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How can India be a superpower if it can't even build a bridge?

If I build a sexy bridge at my backyard... will my neighbor will be irrational enough to believe I supersceed them since I own a Verna and they own a Merc... (btw I gave a true example)
Oh my god, why some people are so worried that few people on net mention that India can be superpower. Does it make you lose sleep? I think we are progressing but we are no where close to being a super power. Some people dream, is it crime to dream.
Indian education on full display. I love it. World War II was broken up into a European War and Pacific War. That's why there's a V-E Day and a V-J Day. I didn't create this classification, the Allies did.

The victors got a seat on the UN Security Council. Something India still covets and still doesn't have today. And it's Indian myth it was ever offered to India. It wasn't. Because the photos show you didn't even have a seat at the table. In WWII, if you weren't traitors you were off worshipping Hitler like Bose. Wrong side of history for WWII and wrong again for aligning with the now defunct Soviet Union.

Where's Stalin?? I cant believe it. LOL. Product of an Indian education.

LOL - Brilliant post. Just so you know - the UNSC is not literally a table irrespective of what they teach in the hovels...err...fine institutions of China....

1. Why are you so delighted by a Chinese guy being in the same pic as 2 leaders like Churchill and Roosevelt?

2. The term is Pacific theater and European theater - both being part of WW2. At least those are the terms we use in the civilized world.

LOL - hahahahaha - we have now seen how well educated you poor Chinese are. No wonder you end up sewing Nikes rather than owning companies like those.
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