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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

Here are the ALLIED FORCES representatives !!! ... see below ... who treated us as Slaves

Is that slavery? :blink: I once visited a Thai foot massage parlor. Does that mean I am a slave master?

Hitler extensively used propaganda as well ;)
The Imperial Japanese Army committed crimes against Asians that were so bad, that people don't even speak about them. The ethnic Rohingyas of Burma were slaughtered like sheep.

Ask any of your Chinese friends here if the Japanese deserved to be nuked. The answer would be yes.

Unfortunately, nuking them was the only viable solution to force Japan to surrender quickly. Invading it by conventional means would have resulted in more casualties.

Are you people getting what I am sayin?g My very first post on this thread says Hitler was no good clean man! get it through your skulls. Nuking is/was not viable solution, tomorrow US Nukes Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other nation finding it a viable solution to fix the problem-surrender of Taliban-Terrorists-Jihadis would you support it? wHAT sort of solution is that to Nuke Civilians to make a country surrender, Nuke could have been detonated near Japan to send a message was it absolutely essential to Nuke Civilians whose repercussion are seen till date. See I am stressing just one single things Why Nuke Civilians and then like minded divert the discussion somewhere about evil man you see evil resides within minds not a single entity that we saw in harry truman as well.

bigfoot...At least the americans are not descriminating to that level as Hitler. Otherwise, you wouldn't enjoy the freedom in America. If you're so disatisfied about the US, why are you there? Get over it. Move on. Life is a b__ch but so what.

Oh please US taught you a lesson as well, don't forget your forefather's blood for vietnam, Amercians armed forces have enough racists and has discriminatory stance then Germans of those days e.g recent attack on Pakistani Post. I'm not in america hey man don't you recognize the Flag :lol: life could be bit..h for you, for me Life is Awesome!. Chogy has his voice and he speaks sanity but most don't many of you here don't know the history and don't care to read-understand it I suggest go read independent history I would suggest start off with 1913.
They all worked together to create first jewish state in 2000 years. Out of chaos comes order, simple as that.
Are you people getting what I am sayin?g My very first post on this thread says Hitler was no good clean man!


Nuking is/was not viable solution, tomorrow US Nukes Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other nation finding it a viable solution to fix the problem-surrender of Taliban-Terrorists-Jihadis would you support it? wHAT sort of solution is that to Nuke Civilians to make a country surrender, Nuke could have been detonated near Japan to send a message was it absolutely essential to Nuke Civilians whose repercussion are seen till date. See I am stressing just one single things Why Nuke Civilians and then like minded divert the discussion somewhere about evil man you see evil resides within minds not a single entity that we saw in harry truman as well.

Nukes are not for tactical reasons. It's a deterrent. And President Truman did warn the Japanese about 'consequences' if they refused to surrender.
A Warning to Japan Urging Surrender . Truman . WGBH American Experience | PBS

And guess what? The Japanese refused and still carried on with their Kamikaze attacks like a bunch of fanatical fanboys. They got what was coming, and then they surrendered. And now they are living happily. Is there anything to complain about?

And not a single nuke had been used against another country after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nukes are ONLY a last resort.

bigfoot...At least the americans are not descriminating to that level as Hitler. Otherwise, you wouldn't enjoy the freedom in America. If you're so disatisfied about the US, why are you there? Get over it. Move on. Life is a b__ch but so what.


Oh please US taught you a lesson as well, don't forget your forefather's blood for vietnam, Amercians armed forces have enough racists and has discriminatory stance then Germans of those days e.g recent attack on Pakistani Post. I'm not in america hey man don't you recognize the Flag :lol: life could be bit..h for you, for me Life is Awesome!. Chogy has his voice and he speaks sanity but most don't many of you here don't know the history and don't care to read-understand it I suggest go read independent history I would suggest start off with 1913.

For Vietnam? I am not Vietnamese :lol:

I do not know about the NATO attack on the Pakistani outpost.

There are all kinds of ethnicities (including Muslims) serving the US Armed Forces. Does that mean they are racists? :blink:

Nobody is going to nuke anybody. It's only the last resort.

There really isn't much point in chasing the ghosts of the past.
1 million ? it was 200,000-400,000. and btw look at the crimes the japanese Nanjing in China look have many Japanese racists killed. Hitler killed 27 million Soviets, Millions of people of Europe, Vietnam was a mistake however USA never tried to kill all Vietnamese as for cambodia pol pot. Iraq was a mistake, Afghanistan and Pakistan cleaning out terror.

