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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

I respect our German members for participating in what is undoubtedly an uncomfortable thread.

I watched the speech in the OP. Very interesting, but also incredibly twisted in a subtle and sophisticated manner. There was a reason Hitler and his boyz rose to power... he was a MASTER orator. He could tailor a speech for a given audience, and take feedback from that audience in real time to mold them like clay.

His comments: "Roosevelt has no business commenting on the affairs of central EUROPE." Sounds good, right? Think about it... EUROPE was not then, never was, a monolithic entity, and Germany had no right to comment on other independent nations either. Roosevelt has as much right to comment on Czechoslovakia and Poland as Germany does.

Hitler spins the classic image - Roosevelt as the top-hatted capitalist elite. Before the National Socialist Party focused on Jews as the scapegoat, believe it or not, Capitalists were the perceived enemy of the Nazis. Look into the history of Goebbels, the propaganda minister. In the early 1930's, his writings were rants against the capitalist system. Only after Hitler convinced him did he become a raving anti-semite.

The Nazis manipulated the German people in ways never before or since seen.

As for Post WW-2 and the actions of the USA - how quickly people forget about the USSR. The Warsaw pact had hundreds of motorized divisions poised to pour into West Germany. They started dozens of wars big and small by ideological proxy. The U.S. (and NATO) strength was devoted and formed to counter this.

Hitler was from what ive read - a brilliant salesman - a brilliant conman. Could make black into white and vice verse. Millions of people were slaughtered and had their lives ruined by his actions. By looking at the results of his action the world took decades to allow the scars to heal. To play a speech and attempt to decipher what he meant and whether is interesting to see the mindset he had but one must always bare in mind what his real intent was. An evil man beyond description.
I respect our German members for participating in what is undoubtedly an uncomfortable thread.

I watched the speech in the OP. Very interesting, but also incredibly twisted in a subtle and sophisticated manner. There was a reason Hitler and his boyz rose to power... he was a MASTER orator. He could tailor a speech for a given audience, and take feedback from that audience in real time to mold them like clay.

His comments: "Roosevelt has no business commenting on the affairs of central EUROPE." Sounds good, right? Think about it... EUROPE was not then, never was, a monolithic entity, and Germany had no right to comment on other independent nations either. Roosevelt has as much right to comment on Czechoslovakia and Poland as Germany does.

Hitler spins the classic image - Roosevelt as the top-hatted capitalist elite. Before the National Socialist Party focused on Jews as the scapegoat, believe it or not, Capitalists were the perceived enemy of the Nazis. Look into the history of Goebbels, the propaganda minister. In the early 1930's, his writings were rants against the capitalist system. Only after Hitler convinced him did he become a raving anti-semite.

The Nazis manipulated the German people in ways never before or since seen.

As for Post WW-2 and the actions of the USA - how quickly people forget about the USSR. The Warsaw pact had hundreds of motorized divisions poised to pour into West Germany. They started dozens of wars big and small by ideological proxy. The U.S. (and NATO) strength was devoted and formed to counter this.

Nice analysis mate!
TY all... as I mentioned to Aryan_B in a PM, I am convinced reasonable people can disagree on a lot of things, yet in the end, at the core, we will always have more in common than not. Everyone simply wants to be left alone to pursue their lives in peace and watch their children thrive.
Götterdämmerung;2407717 said:
Hitler was a mad man and we are happy he is gone.

And a mad man's decision led to evaporating millions in Japan by A-bomb. You got to be kidding the humanity by praising those who eradicated millions by A-bomb, you know I am convinced you are not German you are an outsider in Germany hopefully not Turkish but something else, stop avoiding :lol:..wait Hitler was a sasquatch..

Regardless someone agrees or not Harry S Truman and Hitler are equal.
And a mad man's decision led to evaporating millions in Japan by A-bomb. You got to be kidding the humanity by praising those who eradicated millions by A-bomb, you know I am convinced you are not German you are an outsider in Germany hopefully not Turkish but something else, stop avoiding :lol:..wait Hitler was a sasquatch..

Regardless someone agrees or not Harry S Truman and Hitler are equal.

The Imperial Japanese Army committed crimes against Asians that were so bad, that people don't even speak about them. The ethnic Rohingyas of Burma were slaughtered like sheep.

Ask any of your Chinese friends here if the Japanese deserved to be nuked. The answer would be yes.

Unfortunately, nuking them was the only viable solution to force Japan to surrender quickly. Invading it by conventional means would have resulted in more casualties.
If Hitler had defeated the Allies, he would have gassed Muslims alongside the Jews. Very disturbing to see someone pick Hitler as an idol.

Above that, America has nowhere near wiped out a half a billion Muslims in concentration camps (since the nazis managed to exterminate half of the Jewish world population back then), so not is the analogy false, it itself is factual incorrect.
no he would have gassed the blacks and then turned to the muslims. but it would be a huge challenge to gas the blacks, and even if they managed to do that they would now be weak and get annihilated by the Muslims!
He would have done it after he won the war he turned on his allies. infact Hitler wanted the UK to keep British India that means no Pakistan.

Hitler wanted Britain to keep India because he wanted white people to rule dark people, as white people are superior (mein kempf).

He regarded the white christan slavs as racially inferior, and as prisoners of war they were inhumanly treated, as opposed to anglo-saxon prisoners. What do you think he would have thought of dark skinned 'Indian' muslims?

