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Hizbul Mujahideen designated as foreign terrorist org by U.S.

Not even moral, it has zero effect. Take it as a self glorifying non sense which will die a quick death. Pakistan as usual will ignore.
Consider this analogy:-

You are an employee of Nestle company. One day, US declares you a global terrorist. What do you think will happen? Nestle company might be forced to remove you. A large number of other companies may not be willing to hire you either. You will be forced to rely on other methods for livelihood. Your family will eventually suffer. At some point, your life will become miserable and an agency might come after you in the end (or a drone). Point is that the course of your life will change forever, for worse.

TERRORIST designation [from US] can be a very unfortunate experience for an individual. Ask Osama Bin Laden and many others who have been on its receiving-end.

Someone who headed MI6, a closest American ally, well I wont call his statement a personal opinion. I am sure the gentleman knows a tad bit more then me and you, global trends and geopolitics, dont you think?
I respect his experience and exposure but what exactly is the CONTEXT behind his statement? Intelligence operatives tend to be specialists, not experts on the matters of globalization.

Being closest American ally means jack shit in the grand scheme of things. Do you remember an Israeli agent who was accorded 30 years imprisonment in an American jail over the charges of espionage?

Oh yes the economy. tell us how good the American economy is at the moment.
Still the best.

Russia - gave middle finger to America and very actively engaged on geopolitics specially in ME.
At the cost of its economic well-being.

US was not interested in checkmating Russian designs in Syria. In-fact, it makes perfect sense to let Russia fight more wars while its economy is tanking. Russia will eventually find itself in a very unpleasant situation.

Vladmir Putin does not cares much about socio-economic well-being of Russian citizens anyways. He ranks no. 1 in corruption worldwide. Think about it.

China - Brought North Korea and America to equal footing while assuming the role of a peace maker.
What equal footing you are talking about?

US has subjected North Korea to additional set of sanctions and China has to oblige be-grudgingly.

And North Korea is hardly a desirable destination of investment.

Venezuela - America has been trying regime change for donkey years within its own backyard but only after Hugo Chavez death, they manage to create destabilization. Its not American brilliance but rather incompetence of the ones who followed Chavez.
Do you think US considers "regime change" a solution for every state under its radar? I think not.

All US had to do was to slash its imports from Venezuela by half; the economic collapse of the latter soon followed, corruption notwithstanding.
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Consider this analogy:-

You are an employee of Nestle company. One day, US declares you a global terrorist. What do you think will happen? Nestle company might be forced to remove you. A large number of other companies may not be willing to hire you either. You will be forced to rely on other methods for livelihood. You family will also suffer. At some point, an agency might come after you.

TERRORIST designation [from US] can be very unfortunate experience for an individual. Ask Osama Bin Laden and many others who have been on its receiving-end.

Now consider this:

you have no connection with US, you dont live in US, your business , work , influence, in nutshell,your domain is outside US, infact, you have never set foot on US in your whole life. WHO CARES?

Comparing OBL with these lot is far fetched. Take this as a regional tussel between India-America axis on one side, and Pak-China strategic partnership on the other. Just yesterday PLA was knocking on the other side of Indian occupied Kashmir. That is the event of more significance then America giving a lip service to assuage its beleaguered ally.

I respect his experience and exposure but what exactly is the CONTEXT behind his statement? Intelligence operatives tend to be specialists, not experts on the affairs of globalization.

Being closest American ally means jack shit in the grand scheme of things. Do you remember an Israeli agent who was accorded 30 years imprisonment in an American jail over the charges of espionage?


Pax Americana - the American unipolar moment - he notes, "was very short-lived and it is now over".

Listen to what your most intimate allies are saying to you. Dont listen to dirty Pakis.

Still the best.


At the cost of its economic well-being.

US was not interested in checkmating Russia in Syria either.

Listen mate, Russia has barged its way into ME affair and America cant do a jackshit about it. Anyone who thinks that Russia is not rising is living in fools paradise. HELL, they hijacked your last elections according to your own state institutions and intel agencies. What else you need to know about their influence?

What equal footing you are talking about?

US has subjected North Korea to additional set of sanctions and China has to oblige be-grudgingly.

And North Korea is hardly a desirable destination of investment.


China urges US, North Korea to 'hit the brakes' on threats

Chinese have assumed the role of big boys, diffusing the tension among two parties. Its the America and NK who are bickering like kids, and China playing a peace maker role. This is what America has been reduced to.

Do you think US considers "regime change" a solution for every state under its radar? I think not.

All US had to do was to slash its imports from Venezuela by half; the economic collapse of the latter soon followed.

