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How India will lose a war against China

If we kept thinking like this guy then we would've lost Siachen, Kargil etc.

Sometimes you need to assess your strengths and weaknesses and make the enemy fight in your favour.

The Chinese are far away from their areas when there are near our borders but we are so close. We can keep the fight longer with less expense while it would be very expensive for China to continue the fight. Add on the fact that right now every developed nation is pissed at China so the world support will be in our favour.

On top of that, Indian army is battle hardened with lots of fighting experience in last 60 years. Chinese soldiers look like boys out of some college in front of our soldiers who fight in Kashmir/North-east
He is the anti Gaurav Arya.
The Chinese army is much better equipped that the Indian army and also has a much bigger economy supporting it. But they will also be taking significant losses if war breaks out. The question is if they want to take that risk for barren land that has no economic or strategic value. Plus there is an added risk of the war going out of control in which case China will lose a whole lot of progress it has made in the last 4 decades.
Untrue. India took Turtuk and some surrounding areas in Baltistan in 1971. India also took Chachro in Sindh and returned it after the Shimla Agreement.

86,000km is the teritorry lost by India when taking into account the fall of Chamb and the capture of Turtok. All of Pakistan's gains in Punjab and India's in Sindh were reset after the Shimla agreement. So the international border is the same, while India is at a loss of territory in Kashmir.
1st who is he?

A editor? writer? or what?

what about his source of information including credibility... I can't discuss about opinion of a known person with no credibility.

Thank you..
I understand your logic. So he is an ex Indian army artillery major who served in Galvan etc.

I completely agree with you that Indian armed forces officers are always wrong and lie. Abhinundan lies, your airchief lied , your army chief lies ............the list goes on.

Parveen did one thing different though he educated himself and become a scholar and spent years in think tanks , wrote books with Indian generals. Pre modi Indians were thinkers and we feared their insight. Strangely enough the roles have changed. Pakistan seems to be more secular than India. There is more thinking and debate. We accept our weaknesses and work on compensating them vis a vis India

Did you ever serve in any forces ? If you know more then I suggest you pick up a rifle and stand a post.

yawn.... ever since pakistani posters got news from INDIAN source about some problem with china border all pdf is on fire.... waiting for something to happen. unfortunately iron brother is not willing to take first shot.... the cost of small incident is increasing day by day.... no face saving now.

and global times publishes survey of how 50% chinese like India and its government..... perhaps ccp must ready this garbage times once .....who are these people? these are the once who lost their jobs and income because of pla lost a skirmish with India.... this will only go up now. a small price to pay right? billions of dollars will be lost now....
how will these general's will earn from their corruption now?
American military plane is at 76 km from shanghai, but chinese dont fire a missile... they fire a oral warning :lol::lol::lol:

global times is busy writing new warnings and threat to India, Australia, UK and USA off late.... while their companies lose business in Indian and global market.

more and more voices are speaking against ccp now.... leave the ccp and join falun gong should be the message to chinese posters.... :lol::lol::lol:
yawn.... ever since pakistani posters got news from INDIAN source about some problem with china border all pdf is on fire.... waiting for something to happen. unfortunately iron brother is not willing to take first shot.... the cost of small incident is increasing day by day.... no face saving now.

and global times publishes survey of how 50% chinese like India and its government..... perhaps ccp must ready this garbage times once .....who are these people? these are the once who lost their jobs and income because of pla lost a skirmish with India.... this will only go up now. a small price to pay right? billions of dollars will be lost now....
how will these general's will earn from their corruption now?
American military plane is at 76 km from shanghai, but chinese dont fire a missile... they fire a oral warning :lol::lol::lol:

global times is busy writing new warnings and threat to India, Australia, UK and USA off late.... while their companies lose business in Indian and global market.

more and more voices are speaking against ccp now.... leave the ccp and join falun gong should be the message to chinese posters.... :lol::lol::lol:
Well let me put in another way. I believe China recently liberated 200kms of land from India’s illegal rule and we would all take a visa and get pictures taken from the same spot Amir khan took in the three idiots :) so yes they did not do anything!

Maybe when Gujarat will fall some Indians will acknowledge it or maybe they will accept that India always belonged to the Muslims and they have just returned it back to the rightful owners As it was stolen by the British from the Muslims.

Pakistanis also love India, we just like it in pieces

The question to really answer is Pakistan a small weak third world country according to India bombed your parliament, brought Bombay to a halt for days , killed 50 ish soldiers in pulvana and continue to support the Kashmiri freedoms movement. Why don’t you take us out why were we able to bomb Indian occupied territory and. There was no retaliation. Why is India so afraid of Pakistan ?

It's one thing to criticize and I think Ajai Shukla does a good job of it. This guy just posts click bait videos. Said in one video India has not captured an inch of land of West Pakistan in any war. Not true. Heck, even Pakistan captured Hussaniwala in 71. @Joe Shearer can shed light on this guy perhaps.

He's trying to supplement the meagre pension of a prematurely retired Indian Army officer. He retired as Colonel, one of the exit points for a regular service guy. So he never made it anywhere in the Army, and has a lot of ground to cover.

Incidentally he was a Gunner. We have had several Gunners at general rank, and two COAS' that I can remember, perhaps a few more.
Well let me put in another way.


dont try to put in any way ... our one put and you lost entire country.... :lol::lol::lol: you can chill....

I believe China recently liberated 200kms of land from India’s illegal rule and we would all take a visa and get pictures taken from the same spot Amir khan took in the three idiots :) so yes they did not do anything!

you can only dream of something.... its like you want to be brave, but you cant be because you are coward.... so you instigate someone else to be brave and then shout from his shoulders.... :lol::lol::lol: you can chill....

Maybe when Gujarat will fall some Indians will acknowledge it or maybe they will accept that India always belonged to the Muslims and they have just returned it back to the rightful owners As it was stolen by the British from the Muslims.

after 70 years or struggle you cant take one state, and dream about Gujrat ? :lol::lol::lol: dude you can chill....

Pakistanis also love India, we just like it in pieces
who knows his better then a pakistani, whos country was in pieces :lol::lol::lol:

The question to really answer is Pakistan a small weak third world country according to India bombed your parliament, brought Bombay to a halt for days , killed 50 ish soldiers in pulvana and continue to support the Kashmiri freedoms movement. Why don’t you take us out why were we able to bomb Indian occupied territory and. There was no retaliation. Why is India so afraid of Pakistan ?

the real question here..... what were you doing for 70 years to be still weak, third or fourth world country with one agency like FATF can make your living a hell?
countless being killed in your main city Karachi?
thousands of attacks on your people

we are never afraid of pakistan.... never ever ... we even called out your N bluff.... :lol::lol::lol:

you can chill out..... read this post many times to come to 2020 and not in some other world.....
i was just listening to TheDiplomat podcast and the amount of bs these so called indina experts speak is crazy! and how western analysts to boost india agree and propagande their bs!

Shameful, how the world is out of step, all the countries except one.:D
On encountering such a disgraceful post, it is difficult to say much.

you are right in a way.

But, misinformation has a short life.... and when countered it does quickly. we all must counter such misinformation here on pdf and and on all other places where we see.

we do this all the time, and now you see the tide is turning big way. earlier propaganda used to win and stay with people for long, not now. it dies quickly and truth wins.
This guy is an professional analyst known as Perween Swaenee he makes only contradictory videos on Indian military.

He isn't Mr. Putterout; his name is Praveen Sawhney, easy enough to trace and remember :D

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