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Hizbul Mujahideen designated as foreign terrorist org by U.S.

Every time a jihadi outfit is declared out and hunted, it creates revenue opportunities for the Pakistani establishment. Now they can re-rent Abboottabad rental property to these guys fleeing and returning.
The name of Hyderabad is not Hyderabad. It is Bhagyanagar. Just because some Nizam changed it to Hyderabad, doesn't mean it will loose it's Hindu identity.

And I don't consider a Mirpuri to be a Kashmiri. So you need to get lost from Kashmir.
I am not from Mirpur and you have not right to interfere in Kashmir cause.
YOur hindu identity was been crushed under our horses many times and we will hit you so hard that your generations will remember.
YOu have guts change name of Hyderabad from Bhagyanagar first then think about Kashmir. Hindu identity my foot. If you are that much hindu than what is muslim doing in your avatar?

All Kashmiri originated people have kicked the religion based on false and bogus beliefs long ago. So Ghar wapsi is not possible.
Because we already acceded to Pakistan for religious harmony and this is our internal matter. No one from foreign country is allowed to involve in private matter of Azad government.
The issue is you don't know ABC of history this is a side effect of bad company more probably RSS thugs. You better go and protect cows because Eid ul Azha is coming.
Just dream about Azad Kashmir..
If you already acceded to Pakistan then why have a president?

pedal your lies somewhere they sell...Not here.
:lol: cuckistanis can only watch kashmiri terrorists getting fcked on a daily basis. its no coincidence amir khan is a cuckistani
Bhartis should worry more about Naxals which has been recently rated as the third most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world, even more dangerous than Boko Haram.

If you are having headache and stomach pain, will you only treat the severe one or both ???? If I were you I would rather treat both at the same time. :p:
With the invaluable help from Pak they built it, and by alienating Pak they're losing it....

As for India, even Robert Clive couldn't deliver the results he promised to the share holders of the East India Company and had to commit suicide!! Even Winston Churchill, due to his injuries sustained while being posted in India, had to lead an "unhappy" conjugal life; otherwise, that folks was damn successful in most of his endeavors!!!! The super-mighty USSR came to India's aid and successfully divided her arch enemy into two parts only to find herself completely dissolved into 15 parts within 2 decades!!!!! As for the Aklman, Isharet is Ka'fi....

Spot on my brother.
You continue to miss my point. You don't have to live in the US to be affected by its [terrorist] designation - US is capable of making your life miserable in any part of the world, period.

My analogy is perfectly valid for an individual living in Pakistan; Nestle is a European company and have offices in Pakistan.

My point is that his life is likely to change now (for the worse) since he has been designated a TERRORIST by a powerful country (outside India) unless he doesn't have a family and lives on charity. Even if he is living in a cave, he is now a fair target for not only Indian agencies but others.

If only India had declared him a terrorist, he could endure. However, US is in the picture now and it can go to any length to make the life of any terrorist miserable in any part of the world. Osama Bin Laden (and a large number of other Al-Qaeda operatives) had no investments in the US either and where are they now? DEAD.

MARK MY WORDS. nothing will come out of it expect Pakistan will make more trouble for America in geopolitics. Things are not going through the thick skulls of American establishment that world no longer run on their whims. Look what happned to Hafiz Saeed, they put bounty over his head, he has now launched his political party and will feilding candidate in upcoming by election for NA-120. THESE ARE THE GROUND REALITIES OF PAKISTAN.

I don't care about his opinion. I will concentrate on facts at hand.

Buddy, you are nothing , absolutely nothing against the knowledge of the man. Get down from your high horses. The man headed the MI6 for heaven sake! You see Brits are clever people, they knew when to call it a day when the Pax Britannica was over. Rednecks being who they are, are refusing to accept the realities to today.

You are deliberately ignoring my points, aren't you?

