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How India will lose a war against China

Abhijit is an intellectual in RSS. he does need to play to The gallery.

he quotes a war game he was part of where India apparently won. Should ask him to revisit the same war game with the new data I.e. according to him the su-30 is a complete lemon.

Are you sure he is in RSS, since he is gay and RSS isnt exactly a progressive organisation. Again his comments about IAF are contradictory, at one hand he states how incompetent as a force it is, yet the pilots are highly trained. So I stopped taking him seriously long time ago.
Are you sure he is in RSS, since he is gay and RSS isnt exactly a progressive organisation. Again his comments about IAF are contradictory, at one hand he states how incompetent as a force it is, yet the pilots are highly trained. So I stopped taking him seriously long time ago.

Yes, lol apparently if you racist enough rss has a big tent. He is conflicted like a lot of us

Yes, lol apparently if you racist enough rss has a big tent. He is conflicted like a lot of us


HAHAHA, guess RSS can tolerate his sexuality till they establish the great rashtra, then he would be sent to gallows or lynched.
Sorry China does not have 5000 combat aircraft . The actual nos are much closer to 1500 . 80% of this is in China's economic hub ie South East China. They need to protect their sea lines airports and huge manufacturing base from potential.foes be it Japan Korea or usa or be Vietnam.

India biggest advantage is the geography and potential resupply from.allies like usa israel.even france and real live Intel from USA . .who has been watching chinease troop movements in himlayers for months.

We will lose battles I have no doubt but an Iraq style collapse is out of the question .unless Indian key allies really turn their back on them .

It's scary thought the chinease military but we will have to fight. We definitely need to 'revamp our entire military doctrine to fight china not Pakistan the latter is increasingly too weak economically to fight a real full conventional conflict
Not from the Dominion of India. Captured from the Princely Kingdom of Jammu & Kashmir which was an independent nation. You know the same country whose independence you are fighting for. After the Treaty of Accession was signed and Dominion of India (later Republic of India) came into picture, Pakistan has only lost territory.

Intitial rebellions upto Srinagar were stopped by Indian Army, after Maharaja aceeded. Then the thrust in Gilgit-Baltistan started which reached as far as Leh.
HAHAHA, guess RSS can tolerate his sexuality till they establish the great rashtra, then he would be sent to gallows or lynched.
His defence
Sorry China does not have 5000 combat aircraft . The actual nos are much closer to 1500 . 80% of this is in China's economic hub ie South East China. They need to protect their sea lines airports and huge manufacturing base from potential.foes be it Japan Korea or usa or be Vietnam.

India biggest advantage is the geography and potential resupply from.allies like usa israel.even france and real live Intel from USA . .who has been watching chinease troop movements in himlayers for months.

We will lose battles I have no doubt but an Iraq style collapse is out of the question .unless Indian key allies really turn their back on them .

It's scary thought the chinease military but we will have to fight. We definitely need to 'revamp our entire military doctrine to fight china not Pakistan the latter is increasingly too weak economically to fight a real full conventional conflict

I think Wikipedia disagrees with you 5200 aircraft


India’s western allies do not see India as a close enough partner and will not supply arms and ammunition at the same speed as they would say Isreal or France. Moreover most of Indian equipment is Russian and that’s where the supplies will be a significant problem.

a joint attack with China starting and Pakistan exploiting India’s weaknesses is on the cards. if this continues Pakistan will probably get saichin and Kargil back. Higher chances dbg will be run over as well resulting in significant fighting on the loc.

this could turn in Pakistan favor where significant gains can be expected on the loc and retaking parts of Kashmir as our supplies need to come only from China.

the reason India will lose in Kashmir is a massive communication and supply line issues as the current force in Kashmir is an occupational force.
Intitial rebellions upto Srinagar were stopped by Indian Army, after Maharaja aceeded. Then the thrust in Gilgit-Baltistan started which reached as far as Leh.
Gilgit Baltistan ended up with Pak much before after Ghansara Singh was overthrown. A British soldier engineered the handover of GB. He was even awarded some major Pakistan award.

