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Hizbul Mujahideen designated as foreign terrorist org by U.S.

Wow interesting. Thank you for the information.
This is epic...US adding to terror list and Kim Jong-un terrorizing Washington establishment.
Hizbul Mujahideen is very moderate militant fraction. After sanctions local mistreated youth will join more radical and hard liner groups. You are inviting blood shed in valley.
May Allah accept sacrifice of Ayub Lelhari and all freedom fighters like him.
They're not "moderate", it's just that their numbers are very small, do you have any figures ?

The districts where they hail from are more or less 98% sunni and 1.5% shia, so there is a scarcity of kuffar to kill, this creates a false impression that they are "moderate".

Some have already graduated to more hardline global terrorist organizations. The jihadis are the ones bringing bloodshed to the valley, good thing their numbers are small because the average Kashmiri does not want to join the jihad.
Let them. Either ways we are going to kill them all. One at a time.
By killing you cannot halt freedom movement. It will grow day by day.

Then they will be killed off too. Whoever takes arms against India while living in India has signed their own death warrants.

Sooner or later they will get what's coming.
Kashmir is not India. India can do whatever that want but under their territorial boundaries. If you charge on forign territory whether you are more powerful you will always face loss.

Well, we will buy those hardliners to go against Pakistan like we did with Taliban and created TTP.
And we know how to tackle them.

They're not "moderate", it's just that their numbers are very small, do you have any figures ?

The districts where they hail from are more or less 98% sunni and 1.5% shia, so there is a scarcity of kuffar to kill, this creates a false impression that they are "moderate".

Some have already graduated to more hardline global terrorist organizations. The jihadis are the ones bringing bloodshed to the valley, good thing their numbers are small because the average Kashmiri does not want to join the jihad.
Hizbul Mujahideen encouraged pro hurriat Shias, sikhs and Kashmiri Pandits and invites them to join their movement which is the clear example of their softer side. Whenever you invited them for peace talks they stood first, which means they are not hard liners and radicals.
There is no sectarian violence in Kashmir, Hindus living peacefully in Pulwama and surroundings where militants have strong hold still no complaint have been received by them.
Hizbul Mujahideen encouraged pro hurriat Shias, sikhs and Kashmiri Pandits and invites them to join their movement which is the clear example of their softer side. Whenever you invited them for peace talks they stood first, which means they are not hard liners and radicals.
There is no sectarian violence in Kashmir, Hindus living peacefully in Pulwama and surroundings where militants have strong hold still no complaint have been received by them.
Do you have any info on the number of Hizbul moojh active fighters from the Indian side, as in, born and bread on this side ? (not Punjabis like you lol)

They are living "peacefully" only because they are such an underwhelming minority in those areas, less that 1%. While there might be the odd anomalous jobless Shiite or Pandit kid looking for glory, the Shia and Pandits of the valley do not want to join the jihad. You can spin it any other way but those are the facts.

Anyway, you are quite well researched (though not without bias) on the issue, so I ask again.. how many Kashmiri fighters does the Hizb have ? not counting bhawalpur indoctrinated salafi punjabis from Mirpur on your side. Give us numbers... kitne aadmi hai ?
Bhartis should worry more about Naxals which has been recently rated as the third most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world, even more dangerous than Boko Haram.

Thanks for the advice, we have countermeasures - please introspect and stop the constant suicide bombings in your capitals taking the lives of innocents, that is more pressing... because as of date you have no solution or action plan's in place.
By killing you cannot halt freedom movement. It will grow day by day.

Kashmir is not India. India can do whatever that want but under their territorial boundaries. If you charge on forign territory whether you are more powerful you will always face loss.

And we know how to tackle them.

Hizbul Mujahideen encouraged pro hurriat Shias, sikhs and Kashmiri Pandits and invites them to join their movement which is the clear example of their softer side. Whenever you invited them for peace talks they stood first, which means they are not hard liners and radicals.
There is no sectarian violence in Kashmir, Hindus living peacefully in Pulwama and surroundings where militants have strong hold still no complaint have been received by them.

We will give them freedom with bullets... Don't worry.. Kashmir is with India and will remain..
Kashmir is India. India can do whatever that want but under their territorial boundaries. If you charge on forign territory whether you are more powerful you will always face loss.
And we know how to tackle them.
Hizbul Mujahideen encouraged pro hurriat Shias, sikhs and Kashmiri Pandits and invites them to join their movement which is the clear example of their softer side. Whenever you invited them for peace talks they stood first, which means they are not hard liners and radicals.
There is no sectarian violence in Kashmir, Hindus living peacefully in Pulwama and surroundings where militants have strong hold still no complaint have been received by them.[/QUOTE]
TTP also has softer side. They recruit Afghans. Whatever Pakistan do, they will rise.
As for Kashmir, no matter what you do, Kashmir wont get detached from India as we have forces there.

Taking a name of terrorist as your user name doesnt make you a freedom fighter. :rofl:
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All hail

Kashmir is India. India can do whatever that want but under their territorial boundaries. If you charge on forign territory whether you are more powerful you will always face loss.
And we know how to tackle them.
Hizbul Mujahideen encouraged pro hurriat Shias, sikhs and Kashmiri Pandits and invites them to join their movement which is the clear example of their softer side. Whenever you invited them for peace talks they stood first, which means they are not hard liners and radicals.
There is no sectarian violence in Kashmir, Hindus living peacefully in Pulwama and surroundings where militants have strong hold still no complaint have been received by them.
TTP also has softer side. They recruit Afghans. Whatever Pakistan do, they will rise.
As for Kashmir, no matter what you do, Kashmir wont get detached from India as we have forces there.

Taking a name of terrorist as your user name doesnt make you a freedom fighter. :rofl:

Corrected it mate!

Great work Pakistan!

UN designated terrorist given the helm of affairs.
Hizbul Mujahideen is very moderate militant fraction. After sanctions local mistreated youth will join more radical and hard liner groups. Modi and Trump are inviting blood shed in valley.

Moderate terrorist? Hard-core terrorist?? Lol..
We will give them freedom with bullets... Don't worry.. Kashmir is with India and will remain..
You occupied it forcefully. As long as i am living here in liberated part of it, not even a bird or insect hailing from India can enter our territory. We will give you million cuts.
No matters what USA did.. they are freedom fighters and remain freedom fighters fighting for their right.
@LeGenD bro if talking about ground reality what bank account these freedom fighters have?? what do they do for their basic survival? they in fact left their family's to fight.. what do you think their is any effect on them taking these sanctions and your assertion quoted above??
Hizbul Mujahideen is very moderate militant fraction. After sanctions local mistreated youth will join more radical and hard liner groups. Modi and Trump are inviting blood shed in valley.

Moderates with AK47s ... LOL ...Pakistanis redefining Moderates .... If they join more hardline factions .. it would be easy for India to kill them... without Human Rights ka randi rona.
Moderates with AK47s ... LOL ...Pakistanis redefining Moderates .... If they join more hardline factions .. it would be easy for India to kill them... without Human Rights ka randi rona.
Al Qaeda has been entered the valley. You will see how different moderators and hardliners are.
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