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How ‘Islamist’ is the AKP?

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Bilader senin beyninle sorunun mu var?

Bak ben ne diyorum ? Ben yari KURDUM !! Kimse bu gune kadar lan sen kurtsun pislik defol demedi ... Okulda okudum uni.de bitirdim... Secme hakkim var secilme hakkim var evde annem demlerle kurtce konusur akrabalrimiz geldiklerinde kurtce konusur lan biz daha bir gun komsularimizdan sikayet almadik !!

26 sene Kayseri Kocasinanda yasadim kimse bizi ayirmadi herkez tarafindan sevilen insanlariz !! Ne sorunu ne kisitlamasi? Turgut ozal kurttu Malatyada dedemin kapi komsulariymis annem Malatya dogumlu lan adam Basbakan oldu Cumhurbaskani oldu daha ne hakkimiz verilmemis ??

Yeter lan artik bizi ayrilikci ermeni tohumu yari kurt yari ermenilerle bir tutmayin artik !! Biz Turk vatandasligini sindirmis vatandaslariz yeter artik bizi ayristirdiginiz !! Onlarin yuzunden kurdum demeye utaniyorum ... Lanet olsun senin gibilere lanet olsun benim ulkemi kardesi kardese kirdirip bolmeye calisana !!
Mods please remove this message. You should stop writing Turkish in here and start to use more appropriate language. You can always use PM also.
Mods please remove this message. You should stop writing Turkish in here and start to use more appropriate language. You can always use PM also.

Dude i was commending as English but he is repeating same b*sit words !! I think he has problem with his brain ... I commended as Turkish i thought maybe he can recognize what am i saying ?

As you see, English or Turkish are not problem for me .
As to that university degree. A university degree in Turkey doesnt even correlate with a highschool degree in Denmark, sorry folks but Turkey lacks incredibly in education. This is a proven fact by various researches. Researches are not neccesary, folk like you illustrate the problem perfectly.

As for that brain issue. If you are unable to grasp me, you sir have serious problems not me.

Go research your daily conspiracy theories about which degree illuminati Erdogan and Gul are. You are not suited to discuss.
Yes sure Turkiye has lack in education !! Your holy Denmark much much better :D

Did they teach you how you can insult to Islam and Muhammad? coz your country well known with insulting Islam, Muslims and Muhammad !! I think they have thought you very well coz you can insult to Ataturk now next step will be Islam, Muslims and Muhammad ... I said you before you shouldn't call yourself as a Turkish coz you are a Danish. Erdogan is a person who studied in Turkish schools same as me Gul has been studied at USA thay why he is the most loved president for US government !!

You have sick brain coz all of your comments have same word "conspiracy theories" ... You are a conspiracy theory ! without knowledge about Ataturk and the history of Turkiye, judging him and his opinions are just proving of your ignorance !!

You can know only Denmark's barbaric history !! So please stay away than Turkish history and It's founder Ataturk ... Your insults and slanders will not change the reality !!

As for kurdish issue.. There is terrorism issue !! I am half kurdish and i say we have all of rights like others .. Do not treat us same as half armenian/kurdish terrorists !! We love this country ..

And one more thing, You have average English like me and other nonnatives here !!
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is there some kind of numerical system or scale from 1 to 10????

provide a rubric, Mr. Bin Qasim!

but you can give people a choice and let them decide whether they WANT to be Islamist

what I dont believe in is having religion shoved down your throat

it should come from within........and on one's own will.

AKP is a ''secular-friendly'' Islamist party. Does that suffice for you?

Guys (this is for everyone here)...

We should be careful when we label someone as something... The Islamist label is used quite often... ranging from groups like Al Qaedda to TTP to Taliban in Afghanistan, Iran and Saudis, Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat e Islami...

So who is an Islamist and who is not... One needs to look beyond claims and accusations (labels) and look for one thing only... Its called the measuring yard stick...

It is not enough for someone to claim that they are Islamists... The Taliban were widely called Islamist in the media of the world... Were they? Do you seriously think that preventing girls from getting educated is some sort of Islamism?

What does our deen says... That education is an obligation on all Muslim men and women... when you see a force preventing such a thing no matter what excuse they may be using, it would be proper to call them anti Islam rather than Islamist...

Similarly groups like Al Qaeda who have resorted to armed struggle against everyone in the name of Islam... Are they Islamist? I dont think so... I cannot find ONE reference where our master Muhammad saw resorted to armed conflict in his initial attempts to establish the Islamic system and implementation of the Islamic doctrine and teachings... For thirteen years he used to call people to Islam and got insulted, bled by stones being thrown at him, despite the fact that he had the most fearsome warriors on his side i.e Hamza, Ali, Umar, Bilal, Abu Dhar Al Ghafari, Hudaifa RA... So to resort to armed struggle to establish an Islamic order is clashing with the method of the Prophet saw... At least in my book such groups are not Islamist because they are causing innocent blood of both Muslims and non Muslims to spill in this process... and most importantly they are bringing a bad name to Islam itself...