Syrian regime formerly requested Russia to assist in its war against rebels but Russian intervention came into effect in Syria [after] assurances from Obama administration that it will not consider arming (and using) Syrian rebels against Russian forces much like in Afghanistan. Obama administration was not interested in toppling Syrian regime and resisting Russian intervention in Afghanistan, period. It started with this agreement in 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/15/world/middleeast/syria-talks.html

NATO is operating in Syria in connection with its OPERATION INHERENT RESOLVE against ISIS: http://www.inherentresolve.mil/About-Us/

In-fact, NATO and Russia have established a coordination center for operations in Syria: https://www.gkovd.ru/en/joint-atm-system/russia-nato-coordination-centre/

If you were looking forward to a 'NATO versus Russia' scenario in Syria, you will be disappointed.


Now, what was I talking about?

[1] US has imposed economic sanctions on Russia in response to its intervention in Ukraine: https://www.state.gov/e/eb/tfs/spi/ukrainerussia/

[2] US have shattered the monopoly of OPEC via its Shale Revolution in recent years, driving the prices of OIL down worldwide. OPEC member states are scrambling to stabilize the price of OIL and diversifying their economic activity - they don't have a choice.

Due to combination of [1] and [2], Russian economy has been tanking - dropped from 6th spot to 13th spot in a span of few years. And Russian economy will sink further because US has intensified its economic sanctions on Russia further [very recently].

And what was my original point again?

No country is immune to American pressures and punishing moves; Pax Americana is a reality.

Syria is irrelevant to this discussion (and my argument) because US is not opposed to Russian intervention in Syria in any way or form; only yellow journalism may suggest otherwise. If US actually wanted to oppose Russian intervention in Syria, it would have done so actively and results would have been visible to all by now.

US is the superpower; Russia is not. Try to comprehend.

Pax Americana in the works.

More non sense and irrelveant stuff.

These are the ground realities.

US tried to insert their puppet governemnt in Ukrain and block Russain access to black sea, Russia in response annex Crimea, punished Ukraine.

US tried to install its own puppet in Georgia, the result was same,

US tried the regime change in Syria, Asad is still standing there thanks to Russian support and Russian military presence has now increased many folds in ME, which wasnt the case before.

And the most important point which you deliberately ignored.


When America can exert such influence in Russia, then come and talk with me.

Pax American is well and truly buried.

Oh dear.

China is doing its best to prevent another war in Korean peninsula because China (and South Korea) face the prospect of a major humanitarian crises in the region. China already has a lot on its plate and a major war in the Korean peninsula is not a welcome development.

My point was that the US has moved the UN against North Korea with the intent to punish it further [in economic terms] for testing a number of missiles recently and even China had to nod its head in agreement.




Pax Americana in the works.

You are very gullible and not looking at the bigger picture. Instead of South and North Korea bickering about this, it has become a North Korea and America issue, while South Korea is keeping itself away from this talk of war. Anyone can see how America has been reduced to dealing with states like north Korea while China has assumed the role of bigger and mature power.

See above.

Leon Panetta pointed out in one of his interviews that the real reason why US is not taking action against North Korea is due to the concern that millions of North Koreans might die in this war.

Leon Panetta is the same man who used to hurl a lot of non sense against Pakistan when incharge of CIA. I wont take him seriously.
AJK protesters rally to condemn blacklisting of Hizbul Mujahideen by US

A rally to condemn the United States' recent decision to blacklist Hizbul Mujahideen as a 'terrorist organisation' was held in Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), on Thursday.

The US decision came weeks after Hizbul Mujahideen commander Syed Salahuddin was designated a global terrorist.

“Hizbul Mujahideen is a not a terrorist organisation but stands for the sentiments and aspirations of Kashmiris and is the centre of their hopes,” read a banner carried by protesters.

The demonstrators chanted anti-India and pro-freedom slogans while condemning the US decision as they walked from Burhan Wani Chowk to Garhipan Chowk.

“You can withhold our properties and [bank] accounts if there are any [in the US], but you cannot force us to give up our legitimate struggle for freedom,” Shaikh Jamilur Rehman, secretary general of United Jihad Council (UJC), said.

“We will carry on our struggle, which is in accordance with the UN Charter, until the eviction of the last Indian soldier from our motherland,” he vowed.

The UJC is an amalgam of over a dozen groups fighting India’s occupation of Kashmir. Salahuddin serves as its chairman.

