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How ‘Islamist’ is the AKP?

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I am not kurd, just a normal turk from central anatlian city called Kayseri (which in fact is very nationalistic).

But why did you get stuck at if i am turkish or kurdish, what difference does it even make. Woah, you guys really havent developed to the next stage, still stuck at nationality. What good is a nation if it doesnt respect its people's rights and liberty? A country based on nationalistic sentiments is plainly wrong. The nationalistic movements started in Europe, and sadly i see what Europe have been though in early modern ages, some turks still cant get over it.

It is pretty apparent that the most succefull countries are based on pluralism (political power in society does not lie with the electorate but is distributed among a wide number of groups).

United Kingdom, The United States of America, two great countries. two countries that have developed their political system in the highest degree. What do they have in common? Respect for ethnicity and religion and most importantly they are not secular countries. France, a secular country is problem-full, (look at their internal conflicts with minorities).

We definitely need to move away from nationalism, that is our greatest enemy. There ought to be other forms of ideologies that can unite us, like religious (in my opinion).
There's a funny (true story) about a man from Trabzon.

He wanted to build a small bar in his daire (apartment) and do some other modifications

He did not want to pay for workers to do it, he wanted to do the work himself

He consulted with a friend, and decided to use some basic demolitions explosives

Problem is, he was unsure about it. But Black Sea people are confident and brave people, so he decided to do it anyways.

When he was at a safe distance, he activated what he thought would be a small '''poof'' and then he would go back to his apartment and work on the newly created hole.

But when he pressed the red button, he ended up bombing the entire building and causing it to collapse into the street. He used too much explosives... :D

The black sea Turks have a lot in common with the Pashtuns of Pakistan, or the Texans of America......they love good food, they love their weapons, they love the outdoors.

People tease them for not being intellectual or for being more macho than brains.....but in the end, they stand by their honour and it's hard to ever have reason to dislike them.

şerefe!!!! :cheers:
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I am not kurd, just a normal turk from central anatlian city called Kayseri (which in fact is very nationalistic).

But why did you get stuck at if i am turkish or kurdish, what difference does it even make.

onemli degil kankam.....yanlis anlasilma

What good is a nation if it doesnt respect its people's rights and liberty? A country based on nationalistic sentiments is plainly wrong. The nationalistic movements started in Europe, and sadly i see what Europe have been though in early modern ages, some turks still cant get over it.

It is pretty apparent that the most succefull countries are based on pluralism (political power in society does not lie with the electorate but is distributed among a wide number of groups).

United Kingdom, The United States of America, two great countries. two countries that have developed their political system in the highest degree. What do they have in common? Respect for ethnicity and religion and most importantly they are not secular countries. France, a secular country is problem-full, (look at their internal conflicts with minorities).

We definitely need to move away from nationalism, that is our greatest enemy. There ought to be other forms of ideologies that can unite us, like religious (in my opinion).

I think there is ''good'' nationalism and ''bad'' nationalism.

Nationalism itself is an abstract and broadly used term.

Islam can and should unite people like you and me and the next guy over there. Of course we have our own cultures and upbringings which we cannot for the life of us ignore or disregard.
A country based on nationalistic sentiments is plainly wrong. The nationalistic movements started in Europe, and sadly i see what Europe have been though in early modern ages, some turks still cant get over it.
Nationalism is still high in Germany, France and its in rise across the Europe.

United Kingdom, The United States of America, two great countries. two countries that have developed their political system in the highest degree. What do they have in common? Respect for ethnicity and religion and most importantly they are not secular countries. France, a secular country is problem-full, (look at their internal conflicts with minorities).
Oh dear.. You just called champions of secularism a bunch of religious freaks.. I mean, UK is the place where it all started and you just call them not secular? Get a grip of reality man.
I have grip of reality my friend and i do know what i am talking about.
UK is notofficially secular. The Treaty of Union that led to the formation of the United Kingdom ensured that there would be a Protestant succession as well as a link between church and state that still remains.

As to the US, it is common knowledge that the US is a religious country, at least compared to Europe. A 2002 study showed that 59% of Americans said that religion played a "very important role in their lives," a far higher figure than that of any other wealthy nation. (Among Wealthy Nations … | Pew Global Attitudes Project)

Which part of reality do you want me to grab?
M.Kemal was a pragmatist,he used islam for his policies.

