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How tall are you lot? Heights around the world revealed, in landmark study.

No only Urdu Speakers are Mohajir, they have copyright.:lol: My Urdu speaking uncles etc do not call themselves mohajir, I don't know why still so many MQM walay want to call themselves Mohajir.

The poorer ones are short in height, try meeting Urdu Speaking elites who migrated from Delhi, UP etc. They are usually tall, more taller then Pushtuns and Punjabis from urban areas. Many Punjabis get the shock of their life when they actually meet a UP wala, they seem to think that Urdu Speaker=dark, short Hindu background and weak. Army and Police learned it the hard way during 92 operations. :rofl:
Acha jo Rajhistan,Haryana,Jammu,Kashmir,Burma,Bengal,Gujrat,South India aey aye wo khalai makhlook they?
Don't think that's true. Most of the Pakistanis I have met were taller than the average Hong Konger.[/QUOTEi have doubt on this study, Majority malasyians were ex indonesians. how come there avg height is that much different. Avg malaysian is way shorter that avg pakistanis. How come they rank higher than pakistan.
Its become a political word now. Which is a shame.
So those who escaped state sponsored genocide of Jammu apprently are not worthy of being called Muhajirs because they are not Altafo sandh certified
For some reason Pakistani's height is decreasing over generations while the rest of South Asia's is increasing.

Is it food habits changing or degradation of food quality or what?

Not sure, mate. Most likely due to poor nutrients and food quality like you said. For example, the dutch were quite short a few hundred years ago yet now they are taller than a lot of the folks. All it suggests is that the genetic footprint was there, all it needed was the right ingredients and mixture of Food and life style quality. But Science isn't really my expertise so just my opinion.
From my experience in the mixing bowl over here.
(a rough guess off the top of my head)

From taller to smaller (men)

Africans (not many black Africans are under 5'9")
Western Europeans
Eastern Europeans/Russians
Central Americans
South East Asians
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Women around here average 1.670m, but I'm much shorter then that.

My partner is nearly 20 centimeters taller then me. It's kind of weird sometimes:wacko:.

Except when we get into an elevator with all guys...and then we are below average,
I only feel tall when there's only women.

I am ok with my height, not insecure at all. It is nothing great but I don't really feel short. I feel average. :D
haha it could be a lot worse! But it's rare that I'm the tallest guy in an elevator.

As an Indian, especially from a part where people are generally on the shorter side, I actually feel lucky to be average. Trust me, it could have been a lot worse for me. :D
As an Indian, especially from a part where people are generally on the shorter side, I actually feel lucky to be average. Trust me, it could have been a lot worse for me. :D

Oh I have worked with plenty of Indians over the years. Not many were taller than me.
India is a very diverse country in every possible way. So average height also varies a lot.

So how would you sort this list:

Western Europeans
Eastern Europeans
Central Americans
South East Asians
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