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Hizbul Mujahideen designated as foreign terrorist org by U.S.

Hizbul Mujahideen is very moderate militant fraction. After sanctions local mistreated youth will join more radical and hard liner groups. Modi and Trump are inviting blood shed in valley.

Then they will be killed off too. Whoever takes arms against India while living in India has signed their own death warrants.

Sooner or later they will get what's coming.
Hizbul Mujahideen is very moderate militant fraction. After sanctions local mistreated youth will join more radical and hard liner groups. Modi and Trump are inviting blood shed in valley.
Well, we will buy those hardliners to go against Pakistan like we did with Taliban and created TTP.
Meh, at least they don't worship cows.
LOL Hindustani thinks he created TTP.
This is too funny, TTP hates you guys more than Pakistan.
Yeah, that s why they tried to destroy your naval planes which are to be used against India, not TTP.
Yeah, that s why they tried to destroy your naval planes which are to be used against India, not TTP.

Yeah, that's why they during the 2008 standoff they sided with us.

They declared Sallahuddin a global terrorist not long ago didnt they? How far it went?

I am aware.

Terrorist identity is not good for any individual in this age; life of a person changes considerably [behind-the-scenes] and a state cannot accord him much protection.

World needs to realize, and Americans in particular, that the era of unipolar world is gone.
This is not a sound argument. US retains extensive influence over [global] affairs regardless.
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Good, he will start a political party :lol: and try to change Pakistan, instead of damaging India
Sad that India is able to get sanctions on groups, while Paksitan's terrorist are walk around with asylum in London, Switzerland, and India.
I am aware.

Terrorist identity is not good for any individual in this age; life of a person changes considerably [behind-the-scenes] and he is a valid target to pursue.

US labeling someone terrorist doesnt make that person a terrorist. That is the crux of the argument.

This is not a sound argument. US retains extensive influence of global affairs regardless.

The end game for Kashmir has been on for a few months now.

It will.only accelerate now. After this the gloves come off.

Cheers, Doc

Defence.pk is hosted of a cloud security company with servers and other related infrastructure in USA. I wonder if calling hizbs here as not terrorist will invite some kind of protest from US state department.

Ultimately, this site may either refer to hizb as terrorist or move their services out of USA.
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