And yes he negotited with british.Britain wanted a free kurdistan.Ataturk didnt want that and he abolished caliphate and gave up our rights in northern iraq.Thats how he convinced the brits not to support a free kurdistan.Also he always followed pro-british policies.At the end,brits sold greeks out and we beat them.Thats why greeks hate him and thats why brits,americans etc adores him.

Mustafa Kemal was a atheist, Mustafa Kemal was a Mason, Mustafa Kemal was this was that man pleas keep your foreign sources for yourself. You guys are mad that he made a end on lazy seat lovers sultans and imams. You dont know how sultans lived. They could only borrowing money from the west and live their lives luxe while nation suffering from hunger etc. You hate him because he made a end on liars like saidi nursi that used the islam to fool people and tryed to create ethnic conflicts. You guys talking about islam and defending akp while the financier is the kuffaar. You talking about Islam but AKP take away the zina law. You talking about Islam but thanksfull to AKP they do everything what the EU (christian/kuffar union) says. You talking about Islam but thanks to AKP there is no morality left in country. You talking about Islam but thanks to AKP they openend more that 30.000 churches. Thanks to AKP misionairs can do what they want and i can go like this hours.
Like Pakistanis and Jinnah Saab --- Turks are lucky to have had a leader like Kemal Pasha. A Nationbuilder with strong vision.

As our PM recently stated in Turkish parliament:

there is a few thousands kilometer distance from Cinnah Caddesi (Jinnah Boulevard) in Ankara -- and Ataturk Avenue in Islamabad.

but there is zero distance between the hearts of Turk and Pakistani because we are one. :)
@abu zolfiqar
eheh sen bizim lazları diyosun ben daha doğusundayım karadenizin.karadeniz fıkraları oraya kadar ulaştıysa hey maşallah.:tongue:
O zaman kurt Turk musun?

by the way, many people label Northern Iraq as ''kurdistan'' so i dont see why the small number of seperatists like PKK and PJAK still want to engage in armed struggles

Because zionists want the promised lands!! Its all about firat and dicle rivers!! What said prophet sallallaahu aleyhie wa sallam? He said that the end of the world will begin at firat river. People will fight on it. And right now we are fighting for it.

Belligerents: Turkish Nation


PKK, America, Brittain, Israël, etc.

And AKP is doing everything America want but some people are running away from the truth and loves to be blind and deaf. They cant see the facts that they are preparing a civil war between Turks and kurds. And when there is civil war UN peacekeep will come and than they will devide it like how happend in yugoslavia.
Do you have source for all that? You know those nonsense claims are pretty non-factual. Look if you want to convince people who have the ability to do some critical thinking you need to present facts, not theories about subjects that don't have any factuality. This is not a mud throwing contest. If you thoroughly read my previous posts i backed my arguments with sources (quotes etc.). You just speak about a range of subjects without any form of source.

There is common knowledge and common sense. But strong claims like yours, need to be backed up. Or else they sound like child play
Aslinda Karadeniz Karadenizdir.......dunya'da hic 'kopya' vardir bence

ben o taraf bi dafa gittim......Trabzon ve Samsun!! :):)

I am happy, by the way, to see you Turks here. Where is Cabatli???? Why is he missing on this discussion.
i agree with you.you are stuck at saidi nursi that nurcu thing again.go beyond your capacity mate...

Yes sure, the things you talking about is the truth, the things were i am talking about is a lie..
Because zionists want the promised lands!! Its all about firat and dicle rivers!! What said prophet sallallaahu aleyhie wa sallam? He said that the end of the world will begin at firat river. People will fight on it. And right now we are fighting for it.

Belligerents: Turkish Nation


PKK, America, Brittain, Israël, etc.

And AKP is doing everything America want but some people are running away from the truth and loves to be blind and deaf. They cant see the facts that they are preparing a civil war between Turks and kurds. And when there is civil war UN peacekeep will come and than they will devide it like how happend in yugoslavia.

you guys think there is no kurdish problem LOL.There is a kurdish problem since 1923 because of kemals fanatic nationalism.Also a civil war happened before in Turkey.Kemal massacred Kurds and Alevis.We want to save our country from the claws of nationalists and say we are all ummah.and to do that we need to get rid of kemals principles.got it einstein????
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