And AFTER the accession treaty, Pak only lost land.
His defence

I think Wikipedia disagrees with you 5200 aircraft


India’s western allies do not see India as a close enough partner and will not supply arms and ammunition at the same speed as they would say Isreal or France. Moreover most of Indian equipment is Russian and that’s where the supplies will be a significant problem.

a joint attack with China starting and Pakistan exploiting India’s weaknesses is on the cards. if this continues Pakistan will probably get saichin and Kargil back. Higher chances dbg will be run over as well resulting in significant fighting on the loc.

this could turn in Pakistan favor where significant gains can be expected on the loc and retaking parts of Kashmir as our supplies need to come only from China.

the reason India will lose in Kashmir is a massive communication and supply line issues as the current force in Kashmir is an occupational force.

Now your losing serious credibility
Wiki is the best source you came up with
5200 includes combat planes training planes transports & helicopters and all 3 services

WIKI also says india has 2500 planes

They have 1500 combat planes including 500 junk J7 & J8

They have no international training no exposure to training with USA france Uk ISRAEL which ndia has

In Ladakh they have 200 combat planes ie 100 flankers 60 j10 some strike planes and 12 bombers

IAF has 220 planes in north 120 mki 40 mig29 20 mirage2000/5 and 40 jaguar.

Your hoping Israel USA russia does not resupply you mean.

HECK the USN wil be here in no time THE SECOND the PAKISTANIS try to jump in.

INFACT i think you guys will sit it out. India retaliation on your border cities will be brutal . Your on your kness financially eg ( saudi debacle last month)

I WAS BETTING MAN nothing is HAPPENING infact i can gurantee you nothing is happeninmg CHINA lacks the courage to fight india . it will just make the likes of jAPAN Austriala Korea USA even more determined to sanction and punish china after CRONOVIRUS the world is anti china anyway
Let me explain this in a way you would understand. You seem like an rss phundu to me.

greatness Requires a big heart. Acceptance and Sacrifice. If India had made peace with its much smaller Nebiour and made peace even if it meant give things up like sai chin, sir creek and water. We would have had peace.

We would start trade between our countries and as Pakistan is a smaller country we would have become part of India’s supply chain. This would have incentivized us to ensure this peace continues and India thrives. We would then have worked with India to get cheaper energy from Iran and Central Asia to India to boost both our economies. Our people would have grown together as culturally we are closer to India. We would have pushed for India to become a super power

instead China made us the crown jewel of CPEC and belt and road initiative. They became supported our security needs and Today we will support them in breaking India Up And making them a superpower.
China’s gdp is 25.5 trillion. This is what I mean when I say that you compare yourself to Pakistan not the world. This is what I mean when I say the lack of vision in India.

Beacuse of this shortsightedness of India, Pakistan will help make China a super power and in turn, it will become Canada to China. We will take our people out of poverty and become a massive economy in our own right inshallah and you will forever lose the dream Gandhijee and Nehru had.
This nails it pretty much. Such reason and logic is totally lost on the secular republic.
Now your losing serious credibility
Wiki is the best source you came up with
5200 includes combat planes training planes transports & helicopters and all 3 services

WIKI also says india has 2500 planes

They have 1500 combat planes including 500 junk J7 & J8

They have no international training no exposure to training with USA france Uk ISRAEL which ndia has

In Ladakh they have 200 combat planes ie 100 flankers 60 j10 some strike planes and 12 bombers

IAF has 220 planes in north 120 mki 40 mig29 20 mirage2000/5 and 40 jaguar.

Your hoping Israel USA russia does not resupply you mean.

HECK the USN wil be here in no time THE SECOND the PAKISTANIS try to jump in.

INFACT i think you guys will sit it out. India retaliation on your border cities will be brutal . Your on your kness financially eg ( saudi debacle last month)

I WAS BETTING MAN nothing is HAPPENING infact i can gurantee you nothing is happeninmg CHINA lacks the courage to fight india . it will just make the likes of jAPAN Austriala Korea USA even more determined to sanction and punish china after CRONOVIRUS the world is anti china anyway
Sorry had some making money life stuff.

1) oh so we are not counting the entire air force like most people from across the border do.

2) 500 junk aircraft ......by that logic th entire IAF is junk save 5 new raffles so 2000 vs 5 seems really bad numbers dude

3)so exceeding with USA or France or Isreal guarantees victories ......... then why do the Arab countries keep losing ?

4) there is another myth I have started seeing that China has not won any battles and hence have no experience ........ let’s test this theory and Find out.