America has been trying for donkey years when Chavez was in power, what did it achieve? Zilch!

so what
according to islamic fiqa The world global terrorist are:

time to turn up mr usa . we dont care about any usa indian or other bullshit........................
they are mujahideen they will be and they are still mujahideen.
put these sanctions on your mother isis and that orange dress illegitimate.
That's named will change and money will eep flowing.

Unless we take agressive action towards them and not just by Army or CRPF but also through controlling the flow of money in the state with accountability, We won't get anywhere.
Economic terrorism is the word.


Bird is the word...

Surrrfing bird
Now consider this:

you have no connection with US, you dont live in US, your business , work , influence, in nutshell,your domain is outside US, infact, you have never set foot on US in your whole life. WHO CARES?

Comparing OBL with these lot is far fetched. Take this as a regional tussel between India-America axis on one side, and Pak-China strategic partnership on the other. Just yesterday PLA was knocking on the other side of Indian occupied Kashmir. That is the event of more significance then America giving a lip service to assuage its beleaguered ally.
You continue to miss my point. You don't have to live in the US to be affected by its [terrorist] designation - US is capable of making your life miserable in any part of the world, period.

My analogy is perfectly valid for an individual living in Pakistan; Nestle is a European company and have offices in Pakistan.

My point is that his life is likely to change now (for the worse) since he has been designated a TERRORIST by a powerful country (outside India) unless he doesn't have a family and lives on charity. Even if he is living in a cave, he is now a fair target for not only Indian agencies but others.

If only India had declared him a terrorist, he could endure. However, US is in the picture now and it can go to any length to make the life of any terrorist miserable in any part of the world. Osama Bin Laden (and a large number of other Al-Qaeda operatives) had no investments in the US either and where are they now? DEAD.


Pax Americana - the American unipolar moment - he notes, "was very short-lived and it is now over".

Listen to what your most intimate allies are saying to you. Dont listen to dirty Pakis.
I don't care about his opinion. I will concentrate on facts at hand.

Concession accepted.

Listen mate, Russia has barged its way into ME affair and America cant do a jackshit about it. Anyone who thinks that Russia is not rising is living in fools paradise. HELL, they hijacked your last elections according to your own state institutions and intel agencies. What else you need to know about their influence?
You are deliberately ignoring my points, aren't you?

Syrian regime formerly requested Russia to assist in its war against rebels but Russian intervention came into effect in Syria [after] assurances from Obama administration that it will not consider arming (and using) Syrian rebels against Russian forces much like in Afghanistan. Obama administration was not interested in toppling Syrian regime and resisting Russian intervention in Afghanistan, period. It started with this agreement in 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/15/world/middleeast/syria-talks.html

NATO is operating in Syria in connection with its OPERATION INHERENT RESOLVE against ISIS: http://www.inherentresolve.mil/About-Us/

In-fact, NATO and Russia have established a coordination center for operations in Syria: https://www.gkovd.ru/en/joint-atm-system/russia-nato-coordination-centre/

If you were looking forward to a 'NATO versus Russia' scenario in Syria, you will be disappointed.


Now, what was I talking about?

[1] US has imposed economic sanctions on Russia in response to its intervention in Ukraine: https://www.state.gov/e/eb/tfs/spi/ukrainerussia/

[2] US have shattered the monopoly of OPEC via its Shale Revolution in recent years, driving the prices of OIL down worldwide. OPEC member states are scrambling to stabilize the price of OIL and diversifying their economic activity - they don't have a choice.

Due to combination of [1] and [2], Russian economy has been tanking - dropped from 6th spot to 13th spot in a span of few years. And Russian economy will sink further because US has intensified its economic sanctions on Russia further [very recently].

And what was my original point again?

No country is immune to American pressures and punishing moves; Pax Americana is a reality.

Syria is irrelevant to this discussion (and my argument) because US is not opposed to Russian intervention in Syria in any way or form; only yellow journalism may suggest otherwise. If US actually wanted to oppose Russian intervention in Syria, it would have done so actively and results would have been visible to all by now.

US is the superpower; Russia is not. Try to comprehend.

Pax Americana in the works.

Oh dear.

China is doing its best to prevent another war in Korean peninsula because China (and South Korea) face the prospect of a major humanitarian crises in the region. China already has a lot on its plate and a major war in the Korean peninsula is not a welcome development.

My point was that the US has moved the UN against North Korea with the intent to punish it further [in economic terms] for testing a number of missiles recently and even China had to nod its head in agreement.




Pax Americana in the works.

Chinese have assumed the role of big boys, diffusing the tension among two parties. Its the America and NK who are bickering like kids, and China playing a peace maker role. This is what America has been reduced to.
See above.