200,000-400,000 is a US figure, a figure out of horse's mouth, the independent unbiased investigations found it to be close to 1 million put it 800,000 direct and indirect exposure, 50% of cities were destroyed and you are saying just 200,000-400,000 died c'mon. The A. Bomb was 10 times more powerful then what is today it is a joke the population died you quoted. Japan prematurely for US became the testing ground of A. Bomb the full potential was at use. Aside for US nuking H-N, It is relevant to note that from February 1945 leading up to the Hiroshima attack, US bombing of Japanese cities - notably Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe - by B-29s delivered about 100 kilotons of high explosives and incendiaries to urban areas in hundreds of raids, creating huge death and destruction. Some 100 000 people were killed in a single raid on Tokyo. About 80 square kilometers of those four cities was destroyed in ten days during March. Overall 67 Japanese cities were partly destroyed, 500 000 people were killed and 5 million more made homeless. Finally do some research read the history and come back there is no point in discussing with someone who knows nothing at all literally.
Zabaniya; Yaar the bold post and vietnam is in reply to another member named bigfoot.

No harry truman and military had already decided to test Nuke, Japan became the preferable one since nuking Germany would have its exposure towards UK-France, there were concerns by Europe, see that is why I tell everyone read History specifically picking Japanese cities over Germany. Are you happy Civilians got nuked? What was of last resort, many believe Nuke was not an option by that logic syria-iran-yemen,lebanon-RSA are already potential of being nuked to solve and the only solution to fanaticism, jihadism, terrorism. Think man its not about Japan-Germans being Evil, its about warning Military, Nuking Population as if someone kills someone else and you go and shoot his little children as a revenge does it sound fair? Absolutely Not!

Did I blame whole US Armed Forces? I merely pointed out there are people with-in.
Zabaniya; Yaar the bold post and vietnam is in reply to another member named bigfoot.


No harry truman and military had already decided to test Nuke, Japan became the preferable one since nuking Germany would have its exposure towards UK-France, there were concerns by Europe, see that is why I tell everyone read History specifically picking Japanese cities over Germany.

He very well did warn Japan. The Americans fought bloody battles with the Nazis. Men and equipment don't exactly grow on trees. A ground invasion of Japan may have resulted in more casualties.

Are you happy Civilians got nuked?

No. And neither sad.

What was of last resort, many believe Nuke was not an option by that logic syria-iran-yemen,lebanon-RSA are already potential of being nuked to solve and the only solution to fanaticism, jihadism, terrorism.

As long as those fanatics don't get their hands on nukes themselves. No matter what, they must not gain any access to any nuclear weapon. Through and through. Otherwise, they'd just a bunch of wackjobs in turbans in the end.

Think man its not about Japan-Germans being Evil, its about warning Military, Nuking Population as if someone kills someone else and you go and shoot his little children as a revenge does it sound fair? Absolutely Not!

Neither are the killings by them (again, civilians). Both had hegemonic ambitions themselves. Japan being the 'leader of Asia' and Germany wanting to be powerful.

Did I blame whole US Armed Forces? I merely pointed out there are people with-in.

I often questioned their recruitment practices. There are some messed up people serving in the army and marines.
Hitler and Hitler's Germany were Good people

Was he racist - no , why would he ally Japan , Asians non whites

He was mad man - no just a man who wanted prosperity for his people , in his own Sovereign country

He was guilty or war crime genocide
Not really , Allied forces , did similar acts "it was all out war and food was not found easily so people died of hunger and starvation

Hilter's main goals:

a) Stop US , British ambitions and imperialistic goals
b) Form an alliance against tyranny


To me he seems like a Honest , good guy !! He was just portrayed by Evil media , and authors who orchestrated lies to help propaganda lies

Mr Hitler did not hate Indian or Pakistanis

Infact it was BRITISH who ruled and made us SLAVES !!!! if it was not for Hiter we would still be slaves to BRITISH

So for me , he was a Saint .. thank you Hitler for breaking British Backs and freeing Subcontinent people

Why Demonize Hitler?

Simple- in order to justify war , you have to make a person look evil , and character assassination is a must

Here are the ALLIED FORCES representatives !!! ... see below ... who treated us as Slaves

You're kidding, right?
First Nazis were in power and they killed innocents Now Americans are in power and they are killing Innocents, no difference both are A holes, period
First of all, it is important that we must know the who, what, where, when, why, and how with regards to Hitler.

Hitler wasn't from a wealthy background, he wasn't of royal blood, neither did he have any connections with influential and powerful people in the early part of his life before he became the Chancellor and then later on the Führer of Germany. He spent most of his youthhood in poverty, wandering the streets of Vienna, while later on he bravely served his Nation in WW1, ready to sacrifice his life for his country, even went temporarily blind due to poisonous fumes from the gases being used during that war. We only know him through what the Western biased propaganda media portrays him as ,also what a few Western biographers have written about him and that too with a mix of lies and propaganda otherwise their books will never make it to the shelves of Libraries and stores.

Therefore, what right do we have to judge a person based on biased sources of information, how can we believe all of the nonsense lies being fed to us when we haven't ever seen, read, or heard the other side of the story ourselves.
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