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How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

pardon me for my arrogance ,who the hell u r to certify our made in india products are perfect or not ? Who certified ur pak missiles including ballistic missiles & cruise missiles are perfect & war proven kindly tell me ?

US has failed or not, it is decided upon it's succesful test & deployment ,thats why russians are paranoid about US missile shield when US opted out from ABM treaty .Yes US air borne laser missile defence has failed ,but They are working on THAAD & would deploy it .I agree no system is 100% perfect .But even 95% success rate interception is a promissing sign about the succesful interception capabilty of any ABM.

95% for which your ABM system? Did the test prove this? last i heard it was all but a complete success. This is an example of "I can do it all" attitude. Which leads to epic failures.
95% for which your ABM system? Did the test prove this? last i heard it was all but a complete success.
mate check google or any defence website of india all ABM test done by India had been succesful intercept,except one that also was fault of test target that prithvi had igniton problems.
This is an example of "I can do it all" attitude. Which leads to epic failures.
mate India's ABM is a matter of life and death for us .U take it in any way rather our overconfidence or arrogance we have to deploy it we have no other choice.Do u get me .
Pakistan should continue stockpiling nukes and long range missiles. Keep those armaments factories chugging :tup:
Its silly how nabil_05 has been arguing about the sucess rate for ABM system...... Even if that system is 80% successful that means 80 out of 100 missiles don't hit and thats a great bonus while in a nuclear war..... And about learning part...... Nabil_05 types have repeatedly demonstrated that Pakistanis in general consider that US are like Gods and normal people like Indians cannot develop any thing which they can't.
Your types have been US ABM system as failed while billions are being spent over its deployments...... It amuses me how such godly people of your types have been foolishly wasting their money on such system which is a fail according to you and your types...... Include notorious in this aswell.
Pakistan should continue stockpiling nukes and long range missiles. Keep those armaments factories chugging :tup:

That is the only way If they want their arsenal to have any effect then they would require more and more missiles may be in 1000s to have the desired impact in a nuclear war........ BTW your avatar would force me to visit the thread next time again so keep posting.
Darky Types... don't understand your ABM works perfect when tests are conducted in Simulated and ideal conditions where you know the missile launch, it's pattern, it's path.

But how will it work in real time situations when we release 10's of BM's and CM's in an instance and the proximity of Pakistan and Indian borders and a very short reaction time. It's not like Russia release a ICBM and it has to travel 5000KM+. We are talking about game of 500-700 KM and Missiles with speeds of 6+ Machs Missiles.

Keeping your Nationalistic egoes aside. Talk with some rational thoughts and facts keeping real time scenario in your mind not some simulated and ideal scenario where everything you can do things more faster then the speed of missile.
Its silly how nabil_05 has been arguing about the sucess rate for ABM system...... Even if that system is 80% successful that means 80 out of 100 missiles don't hit and thats a great bonus while in a nuclear war..... And about learning part...... Nabil_05 types have repeatedly demonstrated that Pakistanis in general consider that US are like Gods and normal people like Indians cannot develop any thing which they can't.
Your types have been US ABM system as failed while billions are being spent over its deployments...... It amuses me how such godly people of your types have been foolishly wasting their money on such system which is a fail according to you and your types...... Include notorious in this aswell.

Darky, you dont worth my time. Dont exhaust yourself. :)
Darky, you dont worth my time. Dont exhaust yourself. :)

Only if you realized the importance of time....... Such silly remarks are of no good since you have failed to prove how US BMD/ABM is a fail and what has Indian ABM has got to do with that.
Darky Types... don't understand your ABM works perfect when tests are conducted in Simulated and ideal conditions where you know the missile launch, it's pattern, it's path.

But how will it work in real time situations when we release 10's of BM's and CM's in an instance and the proximity of Pakistan and Indian borders and a very short reaction time. It's not like Russia release a ICBM and it has to travel 5000KM+. We are talking about game of 500-700 KM and Missiles with speeds of 6+ Machs Missiles.

Keeping your Nationalistic egoes aside. Talk with some rational thoughts and facts keeping real time scenario in your mind not some simulated and ideal scenario where everything you can do things more faster then the speed of missile.

Read the thread and about Indian ABM system in general... Only If you knew how modern ABM functions you would've not raised this silly queestion... There's nothing nationalistic here... However the silly remarks of your types..
Indian Pursuit Of Ballistic Missile Defence Program

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will give you reasons why indian abm strategy is not upto mark. till then, prepare yourself for arguments.

Sir why are you even bothering with these fanboys, you know that no matter how rationale of an explanation you give them they still wont admit whats right and whats wrong. What they fail to admit is that US is decades ahead of them when it comes to missile technology, India's missile technology is relatively primitive compared to that of the US and Israel.

I think we all remember Indian fanboys claiming the SU30MKI to be the best fighter aircraft in the world until it got thrashed in RF2008. Dont bother arguing with these fanboys Sir, it will be a waste of your time.
^^^ to compare USA and India's strategic situation is in one word idiotic the Americans Israelis Russians and we have already demonstrated ballistic missile interception the Americans are only have problems dealing with ICBM defense

India does not face an ICBM threat at the most IRBM's we have already demonstrated ABM defense against 2,000km ballistic missiles soon that ability will be 5,000

you people amaze with your ignorance just a couple of days ago the Americans tested they're THAAD successfully India needs defense against IRBM's not ICBM's
Can Indian BMD intercept BrahMos?

I know Pakistan doesn't have BrahMos, but just asking what would happen if China develops comparable technology?
Can Indian BMD intercept BrahMos?

I know Pakistan doesn't have BrahMos, but just asking what would happen if China develops comparable technology?

BrahMos is a cruise missile not a ballistic missile the Barak-8 and the AAD have capability to intercept low flying stealthy cruise missiles at subsonic and supersonic speeds but sophisticated satellites and radars like AEW&C, SATCOM, aerostat etc are required to track cruise missiles as they are very difficult to intercept once you track the target you can use the kill vehicle to destroy it.

just some examples of AAD cruise missile defense operation



Livefist: EXCLUSIVE: Official Schematics Of India's Layered Missile Defence System, Including Cruise Missile Defence [DECLASS]
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