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How can India be a superpower if it can't even build a bridge?

You shallowness of logic is amazing, yet not surprising to many of us anymore.

It is not an ordinary bridge, like those collapsed in China, Canada, or USA. It is a bridge symbolizing the pride of a shinning India who is hosting the glorious and to-be-better-than-Beijing-Olympics CWG, much hypered by so many proud Indian patriots, and therefore (must, I guess) having mobilized their best resources for it. Otherwise, why do you big-mouth it if you don’t give a high expectation?

Hypothetically, suppose you deploy a high valued Su-30 along China, or Carriers in Ocean, in an attempt to defend your country. You regard that as the highest stake. You trust your authorities. You risk your sons’ and brothers’ lives. You contribute your tax monies, enduring price hike from Russia, feeding your soldier, training the operators, maintaining the equipment, and tolerating your corrupted officials... You then hyper this and that. On the day when your enemy invade, your Su-30 are shot down, your carriers are sunk…

Now you trust your authorities with the bridge and ceilling, but they fail you.

People here are talking about deep core values beneath the phenomena of bridges and ceilings. The core values a power, be it super or not, regional or global, must possess.

All non-mentally-challenged will feel that once they cast their eyes on the thought-provoking, albeit inflammatory, title.

What? India doesn't want to be a regional superpower? :woot: Just because the collaps of a bridge? :rofl: If India doesn't want to be a regional superpower, it is not India! Period!

...Well, one more thing learnt about an Indian's mouth... :lol:
All that crap for nothing. Can you kindly quote any Indian senior official claiming that India has become a super-power?? Wants to become a Super Power?? If you can not clearly see what questions are being raised and getting caught up in shallow logic - we can hardly expect a debate.

When speaking to a kid one needs to speak his language - to counter a shallow argument - you can only expect shallow logic.

Since you do not seem too bright to catch the crux - I will spell it out for you. Thee have been several articles first claiming that India wants to become a superpower and then start bashing in the same context. This is a straw-man argument Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where you stick a label on India and bash India for not being worthy of it. We sir are a very poor nation with millions below poverty line. We have children dying of malnutrition and mothers for lack of medical care. We are not a superpower - infact a very very long way off it. To defy this status - you need not bring a collapsing bridge to our notice - when other much more obvious aspects are existing.
All that crap for nothing. Can you kindly quote any Indian senior official claiming that India has become a super-power?? Wants to become a Super Power?? If you can not clearly see what questions are being raised and getting caught up in shallow logic - we can hardly expect a debate.

When speaking to a kid one needs to speak his language - to counter a shallow argument - you can only expect shallow logic.

Since you do not seem too bright to catch the crux - I will spell it out for you. Thee have been several articles first claiming that India wants to become a superpower and then start bashing in the same context. This is a straw-man argument Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where you stick a label on India and bash India for not being worthy of it. We sir are a very poor nation with millions below poverty line. We have children dying of malnutrition and mothers for lack of medical care. We are not a superpower - infact a very very long way off it. To defy this status - you need not bring a collapsing bridge to our notice - when other much more obvious aspects are existing.

Leave it buddy, he's not an American and most probably a false flag. Americans know the difference between 'hypered' (doesn't exist) and 'hyped'

Americans are not so poor @ English.
How can India be a superpower if it can't even build a bridge?

How much more lame can an argument be???

@ MBI Munshi....You seriously have no credibility at all.

What you are pointing out is indeed a matter of national shame and I accept it with all humility but then if you think that you can question the massive power called India just on this basis then you are probably insane......................
You little punk, I guess you have a hell lot to worry in your backyard.

You have already got a lot of mess in cricketin world.

May be you wanna bet on sometin :whistle: .