Lets talk about groups like AKP or JI or Muslim Brotherhood... who have been trying to get into power or actually get into power using Islam to gain support from voters... Firstly democracy is anti Islam for it gives power to legislate to the electorate of the people... For us Muslims Halal and Haram are decided by Allah swt and not what our candidate votes in a Parliament... You should pay attention to this point as this is very important... So when an elected member of Parliament (regardless of his claims of Islamism or not) thinks that he has the right to adopt or reject laws, I have a big problem with that... By using such measures what our "Islamists" have done is that they have accepted downright Haram and turned it into Halal... only ONE example will explain this to you...

God says in the Quran (translation of the meaning) that those who deal in Riba... give them a declaration of being at war with God and God's messenger... We have seen this sickness not just in Turkey but also in countries like Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia where Riba has been accepted by Parliaments or decrees of a self imposed King and some of these very people go around calling themselves Islamist... what? what happened to the measuring yard stick? It takes a bold man to sit in a parliament and start voting on issues such as these... not for a micro second these people realize that they are mocking the very legislation that Islam has given to Muslims... An Islamist is the one who accepts these laws without voting on it... the criteria is nt if the majority accepts it or not... by that criteria anything can be made halal and haram... the criteria is that the law giver has decided and our goal is only submission to the will of God Almighty... This issue is so sensitive that it has taken away all thinking from our masses... I was once a guest at the house of our MNA from NA1 who happened to be from Jamaat e Islami and when this issue was mentioned to him he could not even grasp what was being said... I think I m being clear enough for you on this... This is where these groups are placed...

There is no such thing as a "secular friendly Islamist group"... Can you imagine a "Communism friendly Capitalist group"? Certain things are opposites of each other in the realm of ideas and ideology... No one will understand you if you start talking about a black that is also white and the same goes for the statement that although we believe in Islam as a political ideology and we are Islamists but we also believe that there should be secularism... because it would then mean that you are not serious about one or the other... How on earth can you combine two opposites into a mix?

Then you have groups that advocate that Islam has nothing to do with politics... Such groups in my opinion, we should not be wasting time about at all... But they are obviously not Islamist either...

If you ever want to use the measuring yard stick for such issues... you should look at the economics... the state that adopts Islamic economics is the one which will be truly Islamist... This is the litmus test that you are asking for... There is no in between on this issue...

also... this is what our enemies fear the most... "In becharon kee jaan jaa rahi hay Islam kay iqtisadi nizam ki waja say"

One of the companies that has tested scenarios of the Caliphate btw is Shell...

This is also the reason that ideologies are basically named after their economic systems... Communism and Capitalism ;)
Brothers... i m seeing this exchange between you with a little annoyance... grow up the few of you please...
Turkey is founded in Democratic Republic, that is why it is politically impossible to go towards an islamic theocracy. Actually i doubt that the current population would support such a transformation.
Your accusations of AKP isnt valid at all. They didnt use islam as a political tool.

They are rooted in islamic organizations (IMGM), but later they differed from Necmettin Erbakan partly because he failed and the military threatened them.

What Erdogan and co. did was very cunning. They played according to the rules, and slowly, by bringing down the worst Generals and YÖK (an institution that leads the universities) they changed faces within these institutions.

Muhammad i can guarantee you, their strategy is to serve the population, which is much more different from the former utterly corrupt governments.

Every sane man and woman in Turkey can see that AKP tried to bring more justice to the people, partly by giving rights to minorities and by opening the way for muslims (in industry and universities). Today our muslim sisters can enter universities with their headscarves. 2-3 years ago this was impossible.

What i am trying to say is that AKP play by the rules and they do a damn good job.
If you truly want an islamic state (i want it as well, no doubt), you need to do a revolution which i doubt will ever take place.

Edit: I am not answering Killuminati and TrMhMt anymore, i dont have time to deal with imbeciles.
My professors at the university are all English and i have an excellent communication with them. Again your claims are nothing but nonsense. And Now that you have repeated the same nonsense 4 times let me clraify for you that M. Kemal didnt die 100 years ago. You are only making a fool of yourself. You are a total embarrassment
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Allah senin gibi Kayserilinin belasini versin !! Bir Kayserili olarak senden resmen utandim ... Ama danimarkada yasayip buyup oradan ahkam kesmek kolay !!!

Ben anneden taraf kurdum !! dedelerim ermeni mezaliminden kacip gelmisler sen onlarida soykirimci yaparsin yarin...

Sen kendine Turkum falan deme senin gibi Turk olmaz olsun !!! Sen resmen danimarkalilasmisin ... Yarin birgun danimarkada da Turkiye aleyhine ermenilerle bir olup calisirsin !! Senin gibilerinin orneklerini hergun goruyoruz ...

Birde cikmis dinden imandan fetva veriyorsun !! degit ozaman laik danirmarkadan dinsiz danimarkadan Muhammede kufreden danimarkadan Iranda, sudi arabistanda yasa hiyar ... Onu bunu dinsizlike suclayarak oradan buradan duydugun iftiralara ortak olarak kenidni dindarmi zannediyorsun ? Islam senin gibilere kaldiysa vey benim Islamimin haline !!!