5) why has India so far not taken out Pakistan USA did take out Afghanistan and Iraq .....so why is India so afraid of Pakistan .i think I wrote a bit higher up STOP comparing India to Pakistan it s smaller country in all respects yet keep India at bay.

6) yes I agree with you China has similar numbers of aircraft to India in the Galvan theater . Pakistan has a significant Air Force waiting to attack as well.

7) I am certain Isreal , western counties and most of all Russia and USA will not resupply you. They have much closer ties with China. There may be some comments by foriegn offices

8) no one will come to help you . Pakistan was a member of CETO and CENTO nothing happened. Case and point Ukraine a pro Western European country at the periphery of NATO no one came in against the red army as they unilaterally changed the border of Europe after the Second World War. They took large portions of Ukraine no one did any thing

9) Pakistan will most defiantly jump in they will not repeat the mistakes of 1962 . They will cut off Kashmir from the rest of India and take significant portions of that land the question here is if India will or will not attack the international border and open a new front outside of the 4000 kms of active conflict with China

10) I disagree with your statement. China moved its troops calculating a possible all out retaliation from India. The question is will India accept this new normal. Will the Chinese take on more land? Later in the year ? If this level of presence stays and China reinforced its position. India will lose sai chin by next spring And dbq. Will it then attack Pakistani Khyber pass for a suicidal move or lose more territory and explain to her people that this was never their territory to begin with

You are HERE
i am here
You people have been talking since june about war ABOUT JUMPING IN to Take Kashmir
China will take Ladakh

We took saichen off you in 1984 .............. We still hold it today
in 99 you sneaked into KARGIL ........ we kicked you out of Kargil

WALK THE WALK ........... you have been talking re KASHMIR for 70 years

Now you see CHINA FLEXING muscle ....... You want to jump in off their back

I say again BOTH YOU & CHINA will do nothing more

THE STATUS QUO will remain

FOOLISH NIGHT will be posting another 1000 threads in PDF about the war is nigh & india is panicing

AND people like me will be laughing and saying told you so .
You are HERE
i am here
You people have been talking since june about war ABOUT JUMPING IN to Take Kashmir
China will take Ladakh

We took saichen off you in 1984 .............. We still hold it today
in 99 you sneaked into KARGIL ........ we kicked you out of Kargil

WALK THE WALK ........... you have been talking re KASHMIR for 70 years

Now you see CHINA FLEXING muscle ....... You want to jump in off their back

I say again BOTH YOU & CHINA will do nothing more

THE STATUS QUO will remain

FOOLISH NIGHT will be posting another 1000 threads in PDF about the war is nigh & india is panicing

AND people like me will be laughing and saying told you so .

I agree we both will be here God willing and see what transpires.

We realistic did not have a chance but maintain the status quo vis a vis India till Modi was stupid enough to stir the hornets nest I.e. China with the article 360 stunt. He then decide to Disrupt chinas main supply line CPEC so yes things have changed.

Pakistan is very capable of defending itself India can not change the status quo.

Saichin was the same move we made in Kargil. I hear German Zia said the same things modi did. Whan per kuch nahi ugtta. India back then was a power to be reckoned. They were in the Soviet camp and back then war was fought differently. India back then was secular and wiser. We were not.

Kargil we won dude we still hold the peaks and let’s see what happens in the spring. If only nawaz was less of a coward. Oh well , I was doing my NCC back when Kargil happened if we had gone to war I would have had to pick up a rifle and stand a post! It might have shaeed or ghazi khan instead of khan valitey. Damn you nawaz taking my chance away!

Finally @foolish night friends wants a Kargil thread can we start it so @Maverick and us can have a further discussion

This guy is an professional analyst known as Perween Swaenee he makes only contradictory videos on Indian military.
He is just scaremongering probably to help fleece more Indian public money for defence spending.
Just to prove maverick wrongs let’s open 1001 threads. This will prove he is always wrong


Gilgit Baltistan ended up with Pak much before after Ghansara Singh was overthrown. A British soldier engineered the handover of GB. He was even awarded some major Pakistan award.

And AFTER the accession treaty, Pak only lost land.

Notice how only in the first panel Kashmir is ruled by the genocidal Maharajah fighting IRREGULARS.

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