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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

Hitler wanted to build a train line to Baghdad going through Instanbul to improve trade. Pure indication of how he wanted to gas muslims.

I dont love hitler and neither do I hump Barry Soetero but neither is less evil from eachother. Strongly believe that "if you kill 1 innocent human being, its equivilant to death of entire humanity". This also applies to some muslims, scum rebels and other criminals who think it is ok to bomb schools and mosques.

Back to Hitler, there is tremendous amount of bull crap that has already been debunked by Raul Hilberg, Norman Finkelstein and Steve Irwin. If you want to believe that labor camps were annihilation camps or something and evil Germans wanted to create soaps and lamps of jews, that is your prerogative.

All I care is over 80M innocent people died and nobody gives a F about them + removal of caliphate. But I find some peace in these books and Moulana Imran Hoseins lecture "imam mehdi and caliphate". This issue needs to be further researched but dont hold your breath since Iran is getting bombed soon, I dont think any other nation has the guts to invite neturai karta or jewsagainstzionism and other scholars who have expertise in this field...
No wonder you like Hitler, you share his racist tendencies.

I think it's best not respond to racists like these and kindly ask the mods to delete this thread.

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

Now you are saying that Japan was bullied in to attacking the US

How Exactly japan Take over many islands and the USA acted with an Oil embargo thats all Japan wasn't bullied it was the bully. USA only acted when Japan attack Pearl Harbor.
Oh really? That makes it perfectly okay then! Silly me.
Whatever you say mate, I could easily insult your country but I won't stoop to your level.

I think it's best not respond to racists like these and kindly ask the mods to delete this thread.
simple fact is Hitler was a Liar and a nut if was as smart as people say he was he would have won the war and he many chances yet he let his racist thoughts prevent him from winning by attacking the USSR because he hated slavs.
then again let his sympathizers on this forum sympathize with a man who claimed he was superior and ended up shooting himself when his superior army was destroyed and being overrun by inferior troops.
If Hitler had defeated the Allies, he would have gassed Muslims alongside the Jews.

What and where from did your holy Revelations of someone gassing m&j in billions, same old hindustani daily diarrhea predictions.

US has infact wiped out family trees-families last sons-daughters by bombing Japan-Germany-Iraq-Cambodia-Vietnam-Afghanistan, the number run as high as 7 million deformed extremely sick and death on birth children and early childhood deaths and the internal diseases that are still polluting Hiroshima Nagasaki till date and remember Agent Orange used on vietnam.

Discuss what has happened don't suggest-predict-fictional warfare that has and will never take place live in reality simply don't be a moron.
Hitler wanted to build a train line to Baghdad going through Instanbul to improve trade.

I think you will find that it was not hitler but the pre first world war german govt that made the deal with the Ottoman,the berlin to basra railway would have given the germans access to the oil in exchange for training for Ottoman doctors-engineers-teachers ect.
This would have over time made the germans the strongest nation in europe and revitalized the Ottoman empire and the dream of setting up isreal would have stopped.
Hitler didnt just wake up one day and hate the jews.......the germans let the jews into every sphere of german life but after the treaty of Versailles the germans watched as Rabbi Stephen Wise advised President Wilson about the impending treaty before Wilson left America for the Versailles peace conference. The Jew Bernard Baruch advised Wilson at the conference. British Prime Minister Lloyd George was advised by the Jew Phil Sassoon. French leader Georges Clemenceau was advised by his Jewish Interior Minister Georges Mandel aka Louis Rothschild.

Representing the American banking interests was Paul Warburg, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. His brother, Max Warburg, the head of the German banking firm of Warburg and Company, was there as a representative of Germany.I could go on and on but just google it and you find the info yourself.

Back to Hitler, there is tremendous amount of bull crap that has already been debunked by Raul Hilberg, Norman Finkelstein and Steve Irwin. If you want to believe that labor camps were annihilation camps or something and evil Germans wanted to create soaps and lamps of jews, that is your prerogative.