My enemy's enemy isn't always my friend.
To the so called self righteous, self declared pure innocent angels who intentionally ignore the atrocities that their governments have committed both in the past and continue to do so in the present times:

You accuse the NAZI's of being racist, and that Hitler despised non-"Aryans" to an extent that he wanted them all exterminated, well then if that was the case than why did Hitler shake hands with and congratulated Jesse Owens (a Black African American) after the latter won a gold medal in the Berlin Olympics in 1936? How come Mr Roosevelt didn't bother to congratulate the African American Gold medal receiver?

Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens'

"At the time, it was reported that Hitler had stormed out of the stadium furious that Owens, who had just run his way to the first of four gold medals in the 100 metres, had beaten his Aryan sportsmen.

However, Siegfried Mischner, 83, said that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of Hitler shaking his hand before he left the stadium.

Owens, who felt the newspapers of the day reported "unfairly" on Hitler's attitude towards him, tried to get Mischner and his journalist colleagues to change the accepted version of history in the 1960s, the Daily Mail reports.

Mischner, who was a reporter at the time, claimed Owens showed him the photograph and told him: "That was one of my most beautiful moments."

He said: "It was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured by the world's press. But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand."
Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens' - Telegraph

Secondly, you accuse Hitler for the deaths of millions while on the other hand, Roosevelts good ol' ally Joesph Stalin brutally massacred 60,000,000 people, and what about the british atrocities committed in india, Ireland, China, and other parts of the world which they occupied but hey that doesn't matter since it makes the innocent angelic allies look bad, so why not bury that under the rugs and continue with the "Hitler killed 6 million" rant.
1 million ? it was 200,000-400,000. and btw look at the crimes the japanese Nanjing in China look have many Japanese racists killed. Hitler killed 27 million Soviets, Millions of people of Europe, Vietnam was a mistake however USA never tried to kill all Vietnamese as for cambodia pol pot. Iraq was a mistake, Afghanistan and Pakistan cleaning out terror.

Wow Lets Play mistake mistake . Lets say America invade ur country and kill more than 500,000 people just to destroy ur VIRTUAL or IMAGINARY WMD's, will u accept it and move on? and unfortunately (I didnt mean for this ) ur family got injured or worse what will u call it and what will be ur response to invaders . Bro this thing happened in REALITY in Iraq.

And afghans are terrorists as u said, please give us some focking proof of their involvement in Terrorism. Its not afghans who invaded any country but its America who did this. And now Afghan taliban are doing Payback to Americans. Do u even know the definition of Terrorism . I believe u dont know. What afghans are doing is that they are fighting the invaders so this is not terrorism but its FREEDOM FIGHTING.

And as for Pakistan I can only say just wait n watch.
True biased nonsense just because you and the US are having marital problems.

Same could be said for many nations before and after Hitler- (Russia, British Empire, French,Spanish etc) even Pakistan could fit this mould. Aka genocide during 1971 war.
I am not saying Hitler was a clean man, mr. citizen remember you are praising the saviors who exterminated instant 1 million people in Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the blood and death is on their hands for millions more in Japan till date being born deformed with many sick and illnesses that has no cure, not to mentioned bombing on Germany and up to million in Vietnam and Cambodia and later Iraq and Afghanistan and not to forget Pakistan.

At least the americans are not descriminating to that level as Hitler. Otherwise, you wouldn't enjoy the freedom in America. If you're so disatisfied about the US, why are you there? Get over it. Move on. Life is a b__ch but so what.
True biased nonsense just because you and the US are having marital problems.

Same could be said for many nations before and after Hitler- (Russia, British Empire, French,Spanish etc) even Pakistan could fit this mould. Aka genocide during 1971 war.

I completely agreed with you, some people just can't get over it.
What and where from did your holy Revelations of someone gassing m&j in billions, same old hindustani daily diarrhea predictions.

US has infact wiped out family trees-families last sons-daughters by bombing Japan-Germany-Iraq-Cambodia-Vietnam-Afghanistan, the number run as high as 7 million deformed extremely sick and death on birth children and early childhood deaths and the internal diseases that are still polluting Hiroshima Nagasaki till date and remember Agent Orange used on vietnam.

Discuss what has happened don't suggest-predict-fictional warfare that has and will never take place live in reality simply don't be a moron.

So basically, you're defending Hitler and his racist ideology (in which Indians/Pakistans are subhumans by the way), because it opens the possibilty to bash Americans in some way giving the fact that nazi's also waged propaganda against the US?

Surely, you can do better finding arguments to criticise American foreign policy than the use of Hitlers propaganda, a man who is responsible for 60 million deaths.
Hitler and Hitler's Germany were Good people

Was he racist - no , why would he ally Japan , Asians non whites

He was mad man - no just a man who wanted prosperity for his people , in his own Sovereign country

He was guilty or war crime genocide
Not really , Allied forces , did similar acts "it was all out war and food was not found easily so people died of hunger and starvation

Hilter's main goals:

a) Stop US , British ambitions and imperialistic goals
b) Form an alliance against tyranny


To me he seems like a Honest , good guy !! He was just portrayed by Evil media , and authors who orchestrated lies to help propaganda lies

Mr Hitler did not hate Indian or Pakistanis

Infact it was BRITISH who ruled and made us SLAVES !!!! if it was not for Hiter we would still be slaves to BRITISH

So for me , he was a Saint .. thank you Hitler for breaking British Backs and freeing Subcontinent people

Why Demonize Hitler?

Simple- in order to justify war , you have to make a person look evil , and character assassination is a must

Here are the ALLIED FORCES representatives !!! ... see below ... who treated us as Slaves
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