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How many years will it take for China to add another India's nominal GDP? 3, 4 or 5?

How many years it will take for China to add another Indian GDP?

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  • 3 years

  • 4 years

  • 5 years

  • more than 5 years

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Developed countries also use PPP....for example the extremely high living costs of Switzerland and Norway have a large impact on their PPP compared to market rate.

I'm talking about foreign websites. If Chinese don't care about PPP figures, thats on them.

Its more of a useful metric for per capita income anyway rather than gross domestic product.

Both it and market rates have pros and cons depending on the situation.
Havent seen Japanese caring PPP.

Hey,the congener goods differ a lot,the enjoyment differs when payments are different.

If you care PPP,(Macao isnt counted)Taiwan is the richest area in East Asian. :)
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PPP makes developing country self-content.
The methodology of PPP is questionable, and highly unstable, especially for bigger countries where regional difference is obvious.
That's why PPP is seldom and nearly never mentioned here.
After all, when comparing countries, real GDP is much more reliable.

PPP vastly inflates the importance of poor countries.

India is actually poorer than many subsaharan African countries.

I've said this many times, India is a humanitarian disaster.

Scares you !!

I smell something burning http://

Only thing burning is your ego since AndrewJin exposed how utterly irrelevant the Indian economy is compared to China.

China creates an Indian economy every 2 years :lol:
PPP vastly inflates the importance of poor countries.

India is actually poorer than many subsaharan African countries.

I've said this many times, India is a humanitarian disaster.
I have full confidence in Sub-Sahara Africa where GDP per capita is much higher.
China is in deep collaboration with Africa in every aspect from health to infra.

China committed to building 100 health facilities in Africa - Motsoaledi
Addis Ababa Inaugurates China-built Light Rail Service
African officials applaud Chinese pharmacologist's winning Nobel Prize for medicine
PPP vastly inflates the importance of poor countries.

India is actually poorer than many subsaharan African countries.

I've said this many times, India is a humanitarian disaster.

Only thing burning is your ego since AndrewJin exposed how utterly irrelevant the Indian economy is compared to China.

China creates an Indian economy every 2 years :lol:

Yeah what ever ..... who cares about those chinese stats any way, I am looking for @AndrewJin who ran away from here.
PPP makes developing country self-content.
The methodology of PPP is questionable, and highly unstable, especially for bigger countries where regional difference is obvious.
That's why PPP is seldom and nearly never mentioned here.
After all, when comparing countries, real GDP is much more reliable.

a) The methodology of any GDP measurement is "questionable". Have you read any book related to econometrics? Or are you content with just copying/pasting from fellow comrade martian?

b) Highly "unstable"? What does that mean? Do you know just how volatile market rates are? Have you looked at how much Russian Nominal GDP in US dollars dropped in just a span of a year? If actual purchasing power of the Russian citizen halved in a year like that do you know the level of rioting that would occur?

c) And never mentioned "here"....where is "here"? This defence forum or you talking about China? Both are lesser authorities on economics compared to the IMF and World Bank which both use PPP....world bank even calls it the international dollar. If you don't like it, you are free to disagree. Repeating your dislike of PPP and laughing at it only highlights your ignorance or distaste for anything where China's economic distance from India is threatened.

d) Real GDP is a whole different dimension to PPP and Nominal. Nominal is pure market rates (if we are talking about using a standardised currency)....Real takes into account inflation (price level diminishing)....and PPP establishes the actual relative base price level.
Yeah what ever ..... who cares about those chinese stats any way, I am looking for @AndrewJin who ran away from here.

@RiazHaq exposed the credibility of Indian stats perfectly.

4% to 8% with a stroke of a pen. Beyond laughable.

@AndrewJin destroys Indians. He exposed what a complete joke the Indian economy truly is. Your ego just can't handle it buddy.
@RiazHaq exposed the credibility of Indian stats perfectly.

4% to 8% with a stroke of a pen. Beyond laughable.

@AndrewJin destroys Indians. He exposed what a complete joke the Indian economy truly is. Your ego just can't handle it buddy.
And for consumption, one building block of GDP, China will add entire India's consumption in no more than 2 years.
One of the most interesting bragging I have heard since I joined PDF is the world-famous consumption-driven economy.

One of the biggest achievement of Modi regime is to announce 8% from 4% overnight.
And for consumption, one building block of GDP, China will add entire India's consumption in no more than 2 years.
One of the most interesting bragging I have heard since I joined PDF is the world-famous consumption-driven economy.

One of the biggest achievement of Modi regime is to announce 8% from 4% overnight.

China consumes more than India of pretty much everything.

Yet the Indian propaganda mouthpieces say India is a consumption-driven economy.

As great as China's consumption is, China's investment is even greater which gives the view that China 'don't consume'.

If China reduced its investment (that would be foolish), then Chinese economy will look like its run by consumption too.

Modi is a religious extremist pretending to be a president. The guy is not much better than ISIS.
China consumes more than India of pretty much everything.

Yet the Indian propaganda mouthpieces say India is a consumption-driven economy.

As great as China's consumption is, China's investment is even greater which gives the view that China 'don't consume'.

If China reduced its investment (that would be foolish), then Chinese economy will look like its run by consumption too.
To summarise the first 6 months, China's retail sales grew 10.4 percent year on year to 14.16 trillion yuan ($2.32 trillion) in the first half of 2015. Online retail sales continued to be a bright spot, surging 39.1 percent year on year to 1.65 trillion yuan($265.33 billion).

China's retail sales of first 6 months of 2015 is more than twice of entire India's retail sales.

HSBC: China Will Continue to Drive Global Demand | Page 2
To summarise the first 6 months, China's retail sales grew 10.4 percent year on year to 14.16 trillion yuan ($2.32 trillion) in the first half of 2015. Online retail sales continued to be a bright spot, surging 39.1 percent year on year to 1.65 trillion yuan($265.33 billion).

China's retail sales of first 6 months of 2015 is more than twice of entire India's retail sales.

HSBC: China Will Continue to Drive Global Demand | Page 2

$2.32 trillion in retail sales by China in 6 months.

Thats bigger than the ENTIRE Indian economy.

That's embarrassing :lol:
$2.32 trillion in retail sales by China in 6 months.

Thats bigger than the ENTIRE Indian economy.

That's embarrassing :lol:
No, it's not embarrassing since their economy is consumption-driven.
I'm counting how many weeks will it take for China to add entire e-commerce retail sales of India.
2 weeks or 3 weeks?
11-11 online retail sales equal ten years of Indian online sales?
. .
Just to my understanding from 2010 to 2011 China grew ~ 25%. I am not sure how to read this data can you please explain please?
that's nominal, yuan appreciation and inflation was considered.
In nominal term, Indian GDP growth of first half of 2015 was less than 5% because of considerable rupee depreciation. Actually, U.S., China and India are the very few countries with positive nominal growth among major economies.
:lol: Chinese and their self aggrandizement. I am sure, most of the Chinese are on payroll of CPC to spread propaganda about China on the net. As Chinese economy is on decline, I see more and more propaganda.
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