Bookies are born in India, no doubt about that :rofl::cheesy:
At least we have the courage and capability to organize such an huge event. :P

You may have the courage to host such an event but you clearly do not have the capability. Stop the pretense of being a regional superpower. It is because of your own self-labeling as a regional superpower that India is now being mocked over this bridge collapse. If Bangladesh has hosted a sporting event a bridge collapsed no one would laugh because we do not hold ourselves out to be a superpower.
You may have the courage to host such an event but you clearly do not have the capability. Stop the pretense of being a regional superpower. It is because of your own self-labeling as a regional superpower that India is now being mocked over this bridge collapse. If Bangladesh has hosted a sporting event a bridge collapsed no one would laugh because we do not hold ourselves out to be a superpower.

Don't compare Bangladesh's capability with India's. Yes there is corruption nonetheless, but I didn't know a collapsed bridge had so much to do with being a regional "superpower"
Don't compare Bangladesh's capability with India's. Yes there is corruption nonetheless, but I didn't know a collapsed bridge had so much to do with being a regional "superpower"

COMMONWEALTH GAMES: Salvaging National Honour

By B. Raman

Our hopes and wishes for a spectacular CWG have been dashed to the ground due to alleged mismanagement by the organising committee headed by Mr. Suresh Kalmadi. A relentless monsoon, the like of which New Delhi has not seen before, has added to our woes.

2. One is helpless before the monsoon, but one was not before the alleged mismanagement of the Organising Committee. If one had acted in time against the Organising Committee-----if necessary, by having it replaced---- when the initial signs of the accumulating mess appeared three months ago, one might have saved our national honour.

3. The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, whose responsibility it was to assert his captaincy of a sinking ship and stop it from sinking, dithered as he generally does when faced with a crisis----hoping that somehow things will turn out to be all right.

4. He did take some corrective steps like asking a group of senior officials enjoying his confidence to do a day-to-day monitoring of the preparations for the Games and make sure that the mismanagement was rectified. The group has not been able to assert itself effectively against an over-confident Organising Committee.

5. The result----12 days before the Games, renowned athletes whom we were hoping to see in action in New Delhi have started deserting the Games. The sports federations of some of the member-countries are under pressure to desert the Games too, but their Governments, which have considerable goodwill for India and its Prime Minister, have been urging them to stay on board.

6. A disastrous failure of the Games would not be just a failure of an incompetent India. We as a nation are not incompetent. It would be the failure of an emerging India and the damaging of its image as a democratic nation worthy of emulation due to the alleged incompetence of a small group of people who had the control of the Organising Committee. The world would not want India to be seen as a bungler in the face of an authoritarian China which made a spectacular success of the Olympics of August 2008.

7. Thanks to the dithering by the Prime Minister, we seem to be left with no other option but to sink or swim with Mr. Kalmadi and his Organising Committee. Swim we must and swim we can, if the Prime Minister gives up his bureaucratic ways of dealing with a crisis, steps on to the deck and takes control of the damaged ship. Only he can save the ship of our national honour at this late hour. No one else can. He has to take control now without further delay.

8. India is not bereft of managerial wizards in the Government and the private sector. The Prime Minister should set up a committee of consequence managers chaired by him to mount an exercise for the salvage of the national honour. Specific responsibilities should be allotted to the members of the committee relating to the venues of the games, the maintenance of the Games Village, the welfare of the participants, the physical security and public relations. The Organising Committee should be told to carry out its instructions. Any attempt by the Organising Committee to undermine or sabotage its functioning should be ruthlessly put down. The Committee should be given all the powers and resources it needs. The young and enthusiastic officers of the police and the Armed Forces, who passed out last year, should be placed at the disposal of the Committee to have its instructions carried out. The Prime Minister should hold meetings of the Committee every evening to review its work and give appropriate follow-up directions. The Prime Minister should make himself available for instant meetings with the members of the Committee.

9. It is too late for us to hope for a spectacular CWG, which could compare with the spectacular Beijing Olympics. We could even now make it a decent CWG and salvage our national honour if the Prime Minister acts and acts decisively and makes it clear that hereafter he will be in charge till the Games are over.

10. The salvaging of our national honour depends on one man, the Prime Minister. Will he step onto the deck?

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