Maybe a quick read of holocaust industry written by jew would change a few peoples minds on the issue.
Anyway Video is BS Japan attacked first then Germany Declared War. simple fact is Hitler was a Liar and a nut if was as smart as people say he was he would have won the war and he many chances yet he let his racist thoughts prevent him from winning by attacking the USSR because he hated slavs. Hitler is Dead Allies won get over it.

---------- Post added at 09:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

with the oil embargo first. the USA acted.

I think all need to read history or view WW2 video's from YOUTUBE.

Hitler Invades Soviet Union for RAW material to continue its war machinery. He lost out in soviet union because he had multiple agenda's go for Causcius (OIL/GAS) Or defeat Moscow to end Stalin's resistance. He ended up fighting on multiple fronts.
These Holocaust deniers should be made to go through the medical experiments Nazis carried on Jews and Romas.
1 million ? it was 200,000-400,000. and btw look at the crimes the japanese Nanjing in China look have many Japanese racists killed. Hitler killed 27 million Soviets, Millions of people of Europe, Vietnam was a mistake however USA never tried to kill all Vietnamese as for cambodia pol pot. Iraq was a mistake, Afghanistan and Pakistan cleaning out terror.

soviet union alone lost 26 million people in war with third Reich
I respect our German members for participating in what is undoubtedly an uncomfortable thread.

I watched the speech in the OP. Very interesting, but also incredibly twisted in a subtle and sophisticated manner. There was a reason Hitler and his boyz rose to power... he was a MASTER orator. He could tailor a speech for a given audience, and take feedback from that audience in real time to mold them like clay.

His comments: "Roosevelt has no business commenting on the affairs of central EUROPE." Sounds good, right? Think about it... EUROPE was not then, never was, a monolithic entity, and Germany had no right to comment on other independent nations either. Roosevelt has as much right to comment on Czechoslovakia and Poland as Germany does.

Hitler spins the classic image - Roosevelt as the top-hatted capitalist elite. Before the National Socialist Party focused on Jews as the scapegoat, believe it or not, Capitalists were the perceived enemy of the Nazis. Look into the history of Goebbels, the propaganda minister. In the early 1930's, his writings were rants against the capitalist system. Only after Hitler convinced him did he become a raving anti-semite.

The Nazis manipulated the German people in ways never before or since seen.

As for Post WW-2 and the actions of the USA - how quickly people forget about the USSR. The Warsaw pact had hundreds of motorized divisions poised to pour into West Germany. They started dozens of wars big and small by ideological proxy. The U.S. (and NATO) strength was devoted and formed to counter this.
I respect our German members for participating in what is undoubtedly an uncomfortable thread.

I watched the speech in the OP. Very interesting, but also incredibly twisted in a subtle and sophisticated manner. There was a reason Hitler and his boyz rose to power... he was a MASTER orator. He could tailor a speech for a given audience, and take feedback from that audience in real time to mold them like clay.

His comments: "Roosevelt has no business commenting on the affairs of central EUROPE." Sounds good, right? Think about it... EUROPE was not then, never was, a monolithic entity, and Germany had no right to comment on other independent nations either. Roosevelt has as much right to comment on Czechoslovakia and Poland as Germany does.

Hitler spins the classic image - Roosevelt as the top-hatted capitalist elite. Before the National Socialist Party focused on Jews as the scapegoat, believe it or not, Capitalists were the perceived enemy of the Nazis. Look into the history of Goebbels, the propaganda minister. In the early 1930's, his writings were rants against the capitalist system. Only after Hitler convinced him did he become a raving anti-semite.

The Nazis manipulated the German people in ways never before or since seen.

As for Post WW-2 and the actions of the USA - how quickly people forget about the USSR. The Warsaw pact had hundreds of motorized divisions poised to pour into West Germany. They started dozens of wars big and small by ideological proxy. The U.S. (and NATO) strength was devoted and formed to counter this.

chogy as usual the voice of reason. Chogy I think your nation needs you. You should stand for election or failing that be made an ambassador for US. I have looked at your posts over the months that I have been here on the forum and you remind me allways that we do not have an argument with americans per se but the american govt. If more americans like you could get out and about make your voice heard I think that america would regain popularity
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