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How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

and what is the source of this super secret information??
did you team-up with assanage on this?

the fact is that no system can prevent a MAD scenario when the warring nations are next-door neighbors...if the missiles had to travel thousands of kms...it'd have been easier shooting them down...
you have to detect a missile launch and need significant time to prep your own ABM shayBMs...India has tested the ABMS in the most ideal of scenarios possible...a bloody simulation!!!
this ABM deal imo is for show and propaganda...just as the nukes of the 2 countires...

What ever I told can found any where if you take time and search.

Ballistic missiles do travel 1000s of Km.. (for gaining a decent RE velocity)... If you are talking about scud type missiles.. you can see what happened in Iraq...

Thats precisely why 1500km LRTR has been made along with the 800km(earlier version)... aswell as a 4000km X-band LRTR(under development).. Including Airborne detection and tracking aswell as satellite network.

Many nations are spending billions on anti-ballistic missile program... India is not alone in the race... Mutual Assured destruction is only possible when you have enough Nuclear arsenal... to destroy a country as big as India you would require at least 10000 nukes(of various yield)... for a country like China or US one would further require 20000-30000...

In the end I would leave for you to decide.. If you still stick with the propaganda theory of yours.. then consider ABM as a counter propaganda for the nuke propaganda of other party and one's nuke propaganda as the advantage in propaganda war.

and what is the source of this super secret information??
did you team-up with assanage on this?

the fact is that no system can prevent a MAD scenario when the warring nations are next-door neighbors...if the missiles had to travel thousands of kms...it'd have been easier shooting them down...
you have to detect a missile launch and need significant time to prep your own ABM shayBMs...India has tested the ABMS in the most ideal of scenarios possible...a bloody simulation!!!
this ABM deal imo is for show and propaganda...just as the nukes of the 2 countires...

What ever I told can found any where if you take time and search.

Ballistic missiles do travel 1000s of Km.. (for gaining a decent RE velocity)... If you are talking about scud type missiles.. you can see what happened in Iraq...

Thats precisely why 1500km LRTR has been made along with the 800km(earlier version)... aswell as a 4000km X-band LRTR(under development).. Including Airborne detection and tracking aswell as satellite network.

Many nations are spending billions on anti-ballistic missile program... India is not alone in the race... Mutual Assured destruction is only possible when you have enough Nuclear arsenal... to destroy a country as big as India you would require at least 10000 nukes(of various yield)... for a country like China or US one would further require 20000-30000...

In the end I would leave for you to decide.. If you still stick with the propaganda theory of yours.. then consider ABM as a counter propaganda for the nuke propaganda of other party and one's nuke propaganda as the advantage in propaganda war.
Rubbish a excahnge of 100 nucleur warheads would permanently alter earth's ecosystem.massive starvation,billions will lose their lives no matter where the explosions will take place.The physical destruction of the places isn't the only havoc created by nukes but also the aftermath.
and what is the source of this super secret information??
did you team-up with assanage on this?

the fact is that no system can prevent a MAD scenario when the warring nations are next-door neighbors...if the missiles had to travel thousands of kms...it'd have been easier shooting them down...
you have to detect a missile launch and need significant time to prep your own ABM shayBMs...India has tested the ABMS in the most ideal of scenarios possible...a bloody simulation!!!
this ABM deal imo is for show and propaganda...just as the nukes of the 2 countires...

Lot of money has been spent on this system...In fact the first phase is very much Pakistan centric...Only they will unleash BM of 2000-2500KM range towards us...I would say we should have some faith in our scientific community....Not sure why people think few minutes is too little time to detect a missile and shoot it down??
Lot of money has been spent on this system...In fact the first phase is very much Pakistan centric...Only they will unleash BM of 2000-2500KM range towards us...I would say we should have some faith in our scientific community....Not sure why people think few minutes is too little time to detect a missile and shoot it down??

ABM Tests were done in ideal conditions. BM path was known. Now under realistic scenario. When a medium range Ballistic missile travelling with 8-10 mach speed going to hit it's target at 1000 Km range, 8-10 mach = 10,000-12,000 KM/Hour. which means it requires 3-6 minutes to hit a target. How can ABM react so quick and so fast unless it's processing it with speed of super computer?
ABM Tests were done in ideal conditions. BM path was known. Now under realistic scenario. When a medium range Ballistic missile travelling with 8-10 mach speed going to hit it's target at 1000 Km range, 8-10 mach = 10,000-12,000 KM/Hour. which means it requires 3-6 minutes to hit a target. How can ABM react so quick and so fast unless it's processing it with speed of super computer?

:lol:... 5-6 minutes would be spent in the boost phase itself... and the longest phase...i.e. midcourse phase takes even longer... I don't understand why do you post nonsense without even knowing about what you people are posting.. atleast you can ask no one will kill you here for that... here go through and this is for all the noobs who think ballistic missile travel as they travel in their cars..
U.S. Missile Defense Programs at a Glance | Arms Control Association
and your alarm button would process much faster than that.. forget about supercomputers..:lol:.. you people are funny.
India tested an ICBM, Pakistan tested an ABM Shaheen-1A, since Pakistan goes most of the time for the most cost effective solution, that was the most reasonable and logical response.
600 million for an ICBM vs at most 6 million for a few ABMs for each Indian ICBM.
India tested an ICBM, Pakistan tested an ABM Shaheen-1A, since Pakistan goes most of the time for the most cost effective solution, that was the most reasonable and logical response.
600 million for an ICBM vs at most 6 million for a few ABMs for each Indian ICBM.

how was shaheen an abm?? :blink:
How ur so sure of that??? The miracles don't happen over night. And it take decades to build good economy that too when u have every ingredient of it.

