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How " indigenous " Indian Akash SAM system really is ?

You only reserve the right to call something indigenous when you develop the product from the scratch including designing which is the core of SAM systems as the designs and other specs are copy righted under international law unless a transfer of technology agreement or license production agreement is signed.

Performing a sensor upgrade on a russian system won't make it "indigenous".

Then by this logic non of Chinese military hardware indigenous ????? :lol:

What you say ??? :china:
This is what the researcher just did, lol




No Dong missile

The Rodong-1 (spelled Nodong-1 in South Korea) is a single stage, mobile liquid propellant medium range ballistic missile developed by North Korea.

The precise capabilities and specifications of the missile are unknown; even the fact of its production and deployment are controversial. It is accepted to be a larger variant of the Scud-C, with a reported mass of 15,000-16,000 kg, with a diameter of about 1.3 m and a length of 15–17 m. Its range is estimated between 1,000 and 1,300 km and its maximum payload between 700 and 750 kg.


ghauri missile

Powered by a single stage liquid fuel rocket motor, the missile has an optimum range of 1,500 km and can carry a payload of 700 kg. The

Weight 15,850 kg
Length 15.90 m
Diameter 1.35 m
Operational range 1,500 km

They look similar, not indigenous, im frustrated, blah, blah, blah. lol
Dudes they do this on purpose.......so that we give them more info......i think its high time we make our Indian defence along these lines but superior web format!
India can mass produce SAM's at home, that's probably enough to keep a few people up at night. Indigenous or not, all the PA has to worry about is if it can kill.
Posting off topic posts about Pakistani missiles wont make the DRDO AKASH an Indian system it was Russians who did the R&D for this system , India can't even produce a reliable assault rifle on its own let alone the SAM system.
Posting off topic posts about Pakistani missiles wont make the DRDO AKASH an Indian system it was Russians who did the R&D for this system , India can't even produce a reliable assault rifle on its own let alone the SAM system.

Thank you so much.the sort of posts you submit clearly shows that you suffer from loss of sleep.plz provide credible sources to prove your point.
and you are a researcher, when did researchers start calling things the same by just looking at pictures ? Man you would have inspired Darwin for sure. Seriously kids like you have no idea what they are talking about but go around making big claims just because they have the so called title of a "researcher" on an internet forum, this thread is really beyond garbage.
It does not matter how the weapon come about. But the fact that it can be produced is the most important fact. Also, no one patent weapons. US do not patent anything on F-22. Because if you patent, you need to reveal the secrets.
I can already see Indians burning inside out -- just read my original post before you commence your troll attack. :coffee:
I see you burning with india's achivements.:flame::flame: Can you please name single item originally made in pakistan? I am curious..
Posting off topic posts about Pakistani missiles wont make the DRDO AKASH an Indian system it was Russians who did the R&D for this system , India can't even produce a reliable assault rifle on its own let alone the SAM system.

So much knowledge for a researcher. I bet that you have no clue of the origins and development history of Akash SAM. You might have seen some relative comparitive images of both Akash and Sa-6, thereby coming to the conclusion. You just remind me of a reply posted by one of ur mates that India is building aircraft that has two wings and a main landing gear and also an engine at the back of its a$$ just like the ones from other countries.Hence the India has stolen the secrets of how to build an A/C.

Apart from air frame structure and Ram rocket concept that look similar, their is no other similarity between Akash and SA-6.
Akash was developed to overcome certain short comings in the SA-6.
ITs engagement range was pushed to 30kms with Altitude clearance of upto 18kms and 18g capable.
Apart from the same structure looks from outside which includes the air inlets for the Ramjet, the internal layout and the charge system for propulsion is thousand miles different from SA-6. akash Uses Inertial navigation and command line guidance through Rajendra all the way till it hits the target. Unlike SA-6 that got a semi-active seeker. Reasons for this also being explained as to contain costs and keep the system costs as less as possible.
And the firecontrol radars and 3D-CAR are completely different breed.
Posting off topic posts about Pakistani missiles wont make the DRDO AKASH an Indian system it was Russians who did the R&D for this system , India can't even produce a reliable assault rifle on its own let alone the SAM system.

comparing photo on web does not make you researcher.. the real akash may not even look like that ..whaat is the guarantee that they are production variant..
Posting off topic posts about Pakistani missiles wont make the DRDO AKASH an Indian system it was Russians who did the R&D for this system , India can't even produce a reliable assault rifle on its own let alone the SAM system.

if that satisfied your ego and the reason to open this thread , then let it be ..
i don't find a single reason why indian member should post a reply on such topics..
Posting off topic posts about Pakistani missiles wont make the DRDO AKASH an Indian system it was Russians who did the R&D for this system , India can't even produce a reliable assault rifle on its own let alone the SAM system.

dude your behaving just like another growler, I can rip your "Research" to shreds but dont want to waste my time because its useless banging your head against a wall. Please stop making a fool of yourself and making your jealousy so apparent.
Indians will never accept their efforts in Reverse engineering

they still call LCA indegenous when even for its design dessault was consulted

without any doubt Akash is a Rip off of russian SAM.(very simple logic they are not able to manufacture a tank or even a better rifle.their army has rejected arjun and Insan both how can they develop a SAM)

between this hats off to indian Reverse engineering capabilities

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