistani's height is decreasing over generations while the rest of South Asia's is increasing.

Is it food habits changing or degradation of food quality or what?

No surprises in the Dutch and Koreans.. Koreans have always been the largest Asian ethnicity

But pleasantly surprised about Sri Lankans though.. I know there are quite a bit of big made people there especially in Rugby etc.. But always thought on average Afghans and Indians would be taller

Interesting thread @waz.. Cheers mate

Still India has a huge issue with stunted population.. This just the latest report

India's average height has improved thanks almost exclusively to the increasing governance reach of the Indian State which has steadily increased since 1947. Better transportation links coupled with State food shops being developed across the country so food is being transported from one area to another.

There are three major areas of concern for us:

The Indian State is still not reaching many major areas in Central and Eastern India where there is massive shortage of food. The growth of the reach of State is slower than desired.

Also some of the traditional dietary habits in may major areas are bad. With increasing prosperity people are just consuming more of the same without bringing variety in their diet. This is leading to chronic malnutrition despite consuming adequate calories.

Thirdly India has utterly horrible food storage infrastructure with almost 40% of the food being wasted.

The positive side is that these are now well known facts and being tackled steadily by the Govt. Our results would have a quantum jump in about a decade.

We have just started making a difference in terms of food availability and variety across India. In another decade or so, there would be a quantum change...and ergo height. Would take another generation I guess for results to show.
For some reason Pakistani's height is decreasing over generations while the rest of South Asia's is increasing.

Is it food habits changing or degradation of food quality or what?

India's average height has improved thanks almost exclusively to the increasing governance reach of the Indian State which has steadily increased since 1947. Better transportation links coupled with State food shops being developed across the country so food is being transported from one area to another.

There are three major areas of concern for us:

The Indian State is still not reaching many major areas in Central and Eastern India where there is massive shortage of food. The growth of the reach of State is slower than desired.

Also some of the traditional dietary habits in may major areas are bad. With increasing prosperity people are just consuming more of the same without bringing variety in their diet. This is leading to chronic malnutrition despite consuming adequate calories.

Thirdly India has utterly horrible food storage infrastructure with almost 40% of the food being wasted.

The positive side is that these are now well known facts and being tackled steadily by the Govt. Our results would have a quantum jump in about a decade.

We have just started making a difference in terms of food availability and variety across India. In another decade or so, there would be a quantum change...and ergo height. Would take another generation I guess for results to show.

Another major reason according to many studies and this report it self is the huge problem of lack of sanitation in India which leads to diseases that stunt the growth of Indian Children.. But again as you have stated the authorities seems to be taking on the problem head on lately with some succsess, So hopefully that would be overcome in decades to come
No surprises in the Dutch and Koreans.. Koreans have always been the largest Asian ethnicity

But pleasantly surprised about Sri Lankans though.. I know there are quite a bit of big made people there especially in Rugby etc.. But always thought on average Afghans and Indians would be taller

Interesting thread @waz.. Cheers mate

According to this study, average height of Indians born is 1996 is 164.95 cm, for Sri Lankans its 165.6 cm, for Afghans its 165.25 cm, For Pakistanis its 166.95cm, the difference is negligible.

Average height of Indians from the North, South, and Western parts of Indian on an average would be same as Pakistani average if not more. Its the Indians from eastern states (Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa), North Eastern States and Central states like MP and Chattisgarh who are of much shorter height on an average.

And either case I don't think this data reflects the correct picture, as in most cases they have just extrapolated the data rather than doing a real survey.
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