Because its common sense, something you Indians lack specially when talking about Pakistan(no offense meant). And it does not take decades but few years of stability and good governance, Take Musharaf tenure for example. Next year is election year and we will get rid of Zardari and his league of extra ordinary gentle thugs.
ABM Tests were done in ideal conditions. BM path was known. Now under realistic scenario. When a medium range Ballistic missile travelling with 8-10 mach speed going to hit it's target at 1000 Km range, 8-10 mach = 10,000-12,000 KM/Hour. which means it requires 3-6 minutes to hit a target. How can ABM react so quick and so fast unless it's processing it with speed of super computer?

Darky has already corrected some of the glitches..I will point out to even basic one...

a) Who told you that BM path was known??? Think about it what kind of a ABM system is this when we test it only on the known BM path??? Do you think our Scientific fraternity is so dumb that they are expecting enemy to first tell us the path of its BM??? Think about it.... Listen a new system is tested in phases. This is true for any system and has nothing to do with ABM system....I am not sure but you might be confused with initial tests where there might be some news about know BM path.

b) Secondly any tests are done in ideal conditions when you are testing the technology...That doesn't mean they are inducted just based on those ideal conditions...And once inducted they still keep on testing those systems naming the tests as User Trials...

b/w ABM doesn't mean that Pakistan is now screwed. However ABM has made your life a few notches harder as far as maintaining parity with Indian missile might. As an adversary i will be happy for you to ignore the real threat of ABM system....

Because its common sense, something you Indians lack specially when talking about Pakistan(no offense meant). And it does not take decades but few years of stability and good governance, Take Musharaf tenure for example. Next year is election year and we will get rid of Zardari and his league of extra ordinary gentle thugs.

He is actually right....China did their economy u term is terms of policies in early 80's....Look how long it took before people start acknowledging their economic might??? India started there's in 1991...again it took us over a decade before people started looking at us...Still we have a long path to follow....Pakistan is no exception....A new govt. or and old govt. will not bring in massive change(since there is no magic wand) unless and until stability returns back to Pakistan....Not saying things can't be fixed but expecting once a new govt. comes things will change dramatically might be a little too optimistic....However in the end - Nothing is impossible...so good luck....

How about you helping us out?? For a starter enlighten us that why would we use our so called ICBM on Pakistan??
He is actually right....China did their economy u term is terms of policies in early 80's....Look how long it took before people start acknowledging their economic might??? India started there's in 1991...again it took us over a decade before people started looking at us...Still we have a long path to follow....Pakistan is no exception....A new govt. or and old govt. will not bring in massive change(since there is no magic wand) unless and until stability returns back to Pakistan....Not saying things can't be fixed but expecting once a new govt. comes things will change dramatically might be a little too optimistic....However in the end - Nothing is impossible...so good luck....

We don't need massive change because that comes with time but enough change to bring us back on track as was the case previously during Musharafs time. My point was specifically about fueling our defense requirements, because every time we say something, Indians are the 1st ones to jump and say hey where is the money, your economy is in shackles. So my post was specifically targeted towards that audience. A new government will definitely bring in the change because good governance & stability are the two key elements if you wish to see your economy set in the right direction and those are not achievable without a better government. That is why my focal point was the government. Today Pakistan is ruled by a bunch of thugs literally who have neither the vision nor the desire to see Pakistan making progress of any sort.
to destroy a country as big as India you would require at least 10000 nukes(of various yield)... for a country like China or US one would further require 20000-30000...
Who fed you this nonsense?
We don't need massive change because that comes with time but enough change to bring us back on track as was the case previously during Musharafs time. My point was specifically about fueling our defense requirements, because every time we say something, Indians are the 1st ones to jump and say hey where is the money, your economy is in shackles. So my post was specifically targeted towards that audience. A new government will definitely bring in the change because good governance & stability are the two key elements if you wish to see your economy set in the right direction and those are not achievable without a better government. That is why my focal point was the government. Today Pakistan is ruled by a bunch of thugs literally who have neither the vision nor the desire to see Pakistan making progress of any sort.

I see...yes i am in agreement with your post...as long as you know that it takes time before economy comes back on its feet....

Who fed you this nonsense?
look it depends upon what you mean by destruction...
Who fed you this nonsense?

Do you know how big is the geographical assets of a big country like India/China/US.... and the resources it has ?.. with 2-3 nukes you can only make a loosing army surrender... with 50-100 you can create problems for a well standing over a million force and somehow make them scatter and force them take time to regroup... but once they regroup you are gone...a your whole civilization would be wiped out in no time.

Again to completely wipe out an enemy as big as India Pakistan would require about 10000 nuclear with various yields and various types... and a variety to delivery platforms like strategic bombers, BM(both rail & road), SLBM, SSBN, and all launched at once... 2-3 would just add fuel to fire and attract a much lethal response in case....
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