Rehman rubbished what he called "propaganda against Kashmiri separatist groups" as “an attempt to please the Narendra Modi-led Indian government.”

"Hizbul Mujahideen is an indigenous organisation, engaged in a legitimate struggle for the right to self determination enshrined in UN Security Council resolutions," he said. “It cannot be dubbed as a terrorist organisation by any stretch of the imagination.”

"The days of America acting as the 'Big Brother' are numbered as another superpower, which supports the Kashmir cause, is on the rise," Rehman said, referring to China.

Uzair Ahmed Ghazali, an organiser of the protest, regretted what he called the US turning a blind eye towards state-sponsored terrorism in held Kashmir.

"The US is also silent on terrorism unleashed by fanatic Hindus and so-called cow vigilantes on Indian Muslims," he added.

“If anyone has to be designated as a 'terrorist' in today’s world, it is Indian premier Narendra Modi and Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu; but both are advancing their ghastly agendas under American patronage,” he said.

Ghulamullah Azad, a leader of the proscribed Jamaatud Dawa, termed the US decision “ridiculous” and said it would make no difference to the armed struggle in held Kashmir.

“First, they clamped a similar decision on Hafiz Muhammad Saeed; then, the did the same for Syed Salahuddin. However, the struggle in held Kashmir has not suffered a dent due to the exemplary determination of Kashmiri people … The latest decision will also meet the same fate,” he said.

Earlier, the Foreign Office (FO) had termed the decision to designate Hizbul Mujahideen as "saddening".

Addressing a weekly media briefing, FO spokesperson Nafees Zakaria had said that Kashmiris' struggle for their right to self-determination has been rightfully continuing for the past 70 years.

He had also noted that Indian occupation forces had used excessive force against people in held Kashmir and they are "continuing to do so".

MARK MY WORDS. nothing will come out of it expect Pakistan will make more trouble for America in geopolitics. Things are not going through the thick skulls of American establishment that world no longer run on their whims. Look what happned to Hafiz Saeed, they put bounty over his head, he has now launched his political party and will feilding candidate in upcoming by election for NA-120. THESE ARE THE GROUND REALITIES OF PAKISTAN.

Buddy, you are nothing , absolutely nothing against the knowledge of the man. Get down from your high horses. The man headed the MI6 for heaven sake! You see Brits are clever people, they knew when to call it a day when the Pax Britannica was over. Rednecks being who they are, are refusing to accept the realities to today.

More non sense and irrelveant stuff.

These are the ground realities.

US tried to insert their puppet governemnt in Ukrain and block Russain access to black sea, Russia in response annex Crimea, punished Ukraine.

US tried to install its own puppet in Georgia, the result was same,

US tried the regime change in Syria, Asad is still standing there thanks to Russian support and Russian military presence has now increased many folds in ME, which wasnt the case before.

And the most important point which you deliberately ignored.


When America can exert such influence in Russia, then come and talk with me.

Pax American is well and truly buried.

You are very gullible and not looking at the bigger picture. Instead of South and North Korea bickering about this, it has become a North Korea and America issue, while South Korea is keeping itself away from this talk of war. Anyone can see how America has been reduced to dealing with states like north Korea while China has assumed the role of bigger and mature power.

Leon Panetta is the same man who used to hurl a lot of non sense against Pakistan when incharge of CIA. I wont take him seriously.
Agreed with you. We now live in a multipolar world now. Pax-Americana is dead in the water.
MARK MY WORDS. nothing will come out of it expect Pakistan will make more trouble for America in geopolitics. Things are not going through the thick skulls of American establishment that world no longer run on their whims. Look what happned to Hafiz Saeed, they put bounty over his head, he has now launched his political party and will feilding candidate in upcoming by election for NA-120. THESE ARE THE GROUND REALITIES OF PAKISTAN.
Pakistan will make more trouble for USA in geopolitics? Is this one of your fantasies? Do you think USA is new to this game or lacking in power and options? Wait for USA to flex its muscles against Pakistan and we will see how long [our] country can withstand the pressure. Pakistan has ample vulnerabilities that US can exploit to its advantage and bring us to our knees. All it takes is a POTUS who is willing and threatening enough...

