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How India will lose a war against China

Lol. You have no clue about economics. Your juvenile name calling only highlights your ignorance. China's economy in PPP terms in 25 trillion; India's is just over 10 trillion. You can't compare one's nominal GDP to another's based on PPP.

Sure, India would have benefitted from Pakistan being an economic ally. In equal measure, Pakistan would have benefitted greatly. Bangladesh, a former economic colony of Pakistan is now economically better off than Pakistan. And yes, India has cordial relations with Bangladesh and when a land exchange was done a few years ago, Bangladesh got more than India did.

You can only aim for a bailout from the Chinese or the IMF or the Saudis or the Americans. So congrats on all your successes.
You are still comparing India with Pakistan. Lol. It’s hard isn’t it to see how a uslesses third world country keep you away from glory. Bangladesh is in the China camp now so no more joy


You are still comparing India with Pakistan. Lol. It’s hard isn’t it to see how a uslesses third world country keep you away from glory. Bangladesh is in the China camp now so no more joy


Lol, lol. I just compared India and China and Pakistan and Bangladesh. It's ok. If someone can't grasp basic economics, one can also excuse basic English. Haha
Lol, lol. I just compared India and China and Pakistan and Bangladesh. It's ok. If someone can't grasp basic economics, one can also excuse basic English. Haha
Keep hiding behind the standard, I am better bs. Keep dancing around the point.

Read chankia, read ...... this is such a failure of conversation.

you seem to have no grasp of simple strategy, yet you keep throwing useless numbers.

the basic economics is that India is heading towards a declining economic forecast. Most of the western world will move their outsourced service industry back to their industrial heartlands to create higher paying jobs to drive their economies .

They are using India to slow down China at the cost of India. The over all Industrial output of japan, Taiwan, South Korea is at power with India let alone China.

do you really believe that the western powers will need India once their bidding is do. Why does Europe, Canada etc have free trade agreements with China and not India.

the only point you keep making is chest thumping. India is better than Pakistan and worse than everybody else. That my friend is shortsightedness.

Keep hiding behind the standard, I am better bs. Keep dancing around the point.

Read chankia, read ...... this is such a failure of conversation.

you seem to have no grasp of simple strategy, yet you keep throwing useless numbers.

the basic economics is that India is heading towards a declining economic forecast. Most of the western world will move their outsourced service industry back to their industrial heartlands to create higher paying jobs to drive their economies .

They are using India to slow down China at the cost of India. The over all Industrial output of japan, Taiwan, South Korea is at power with India let alone China.

do you really believe that the western powers will need India once their bidding is do. Why does Europe, Canada etc have free trade agreements with China and not India.

the only point you keep making is chest thumping. India is better than Pakistan and worse than everybody else. That my friend is shortsightedness.

It's fairly simple. There is no chest thumping here. It is merely highlighting the failure of your thousand cut policy.

India's growth will be driven by internal consumption, not merely exports. Infact more countries are keen to sign FTAs with India but India wants to protect Indian firms through tariffs. Rome wasn't built in a day. China's success story is unparalleled. No doubt.
Lol.. yes, the Chinese boys who uses bare hand and killed 22 Indian soldiers without a single death. All hail to mighty Indian soldiers war experience and bravado.

Same for Iraq battle harden soldiers in 1991 gulf war 1 after a gruesome 8 years civil war with Iran from 1980-1988. They must have won the war against US, right?

I guess you must have taken some high quality grass when you spew those crap about Chinese boys scout. :enjoy:

i wont go too far o search for pla casualties .....

even the low quality mengshi wont save the boys ..... killed mercilessly with bare hands of Indian soldiers ..... next time they will be writing goodbye letters o families which they missed last time....

single child parents did not even got to see their son for one last time .....
You are still comparing India with Pakistan. Lol. It’s hard isn’t it to see how a uslesses third world country keep you away from glory. Bangladesh is in the China camp now so no more joy


And, the worst of all - China is building a submarine base in BD for the subs sold to them! With BD’s ZERO experience in subs it takes no Von Clausewitz to fathom China’s ultimate objective - it’s to monitor IN’s east bound activities and put the deterrences accordingly. Ironically, this sub base is named after Hasina.....
Turtuk is still with India. Which 86000 km are you talking about?

In 1947, Pakistan captured (and retains) AJK and G-B. You know, the thing which is illegal to show on maps in India.
In 1947, Pakistan captured (and retains) AJK and G-B. You know, the thing which is illegal to show on maps in India.
Not from the Dominion of India. Captured from the Princely Kingdom of Jammu & Kashmir which was an independent nation. You know the same country whose independence you are fighting for. After the Treaty of Accession was signed and Dominion of India (later Republic of India) came into picture, Pakistan has only lost territory.
Don't know how the indian economy runs but india has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world and is also the biggest recipient of american aid :

