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Putin's speech summarized - a challenge to the "Western colonizers" and "satanic, enslaving westerners".

By then, it will be too late. You’ll face a fortress, Taiwan, supplied by the West through a corridor without the Chinese being able to stop western ships and planes coming through, or it’ll cause a conflict China doesn’t want. Taiwan could inflict worse damage than Ukraine is doing to Russia if you wait too long.

You've failed to stop US & Co. from arming Taiwan, but most importantly, supporting Russia to give it an edge in its conflict to keep The west occupied. This will come back to bite China.
China has to have good reason to attack or take over Taiwan.
Well, bear in mind, these speeches are for DOMESTIC consumption only. There is no lack of idiots who buy into these,

What he wants essentially is to save face, that's why he pushes forward the annexation, he thought he can claim "Now that these lands are Russia, our mission completed"

This ^^ ×1000
That's only show you that you don't really know much about Ukrainian in general.

Ever wonder why Ukrainian need to learn Russian? If they are ex-Russian, then should the Russian understand the language of their "brothers" the Ukrainian language? I mean, if I was talking to a Portuguese in Spanish, he or she may not learn Spanish before, but he/she will know 70% of what I said, and I would know about 60% of what he said.

But ever wonder why if a Ukrainian speak Ukrainian to a Russian, they understand 0% of what the Ukrainian said?

If you know anything about Ukrainian or even Eastern European Culture, you will know both Ukrainian language and culture is closer to Serbian (another Slavic culture) than Russian, calling "they are colonising ex-Russian" is laughable. The only thing literally in common between Russia (NOT SOVIET UNION, but Russia) is like almost all ex-Soviet Republic, like Kazakh or Uzbek or Georgian for that matter, is they were all ex-Soviet Bloc, and they were all forced to learn Russian as their language. And yes, a Serb will understand some degree of Ukrainian even without learning the language.

Was just talking to my friend Misha on Facebook the other day

View attachment 884062

(Oops forgot to black out his surname....)

This is my facebook page by the way and this is Misha profile by the way. (And by the way, I used to date his older sister)

We talk about how litter people know about the different between Russia and Ukrainian. I mean, do you even know the different between Ukrainian orthodox church and Russian orthodox church before you talk about, they are ex-Russian??

Man, I am going to screen cap your post and send it to Misha so we can have a laugh.
Ukrainian and Russian is only slight difference, its the West trying to create a schism between them. Divide and conquer remember. Stop copy pasting again Mr LNG, remember what I taught you about getting to the point and not ranting half a page of crap. Lol
Ukrainian and Russian is only slight difference, its the West trying to create a schism between them. Divide and conquer remember. Stop copy pasting again Mr LNG, remember what I taught you about getting to the point and not ranting half a page of crap. Lol

lol "Slight Different" how do you know? You wouldn't know the different if it hits you in the head

Oh, I forgot, you build ship so you know everything about oil and gas, now you read internet post and suddenly you know all the different between Russia and Ukraine. LOL, don't make me laugh dude.

:lol: :lol:

This ^^ ×1000
lol when you see Mr Han Job here, you know I am right.
lol "Slight Different" how do you know? You wouldn't know the different if it hits you in the head

Oh, I forgot, you build ship so you know everything about oil and gas, now you read internet post and suddenly you know all the different between Russia and Ukraine. LOL, don't make me laugh dude.

:lol: :lol:

lol when you see Mr Han Job here, you know I am right.
Because volodmyr is Vladimir. Its just a pronunciation difference
Because volodmyr is Vladimir. Its just a pronunciation difference
lol, is that what you based that on?

John and Jon also the same name, does that mean Jon (an Old Icelandic name) are the same language as John an Anglo Name of Ioannis/semitic origin?

Also, do you ever wonder why Ukrainian spell Volodmyr while Russian spell it Vladimir? I will sweeten the deal, I will tell you the origin of the names, and you still probably wouldn't figure out why.

It's different lies between Old Slavic and East Slavic.
lol, is that what you based that on?

John and Jon also the same name, does that mean Jon (an Old Icelandic name) are the same language as John an Anglo Name of Ioannis/semitic origin?

Also, do you ever wonder why Ukrainian spell Volodmyr while Russian spell it Vladimir? I will sweeten the deal, I will tell you the origin of the names, and you still probably wouldn't figure out why.

It's different lies between Old Slavic and East Slavic.
Russian has 85% intelligibility with Rusyn (which has a small number of speakers in Central and Eastern Europe). Russian is also 85% mutually intelligible with Belarusian and Ukrainian in writing. However, Russian is only 74% mutually intelligible with spoken Belarusian and 50% mutually intelligible with spoken Ukrainian.