If Pakistan is so powerful why it capitulate to American demands after a call from Collin Powell in 2001? Pakistan and US were not on good terms back then. Perhaps you need to read the memoir of Pervez Musharraf: In the line of fire. An excellent read.

Pakistani establishment is fully aware of its limitations and options - this is the reality that escapes you.

Chew your words: "Get down from your high horses."

Buddy, you are nothing , absolutely nothing against the knowledge of the man. Get down from your high horses. The man headed the MI6 for heaven sake! You see Brits are clever people, they knew when to call it a day when the Pax Britannica was over. Rednecks being who they are, are refusing to accept the realities to today.
And how do you know that I am nothing? Do you know me in person? Do you know my accomplishments? Do you know my connections?

What is the context behind his statement? Is it an emotional outburst from him? Why shall we deem his statement an all-encompassing reality without questioning it? You need to provide a convincing argument, not silly one-liners.

I don't need his knowledge to understand American power and potential to influence global affairs. There is a lot of data on the internet, publications and my own assessment of things. We live in the 21st century, my friend.

For starters: http://time.com/3899972/us-superpower-status-military/

More non sense and irrelveant stuff.
My point flew over your head.

What did I convey to you? Please tell me.

These are the ground realities.

US tried to insert their puppet governemnt in Ukrain and block Russain access to black sea, Russia in response annex Crimea, punished Ukraine.

US tried to install its own puppet in Georgia, the result was same,

US tried the regime change in Syria, Asad is still standing there thanks to Russian support and Russian military presence has now increased many folds in ME, which wasnt the case before.

And the most important point which you deliberately ignored.


When America can exert such influence in Russia, then come and talk with me.

Pax American is well and truly buried.
All of this is 100% yellow journalism nonsense. Since you completely misunderstand my original points, I won't even bother to address the above until you come to terms with my original points and see them in a proper light.

My original points:

In order to understand how US is able to exert its influence over much of the world, you need to concentrate on its economic clout and contributions to the globalization phenomenon. No country is immune to American pressures, no matter what.

Three recent examples:-

Russia - subjected to heavy sanctions; economy tanking [drop from 6th spot to 13th spot in a span of few years]
China - subjected to political pressures in regards to North Korea; China feeling the heat and doing the needful
Venezuela - subjected to economic pressures; economy collapsed in 2015 in spite of heavy Chinese investment

It is impossible to show US the middle finger in the manner you think.


Syria is totally irrelevant in this discussion because US did not penalize Russia for its actions in Syria. US [does not] desires a regime change in Syria because US does not desires a long-term entanglement with the internal affairs of Syria much like in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. These are costly experiments and US has other (more pressing) matters to attend to.


Pax-Americana does not implies use of military (and economic) power to subjugate others. It implies a constructive role on the part of US to make this world a better place for all.

From google: a state of relative international peace regarded as overseen by the US (or the UK).

In this respect, American contributions are:-

1. Technological
2. Cultural
3. United Nations
4. Economic
5. Penalizing other states for their irresponsible acts*
6. Measures against forces of terrorism


1. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, US raised this matter in UN and a resolution was adopted to oust Iraq from Kuwait and restore peace in the region.

2. When Russia intervened in the civil war of Ukraine, US imposed sanctions on Russia for this intervention.

Pax-Americana is a constructive agenda and if US [itself] adopts the path of aggression, it is to the detriment of its Pax-Americana agenda. US should not be invading another country and/or seek "regime change" in it unless this is absolutely necessary to ensure lasting peace in the region.

You are very gullible and not looking at the bigger picture. Instead of South and North Korea bickering about this, it has become a North Korea and America issue, while South Korea is keeping itself away from this talk of war. Anyone can see how America has been reduced to dealing with states like north Korea while China has assumed the role of bigger and mature power.
Again, my point flew over your head. Absolute waste of time.

Leon Panetta is the same man who used to hurl a lot of non sense against Pakistan when incharge of CIA. I wont take him seriously.
Your own remarks at your face:

"Buddy, you are nothing , absolutely nothing against the knowledge of the man. Get down from your high horses."

Either that (or) we can have a meaningful discussion. Decide.
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