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How " indigenous " Indian Akash SAM system really is ?

You only reserve the right to call something indigenous when you develop the product from the scratch including designing which is the core of SAM systems as the designs and other specs are copy righted under international law unless a transfer of technology agreement or license production agreement is signed.

Performing a sensor upgrade on a russian system won't make it "indigenous".

any development in the recent times is a progressive development,which means you already have something,and you build up upon that.If you reaaly want to go by the term "starting from the scratch",then you will have to discover fire first,then invent the wheel,and so on....Understand what I mean??

This is easier for them to understand,who have ever been a part of any kind of technical development related project.I will give you an example.

I was once attached to a project aimed at making "Bio-diesel",and the target was to sustain its usability for a longer period of time,so that it does not form an emulsion,after prolonged storage.
So,the first step for us,was what should be first step for any kind of project,i.e. "Collection of as much data as possible about similar endeavors".We used data from projects done in U.S,Brazilian and some European Universities.

Now,that does not make our own project American,Brazilian or European.Data/information is always available for those who seek.Re-using previously generated information and then developing on its basis does not make it a global project.We can call this project an indigenous one,since we are doing it by ourselves,with out any active collaboration of any foreign agency.

Now,tell me something.The concept of car was created in Europe,not in Pakistan.Now,if someday,some Pakistani company starts manufacturing car,then would not you call it indigenous ??
How indigenous Indian Akash SAM really is ?

Indian Akash SAM


Russian SA-6 Gainful


Indian Akash SAM


Russian SA-6 Gainful


Indian Akash SAM



Russian SA-6 Gainful


all ramjet air to air missiles look like this :hitwall:
Indian Akash SAM


Russian SA-6 Gainful


Indian Akash SAM


Russian SA-6 Gainful



Indian Akash SAM


Russian SA-6


* PS: Its an establish fact that India has the capacity to develop and deploy Akash systems.

The purpose of this thread is to identify the origins of this technology while busting the "myth" of Akash's Indigenousness. IMHO Akash is not at all an Indigenous Indian system as India has to technology to develop a decent SAM system on its own.

Akash in my opinion is just an upgraded / bigger & better variant of Russian SA-6 Gainful !

Regards: Aeronaut.

hey troll chinese hq-9 also look like s-300 in my opinion :sick::tdown:
Your research is welcome.

His research purely based on 'looks'. :angel:

Yes the missiles[when two are fired] have a hit probability of 98%.:agree:

When fired single missile against single target, Akash has hit probability of 88% and when fired two missiles, the system has kill probability of 98.5% at real war time scenario ie the target will be hit for sure. Akash specifically designed for taking out every target with two missiles.

"A single shot kill probability of 88% has been achieved by the system taking into consideration various parameters of the sensors, guidance command, missile capabilities and kill zone computations. Two missiles can be fired, five seconds apart, to raise the Probability of Kill to 98.5%."

Akash can destroy cruise missiles, UAVs, choppers and fighter aircrafts. It is capable of network centric operations. It is fully digital system and has its own C4I. It is a fully integrated weapon system with IFF and advanced ECCM features, can work in both autonomous and group modes.
All the Pakistani missiles are Chinese origin for you, are those?

Let see what we can do with your 'myth'.

Pakistan and China are both allies and they often build military hardware together. So what is wrong with that ?
Omg, what an epic fail this was.. Lmao:lol::lol:

Poor guy must be frustrated..

The frustration is only going to get worse in the next 20 years when India become well established in making its own weapons.
Pakistan and China are both allies and they often build military hardware together. So what is wrong with that ?

Ally, so you can claim them indigenous! Which one built together? If we talk about indigenous staffs of Pakistan than most of your nukes, missiles, Al khalid tank, JF-17 will find their equivalents in China as result of friendship. At the same time you talk about India.
i think pakistan will prefer pikidepia instead of wikipedia and pikigenous instead of indigenous bcz it consits indi right
Being not able to digest the power of weapons these pakistanis are hit mentally and they are posting such threads...
According to the thread starter there should be no weapons with same specifications...
If a pakistani missile can carry a payload of 1000 kg at 2000 km he may say its copy of agni...
Arey friend take some pills for cooling ur stomach burn... And see who is questining the indigenous nature of our products , a friend of copy cat that is good at reverse engineering which copied su27 and claimed that its j-10...

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