Yup Mr LNG, your deal is google. Don't tell me you are now a Slavic expert apart from being a veteran. Lol

Russian has probably more similarity with Ukrainian than Mandarin vs Cantonese.
Russian has 85% intelligibility with Rusyn (which has a small number of speakers in Central and Eastern Europe). Russian is also 85% mutually intelligible with Belarusian and Ukrainian in writing. However, Russian is only 74% mutually intelligible with spoken Belarusian and 50% mutually intelligible with spoken Ukrainian.
Wrong, I will give you another hint. Virtually no Ethnic Russian speak East Slavic. Which mean there are no Russian (Not counting Russian of Ukrainian Origin) will name their son Volodymyr

I will give you another hint. Russian name Vladimir are bigender (You can name a girl Vladimira), but you won't and can't with Volodymyr. Do you know why?

And finally Russian is mutually intelligible to Belarusian and Ukrainian is because the latter two were forced to learn Russian. and I will say between 85-90% of Ukrainian can speak Russian, the reverse is not intelligible.
Russia colonising ex Russians. Lolol. Its like saying Chinese colonising Taiwan when both are literally Han.

You are not fighting for freedom my friend. You think you are, you are just a blind cheerleader supporting an empire of greed.
Stop comparing the incomparable dude. China and Taiwan are basically the same people, just that the Chinese nationalists fled the Chinese mainland to seek refuege in Taiwan(which was and has been a Chinese territory before and after WWII, though was briefly occupied by foreign powers from China) after they lost the war.
However Ukraine is very much different from Russia in fact Russia has always been an invader of ukraine's land and tried so hard to change their identity forcing them to speak Russian and abandon thier language etc. Just like Russia did in other countries they invaded in central Asia and balkan States etc In fact they even tried the same thing in Mongolia(brainwashing them to be closer to soviet union and hateful of China, sonething which unfortunately still persists in that country to this day) when they carve it out from China and madr the country to be closer to Soviet Union. Russia has been an imperial power for a long time now .
So calm down with the Russian bootlicking and its ecen an insult to Compare Ukraine to China's situation with Taiwan, its an insult to your own country since you are indirectly saying China has been and invader of Taiwan ans trying to change Taiwanese culture , tradition and Language into Chinese. 🤦🏽
Wrong, I will give you another hint. Virtually no Ethnic Russian speak East Slavic. Which mean there are no Russian (Not counting Russian of Ukrainian Origin) will name their son Volodymyr

I will give you another hint. Russian name Vladimir are bigender (You can name a girl Vladimira), but you won't and can't with Volodymyr. Do you know why?

And finally Russian is mutually intelligible to Belarusian and Ukrainian is because the latter two were forced to learn Russian. and I will say between 85-90% of Ukrainian can speak Russian, the reverse is not intelligible.
Yes hint, Google it. Hahahahaha. Do you speak Ukrainian? Or Russian? Lol. Don't act like an expert Mr LNG, the last time you acted like an oil and gas expert, you failed. I just merely copied what was found in Google just like you did.

Guangdong ppl were forced to learn Mandarin too, you see them being mutually intelligible? Gosh. Stop being an 'expert' in everything. Lol. You have Google I have Google too and also. BAIDU.
Stop comparing the incomparable dude. China and Taiwan are basically the same people, just that the Chinese nationalists fled the Chinese mainland to seek refuege in Taiwan(which was and has been a Chinese territory before and after WWII, though was briefly occupied by foreign powers from China) after they lost the war.
However Ukraine is very much different from Russia in fact Russia has always been an invader of ukraine's land and tried so hard to change their identity forcing them to speak Russian and abandon thier language etc. Just like Russia did in other countries they invaded in central Asia and balkan States etc In fact they even tried the same thing in Mongolia(brainwashing them to be closer to soviet union and hateful of China, sonething which unfortunately still persists in that country to this day) when they carve it out from China and madr the country to be closer to Soviet Union. Russia has been an imperial power for a long time now .
So calm down with the Russian bootlicking and its ecen an insult to Compare Ukraine to China's situation with Taiwan, its an insult to your own country since you are indirectly saying China has been and invader of Taiwan ans trying to change Taiwanese culture , tradition and Language into Chinese. 🤦🏽
Bootlicking Russia? If its not because of the US trying to contain both of us, do you think I give a fck about Russia. They are our natural ally, without them, we are next, Its in China's interest to ensure they at least get the coastal provinces and make Ukraine landlocked while neutralising Ukraine. Look, even US do not dare admit Ukraine into NATO now , because nobody wants to fight Russia directly, everybody knows this. They tried testing the Russian patience by slowly 'annexing' members into NATO for almost 2 decades. And btw, thanks for supporting our one China policy but this will not change my view. Ukriane Belarus is what forms the Russian identity. Nobody can destroy this and sever the link of these proud people. I feel my blood boil when I see how the West had been bullying them like how they are bullying China for decades. We need another 10 years to be fully independent, until then, we must be patient.
It is so ridiculously delicious to witness how Russia is giving it to them in heaps. All non-Western countries watching justice being delivered.

