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How tall are you lot? Heights around the world revealed, in landmark study.

5 foot 8 let me put a box on my head and cry in the corner :(
I am the shortest male in my dadka :cry:

Jay qadan nal jigray v bary honday tay ussi manday .................... par jigra kissi kissi kol he honda ay panway o 4 foot da he kio na huway.
I'm 6.... My father is 5'11. Mother is 5'6.
I don't consider myself "tall" rather average .. At least wasn't the "tallest" in my Univ,: although a lot of people were shorter than me..

The shortest gun in my family (both maternal and paternal) is an uncle whose 5'8 and made fun of because of his height.

The average in my family for men would be 6..

The tallest is my uncle whose 6'6.
As i said before PDF admins never approve male members account if they are not at least 6 or 6 Plus :lol:
No surprises in the Dutch and Koreans.. Koreans have always been the largest Asian ethnicity

But pleasantly surprised about Sri Lankans though.. I know there are quite a bit of big made people there especially in Rugby etc.. But always thought on average Afghans and Indians would be taller

Interesting thread @waz.. Cheers mate

Still India has a huge issue with stunted population.. This just the latest report


Well i'm 5.9" and 2/3 Dutch.. Soooo.... :(

Wow, didn't know that bro. So I take it one parent is completely Dutch and one half Dutch, half Sri-Lanka?
Yeah .. I think those who have seen my pic on this forum know I ain't lying. There is a difference between making tall claims and reality..:)

6 feet is a good height. Our elders always say no sense in being too tall, otherwise you won't find a matching girl.

Then again ...

Mohajir is not an ethnicity, some Muhajir are quite tall actually.
Some one who migrated from Xinyang is Muhajir so is some from Rakhine state no clear defination of Muhajir
Some one who migrated from Xinyang is Muhajir so is some from Rakhine state no clear defination of Muhajir

No only Urdu Speakers are Mohajir, they have copyright.:lol: My Urdu speaking uncles etc do not call themselves mohajir, I don't know why still so many MQM walay want to call themselves Mohajir.

May be your right but those i met or saw are quite Indian looking features plus short in height.

The poorer ones are short in height, try meeting Urdu Speaking elites who migrated from Delhi, UP etc. They are usually tall, more taller then Pushtuns and Punjabis from urban areas. Many Punjabis get the shock of their life when they actually meet a UP wala, they seem to think that Urdu Speaker=dark, short Hindu background and weak. Army and Police learned it the hard way during 92 operations. :rofl:
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