I like him.
He points out how China could use cyber.war to cripple India. And how their missles could destroy Indian infrastructure.
I agree with this
But in Indian defense
The reason all chinease apps where blocked was to try and reduce the cyber attack impact .
Also he used Iraq v USA in desert storm completely wrong comparison
The USA and allies had 100 warships 6 carriers and 2500 planes v 400 planes and run boars. It was a mismatch
China in ladakh is same air power and troops and no navy
Also the gap is nothing like that example
Finally desert storm was in desert no where to hide
Himlayers is a huge complex terrain so troops numbers is vital and armour and air power will be less devastating .
China will beat us but it will very tough and hard going a bit like kargil where we are northern light infantry they are India with bofers and later guided bombing from mirage2000 remember pak. Air force did not fight kargil
It doesn't matter if China or even america for that matter defeats and wipes out india in a war. The moment india surrenders and the Chinese or americans stop firing their weapons, the indians will claim that the Chinese or americans are scared which is why they have stopped fighting, which means that india has now defeated them......... :disagree:This would then be followed up by a massive internet campaign by the indians on how they defeated the Chinese or americans and are the universe's first ever intergalactic hyper-power. So you see, indians can NEVER EVER be defeated. indians are born winners. Even when defeated, indians are still winners. indians are even football and rugby world cup winners, even though they have never participated in those events.
I like him.
He points out how China could use cyber.war to cripple India. And how their missles could destroy Indian infrastructure.
I agree with this
But in Indian defense
The reason all chinease apps where blocked was to try and reduce the cyber attack impact .
Also he used Iraq v USA in desert storm completely wrong comparison
The USA and allies had 100 warships 6 carriers and 2500 planes v 400 planes and run boars. It was a mismatch
China in ladakh is same air power and troops and no navy
Also the gap is nothing like that example
Finally desert storm was in desert no where to hide
Himlayers is a huge complex terrain so troops numbers is vital and armour and air power will be less devastating .
China will beat us but it will very tough and hard going a bit like kargil where we are northern light infantry they are India with bofers and later guided bombing from mirage2000 remember pak. Air force did not fight kargil

No he is actually saying different things

1) India is very impervious to cyber attack so they will shut down your airports, sea ports , power grids , rail control systems etc. effecting the economy and movement of troops. Apps are the smallest part of the attack. You see that’s a consumer tool. The real problem is chinese manufactured software and chips in all computers in India. The bios and chips were all written in China

2) due to Chinese superiority in electronic warfare they will disrupt Indian communications and the ability to coordinate. This was clear on feb 27. China is 100 times stronger than Pakistan in this area. Hence most Indian units in the field will be reduced to world war 1 tactics to communicate I.e. send runners / sepoys. This would mean Indian ground and air units will be at a severe disadvantaged. They will also take ISRO satellites out of the equation.

3) China has significant elint and space based satellite assets which will blind India. With better situational awareness. I.e. tons of ground facing radars and satellites China will be able to reduce the fog of war and quickly entrap Indian forces. A lot of this will be seen on the loc as Pakistan is about to get Balloon based radars for the LOC. This would mean much better surveillance. Meaning we will know how India reacts how and where ammunition and supplies are being moved.This will result in much better counter battery fire Etc.

4) the cruise missile and shorter range missiles will be used to take out airfields, ammunition depots, large troop formations and air defenses. Which will result in massive de morilization and loss of high end force multipliers.

all this will turn a stronger manpower based army like Iraq/India into a much more confused and un coordinates mess like in the first gulf war. China does have 5000 aircraft and has much higher stock piles of stand off weapons. which is the example being quoted here. There is a reason why China moved some of its strategic bombers forward. This will allows them to respond much more effectively just like American b-52s armed with cruise missiles.

so in conclusion:
In a short war China has the advantage as it has worked for years to create an eco system in its border with India. The surprise part is not possible for India and Pakistan is keeping up significant pressure on the loc and international border to keep India off balance

In a long war India’s only advantage is in man power which will be significantly negated by a tri front war. China , Pakistan and insurgencies not to mention possible Bangali action in Asam. If India is seen to be loading the Bengali’s would want their territory back.
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This guy is an professional analyst known as Perween Swaenee he makes only contradictory videos on Indian military.

If only you had tried reading his last book, you would know what he stated in there is turning out to be true.

I agree but there are a few Indian analyst that say this such as abhijit iyer Mitra etc.

The problem really is the modi government! If it were any other government they would have used the opportunities to resolve things with Pakistan and China much earlier.

hati key dant dekhqney kay or khaney Kay or


Abhijit for sure is an expert with more balanced approach compared with most Indian analysts but he is as prone as others to peddle BS. He chastised IAF for shooting down its own heli but also made ridiculous argument how Mig21 was able to shoot down a F16 and provided the most ridiculous excuse for it. So I dont put much faith into him.
If only you had tried reading his last book, you would know what he stated in there is turning out to be true.

Abhijit for sure is an expert with more balanced approach compared with most Indian analysts but he is as prone as others to peddle BS. He chastised IAF for shooting down its own heli but also made ridiculous argument how Mig21 was able to shoot down a F16 and provided the most ridiculous excuse for it. So I dont put much faith into him.

Abhijit is an intellectual in RSS. he does need to play to The gallery.

he quotes a war game he was part of where India apparently won. Should ask him to revisit the same war game with the new data I.e. according to him the su-30 is a complete lemon.

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