Bootlicking Russia? If its not because of the US trying to contain both of us, do you think I give a fck about Russia. They are our natural ally, without them, we are next, Its in China's interest to ensure they at least get the coastal provinces and make Ukraine landlocked while neutralising Ukraine. Look, even US do not dare admit Ukraine into NATO now , because nobody wants to fight Russia directly, everybody knows this. They tried testing the Russian patience by slowly 'annexing' members into NATO for almost 2 decades. And btw, thanks for supporting our one China policy but this will not change my view. Ukriane Belarus is what forms the Russian identity. Nobody can destroy this and sever the link of these proud people. I feel my blood boil when I see how the West had been bullying them like how they are bullying China for decades. We need another 10 years to be fully independent, until then, we must be patient.

He is an Anglo-Saxon. What else do you expect him to say?
Bootlicking Russia? If its not because of the US trying to contain both of us, do you think I give a fck about Russia. They are our natural ally, without them, we are next, Its in China's interest to ensure they at least get the coastal provinces and make Ukraine landlocked while neutralising Ukraine. Look, even US do not dare admit Ukraine into NATO now , because nobody wants to fight Russia directly, everybody knows this. They tried testing the Russian patience by slowly 'annexing' members into NATO for almost 2 decades. And btw, thanks for supporting our one China policy but this will not change my view. Ukriane Belarus is what forms the Russian identity. Nobody can destroy this and sever the link of these proud people. I feel my blood boil when I see how the West had been bullying them like how they are bullying China for decades. We need another 10 years to be fully independent, until then, we must be patient.
Dude, your apology again is very misplaced and wrong. Ukraine's situation has nothing similar to Taiwan..for one Ukraine is a sovereign country recognised by the UN and every country on earth(even Russia itself) , China and Taiwan's case are different since no country recognises Taiwan independence as a country notnthe UN, not any western country and not even the US. China and Taiwan case is still an unfinished civil war case.
So Russia attacking a sovereign country and annexing its territory sets a dangerous precendent. AND THERE IS NOTHING SOMEONE CAN SAY TO JUSTIFY THAT, not the silly excuse of protecting ethnic Russians there. Lol In that case China can also invade sovereign independent countres like Vietnam or Mongolia tomorrow claiming they are oppressing ethnic Chinese , that will be a more appropriate comparison. Lol Not Taiwan which is still not recognised by any country as an independent country but part of China. And no me recognising Taiwan is not a recognised independent country and is a part of China doesnt means I'm supporting China's one Chinas policy per se. But I recognised facts for what they are, I don't use emotions to cloud my judgement/facts.
Dude, your apology again is very misplaced and wrong. Ukraine's situation has nothing similar to Taiwan..for one Ukraine is a sovereign country recognised by the UN and every country on earth(even Russia itself) , China and Taiwan's case are different since no country recognises Taiwan independence as a country notnthe UN, not any western country and not even the US. China and Taiwan case is still an unfinished civil war case.
So Russia attacking a sovereign country and annexing its territory sets a dangerous precendent. AND THERE IS NOTHING SOMEONE CAN SAY TO JUSTIFY THAT, not the silly excuse of protecting ethnic Russians there. Lol In that case China can also invade sovereign indeoendnt countres like Vietnam and Mongolia tomorrow claiming they are oppressing ethnic Chinese , that will be a more appropriate comparison. 😆

Dude. Just get over it. Whatever Russia is doing is in it's best interest. It might not be in your interest, but it is in Russian interest. It is better you deal with it. No, you don't care about Taiwan nor China. China is equally a daunting competitor that Western powers would like to defeat sooner than later. So, you are not impressing others by portraying a softer stance for China.
Sorry you had to sacrifice so much of your intellectual freedom by immigrating from Pakistan in threatening the system.

Why don't you try living in a fellow muslim country like UAE or Saudi Arabia and take a social picture of an accident or say 1 line against their friendliness towards Israel and see how long you last...

I saw the part he was addressing his Government officials: never seen a more depressed and more morbid set of faces in an audience who should at least be fake celebrating.

For the Putin sympathizers: I see your point in now wanting to be jerked around by western countries. But you see things from a point of ignorance: Russia has been equally or more cruel to muslims. They just didn't have the military might to project all the way to the Arab world. Chechya is the recent example.

But communism essentially meant that muslims weren't allowed to practice freely and openly: my father visited for 2 weeks in the 60s ...

Land of the free apparently comparing standards to third world dictatorships which ironically it props up to support its geopolitical interests.
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