Chp'ninde chp'lininde senin gibi Akp ve akp'lininde allah belasini vesin !! bu ulkeyi bolmekten baska ne yaptiniz ?

Bilader senin beyninle sorunun mu var?

Bak ben ne diyorum ? Ben yari KURDUM !! Kimse bu gune kadar lan sen kurtsun pislik defol demedi ... Okulda okudum uni.de bitirdim... Secme hakkim var secilme hakkim var evde annem demlerle kurtce konusur akrabalrimiz geldiklerinde kurtce konusur lan biz daha bir gun komsularimizdan sikayet almadik !!

26 sene Kayseri Kocasinanda yasadim kimse bizi ayirmadi herkez tarafindan sevilen insanlariz !! Ne sorunu ne kisitlamasi? Turgut ozal kurttu Malatyada dedemin kapi komsulariymis annem Malatya dogumlu lan adam Basbakan oldu Cumhurbaskani oldu daha ne hakkimiz verilmemis ??

Yeter lan artik bizi ayrilikci ermeni tohumu yari kurt yari ermenilerle bir tutmayin artik !! Biz Turk vatandasligini sindirmis vatandaslariz yeter artik bizi ayristirdiginiz !! Onlarin yuzunden kurdum demeye utaniyorum ... Lanet olsun senin gibilere lanet olsun benim ulkemi kardesi kardese kirdirip bolmeye calisana !!

Seninle gurur duyuyorum!!! 900 sene birlikte kardes gibi yasadik ve hala yasamakta devam ediyoruz fakat o danimarkali tohumu belli olmayan sahis imperyalist guclerin Turkiye'yi bolmek icin yarattiklari kimlik sorunlarini vesayre anlayamiyor veyahut belirli sebeplerden dolayi anlamak istemiyor. Bunlarin beyinleri disguculu kaynaklardan gelen haberler ve yorumlar ile pompalanmis neyin dogru neyin yanlis oldugunu ayirt edemez hale gelmislerdir. Bide askere gitmek istemiyorum diyor. Rezil nankorler. Bizim Millet bosuna mi milyonlarca sehit kani akitti?? Ataturk bize en kutsal miras vatan topraklarini birakti. Sizin isiniz gucunuz ise yahudilerle isbirligi yapmak ve sonucta Turkiye yi param parca yapmaktir. Nasil Osmanli, Selcuklu ve diger 14 imparatorluk yikildiysa bugun de bagimsiz son Turk Devletini yikmak istiyorlar.

Bide utanmadan ismini Zulkarneyn yapmis tovbe tovbe

Administrator: Sorry that i posted Turkish but really i couldnt take it anymore . I dont will do it again my excuses for this.
Seninle gurur duyuyorum!!! 900 sene birlikte kardes gibi yasadik ve hala yasamakta devam ediyoruz fakat o danimarkali tohumu belli olmayan sahis imperyalist guclerin Turkiye'yi bolmek icin yarattiklari kimlik sorunlarini vesayre anlayamiyor veyahut belirli sebeplerden dolayi anlamak istemiyor. Bunlarin beyinleri disguculu kaynaklardan gelen haberler ve yorumlar ile pompalanmis neyin dogru neyin yanlis oldugunu ayirt edemez hale gelmislerdir. Bide askere gitmek istemiyorum diyor. Rezil nankorler. Bizim Millet bosuna mi milyonlarca sehit kani akitti?? Ataturk bize en kutsal miras vatan topraklarini birakti. Sizin isiniz gucunuz ise yahudilerle isbirligi yapmak ve sonucta Turkiye yi param parca yapmaktir. Nasil Osmanli, Selcuklu ve diger 14 imparatorluk yikildiysa bugun de bagimsiz son Turk Devletini yikmak istiyorlar.

Bide utanmadan ismini Zulkarneyn yapmis tovbe tovbe

Administrator: Sorry that i posted Turkish but really i couldnt take it anymore . I dont will do it again my excuses for this.

Thanks bro. !!

This brainless creature(Zulkarneyn) works like a CIA agent. He is living at well known Islam and Muhammad hater country and judging my country !!

If you really care Islam leave that islam and muhammed insulter state immediately !!!

Shameless moron cant give answer of my questions, just provoking me !!

He is stupid as a stone and still thinks 47% of voters are representing all of Turkish people !!!
LOL Zulkarneyn's english is so much better.trmhmt you are a failure,sorry dude.but thats not the issue.my english isnt very well too.the issue is the kemalist ideology did sth very nasty to your brains.:D

Man go and play with your toys !! we are bored that your "lol" !!! If we may compare who has better English, you are lover than me ....
This brainless creature(Zulkarneyn)

Shameless moron


You have sick brain

T-Faz, after all this insulting, my respond was "dogs". You found it necessary to erase my and label it as insulting but their posts still stays? Even though they clearly started provoking me with their countless of insults?

What can i say, i am utterly speechless.
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