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How can India be a superpower if it can't even build a bridge?

This is a hard time to justify major SNAFU's at home.

I hope this serves as a wake up call to the nation as the 62 war did on a different subject and relevant lessons are learnt. India has an amazing infrastructure industry as seen by the speed at which new townships and sky scrapers are sprouting across the nation.

The case in point is that the Govt simply cannot handle things due to Babus & corruption. They also simply lack the spine to say no and chase impossible deadlines.

Maybe this serves as a case for more privatization.
Well...this is a matter of concern of India. And IMO the issue in not exactly CWG. With so much prestige at stake I believe India will pull that off, that too nicely. India has enough resources to make this game a success.

The issue is somewhere else having name of corruption. And we should pay attention to this. Good thing is, media is highlighting the issue and hopefully (though not too much), we can have some improvement in this regard.

As for thread starter, almost everyone knows the choice to topics and level of trolling. So nothing new.
This isn't exactly the bridge over the Yangtze or Ganges or the San Francisco bridge. Its a piddling little bridge which, nevertheless, carries a lot of prestige value for India. The whole CWG is a nightmare. I have never heard of a superpower make such a mess of things. Yes bridges do collapse but the whole CWG project is a failure even before it started. Bangladesh is aligning itself with a mere wannabe.

Of all the great achievements and some failures India has achieved, you always have pointed out the failures here. IF India someday stop failing, you will be unemployed I think. You should thank India for the failures instead of making fun of it.

Munshi ji, I guess you have hurt your eyes badly by looking at the brighter side of things. so, now you only look out for bleak and dark sides.
I did say see MI5, 6, 7, 8, 9 is responsible for the bridge collapse.

;) hot scapegoat you got

What about the ceiling collapse . I hope the material was not provided by Pakistan for that

I dont think Pakistan can manufacture clamps of Macalloy bar suspenders. If you could, we would definately have suspected ISI hands in the bridge collapse:partay:
This isn't exactly the bridge over the Yangtze or Ganges or the San Francisco bridge. Its a piddling little bridge which, nevertheless, carries a lot of prestige value for India. The whole CWG is a nightmare. I have never heard of a superpower make such a mess of things. Yes bridges do collapse but the whole CWG project is a failure even before it started. Bangladesh is aligning itself with a mere wannabe.

Mr. Munshi, I appreciate the effort you put in to bash India, but the fact is that none of us have claimed to be a superpower. we all know the shortcomings of India, but unlike you, we try to see the positives of what we have achieved and what we can achieve.

Bridges collapse all over the world. I don't see you posting news about those. Hmmm, in fact i have never seen you post bad about any other country except India. Why this 'special' devotion for us? ;)

As for CWG, its still an ongoing process. Yes, it has had its glitches and share of bad press, but to declare it a failure is premature. Lets see how it plays out.
The title is funny indeed, but yes, India does have problems with the CWG. I have seen some of the pictures in the athletes village, they were disgusting.
I did say see MI5, 6, 7, 8, 9 is responsible for the bridge collapse.

;) hot scapegoat you got

What about the ceiling collapse . I hope the material was not provided by Pakistan for that

No pakistan don't manufactures that they import or gets everything in aid.

And specifically for roofs that has not fallen as reported in orange media.

Only few tiles from false sealing made up of PoP fallen because a laborer walked over it. And everyone knows that false sealing is not made to hold weight of a person.

So update facts its not the roof but false sealing made up of PoP tiles and 3 tiles have fallen because of a worker walked over them during maintenance work.
How can India be a superpower if it can't even build a bridge?

Most recent bridge built here.. still havent fall.

To become superpower we should recruit illegal immigrants as structural designers & architects to ensure better design.
Most recent bridge built here.. still havent fall.


Is this Mumbai? If it is, the bridge was built by a Chinese company. I saw it in a Discovery Channel documentary a couple of years ago.
What a Lame Excuse for Finding A good Spot to Place his Egos Safely.... Does the Author Even Know that The Highest ever bridge Collapses Happened In United States of America, And By His Logic, USA must not be a Superpower at all...
I'll take your word for it for now. I do recall seeing it in a series entitled Megacity though. I'll see if I can find that Youtube video.
Is this Mumbai? If it is, the bridge was built by a Chinese company. I saw it in a Discovery Channel documentary a couple of years ago.

Do the chinese have their own version of CPC Discovery Channel??? :bunny::bunny:

Our bridge is build by Hindustan Construction Company.
Some of the pics of Bandra-Worli Sealink - 6 lane

A Made in India bridge, Build by a Indian Co.







Toll Plaza of the bridge

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