Leon Panetta pointed out in one of his interviews that the real reason why US is not taking action against North Korea is due to the concern that millions of North Koreans might die in this war.

America has been trying for donkey years when Chavez was in power, what did it achieve? Zilch!
Did US invade Venezuela for that purpose? No.

US chose to penalize Venezuela in economic terms and this happened: http://news.kuwaittimes.net/website/venezuelas-worst-economic-crisis-went-wrong/

In-fact, Trump regime was planning to penalize Venezuela even further but American Senate advised it not to out of concern of the well-being of Venezuelan public.

Pax Americana in the works.
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@El Sidd

Bro, apne doosre bhai ko kuch batien samjahnaa zarroori lag raha thaa mujhe. Umeed hai kay woh mind nahin karien gein aur ground realities ko samjhien gein.

Please understand that I am not siding with the US in this matter; my intention was to highlight some ground realities. US is still the superpower; its actions and decisions continue to affect other states (and individuals) worldwide. Those who think otherwise, need a serious wake-up call.

Anyways, I see this matter as a failure of Pakistan's foreign policy. Sartaj Azia saab ko China key allawa kuch nazar nahin ataa. Repercussions to hon gein.
Bhartis should worry more about Naxals which has been recently rated as the third most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world, even more dangerous than Boko Haram.
Man naxals are surrendering and leaving the arms. My uncle was a Naxalite and got murdered by the same Naxalite group nayeem. My town used to be den of Naxalite and I hardly hear any Naxalite name now. Whereas movoos are still there but not for long time.
It's better to earn 10k per month than choosing the forest. Combing ops are not happening much I hardly hear Green hounds now. Let chattisgarh and eastern states follow the same.
@El Sidd

Bro, apne doosre bhai ko kuch batien samjahnaa zarroori lag raha thaa mujhe. Umeed hai kay woh mind nahin karien gein aur baat realities ko samjhien gein.

Please understand that I am not siding with the US in this matter. I am only pinpointing some ground realities.

US is still the superpower; its actions and decisions continue to affect other states (and individuals) worldwide. Those who think otherwise, need a serious wake-up call.

Sir mana k amreeka super power hai. Laken aap tension me parr jatay hai k ham amreeka pe charh dorenge.

Thoda hosla rakhen abhi bohat si khabren ani hai.

Thodi brownie politics ha bas
True, but US is not an ordinary country.
Nor are we living in "ordinary" times!!!!!!

I am aware.

Terrorist identity is not good for any individual in this age; life of a person changes considerably [behind-the-scenes] and a state cannot accord him much protection.

This is not a sound argument. US retains extensive influence over [global] affairs regardless.
And, the USA's present and clear danger is Russia/China axis - once again!!!!! If the folks like McArthur/Truman etc. - the smartest/bluntest/rudest/meanest/boldest etc. the USA has ever produced - failed with that axis I don't know how the current bunch will fare!!!!

They declared Sallahuddin a global terrorist not long ago didnt they? How far it went?


World needs to realize, and Americans in particular, that the era of unipolar world is gone.
With the invaluable help from Pak they built it, and by alienating Pak they're losing it....

As for India, even Robert Clive couldn't deliver the results he promised to the share holders of the East India Company and had to commit suicide!! Even Winston Churchill, due to his injuries sustained while being posted in India, had to lead an "unhappy" conjugal life; otherwise, that folks was damn successful in most of his endeavors!!!! The super-mighty USSR came to India's aid and successfully divided her arch enemy into two parts only to find herself completely dissolved into 15 parts within 2 decades!!!!! As for the Aklman, Isharet is Ka'fi....
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Nor are we living in "ordinary" times!!!!!!

And, the USA's present and clear danger is Russia/China axis - once again!!!!! If the folks like McArthur/Truman etc. - the smartest/bluntest/rudest/meanest/boldest etc. the USA has ever produced - failed with that axis I don't know how the current bunch will fare!!!!

With the invaluable help from Pak they built it, and by alienating Pak they're losing it....

As for India, even Robert Clive couldn't deliver the results he promised to the share holders of the East India Company and had to commit suicide!! Even Winston Churchill, due to his injuries sustained while being posted in India, had to lead an "unhappy" conjugal life; otherwise, that folks was damn successful in most of his endeavors!!!! The super-mighty USSR came to India's aid and successfully divided her arch enemy into two parts only to find herself completely dissolved into 15 parts within 2 decades!!!!! As for the Aklman, Isharet is Ka'fi....

So a Turk who doesn't remember where the Khilifat movement started...
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