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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

Vietnamese names sound very different from Chinese names. How did you pronounce them when you used Chinese characters, did the pronunciation differs in different regions. @EastSea @Viet

Yes, same question here, especially the family name "Nguyễn".

Nguyễn is translated into "阮" in China, which pronounced "ruan", "阮" is one of Chinese family names. 阮瑀, a great litterateur living in second century A.D.
can you tell me who in your eyes are Vietnamese nationalists? What are the criteria? I can see you love using this word.
Vietnamese that distort history to advance some agenda,defend Vietnam in every situation,believes there is a pure Kinh ethnicty.

this question was raised several times over and over again. And you are here again. Okay, actually the final evidence of the existence is still missing. Are you happy now?

Again we are talking over the period that might have existed 5,000 years ago. Long long ago. However, one thing is sure: people in Vietnam believe it, regardless of others do or not.
History of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is a satisfactory answer.

However I still wonder why members such as EastSea spam a picture of Van Lang owning Southern China.

What I'm asking is how do Vietnamese members know that Southern Han Chinese are only descendants of Baiyue.

what the fck?

Several Vietnamese members claimed that Baiyue are Vietnamese and that Southern China is lost "Viet" land.

you are a funny person. I like you. Here is my answer: for 1,000 years we had been Chinese citizens.

And now your turn. Can you tell me how Japan and Western nations have contributed in Chinese cultures, custom, history and inventions?

Japan has mainly contributed in vocabulary such as ethnicity,television,electricity etc.

Historically Japan was defeated twice under the Tang and Ming and Qing and ROC didnt' do so well.

Otherwise the culture flow in ancient was pretty one sided to Japan except some Japanese swords were imported to China.

There is far too many Western influences on China especially during modern times.

Previously a Vietnamese member mentioned that a Chinese author was distorting Ho Chi Min's lineage however we see that a Vietnamese author distorts Chinese history.

The Contents of “Vietnam: The Springhead of Eastern Cultural Civilization” | Freedom For Vietnam[/quote]
Vietnamese names sound very different from Chinese names. How did you pronounce them when you used Chinese characters, did the pronunciation differs in different regions. @EastSea @Viet

Chinese is Sino-Tibetan language, Vietnamese is part of of the Austro-asiatic language.

Vietnamese as part of the Mon–Khmer branch of the Austroasiatic language family (a family that also includes Khmer, spoken in Cambodia, as well as various tribal and regional languages, such as the Munda and Khasi languages spoken in eastern India, and others in southern China). Later, Mường was found to be more closely related to Vietnamese than other Mon–Khmer languages, and a Việt-Mường sub-grouping was established. As data on more Mon–Khmer languages were acquired, other minority languages (such as Thavưng, Chứt languages, Hung, etc.) were found to share Việt-Mường characteristics, and the Việt-Mường term was renamed to Vietic. The older term Việt-Mường now refers to a lower sub-grouping (within an eastern Vietic branch) consisting of Vietnamese dialects, Mường dialects, and Nguồn (of Quảng Bình Province).[9]

Vietnamese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the past we have been used Chinese characters for writing, like Eastsea 東海 (donghai) Viet 越 (Yue).

In different region in Vietnam people can speak different accent (with limited words only), there is not dialect. Because we know that and can understand clearly. For example the word Viet Nam, Hanoian say Việt Nam, Southerner Vietnamese say: Djệt Nam but writing is correct Vietnam.

sorry for my jump in.
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The Malaysian Chinese looks the same. The Indonesian Chinese is very mixed and many has a certain salient "Indonesian feature". The Thai Chinese girls look best. Thai Chinese girls exude a lot of feminine. The Vietnamese girls are extremely good looking. The Vietnamese girl good look fit exactly 100% the way Singaporean guys perceive to be beautiful.

In short, the "good looking girl" in Singaporean men's perception occur in high frequency in Thai and Vietnamese girl population.
My wife is younger than me 10 years old,born in Thai Binh province(North VietNam), 1.59m, 45kg white skin, pretty, hard working, she's a nanny in a kindergarten and always listen to me even some time I get mad .(I'm not a rich man, I dont have car, only Wave alpha motorbike)

I dont think u can find a girl like that in Singapore :partay:
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Yes, same question here, especially the family name "Nguyễn".

Nguyễn is translated into "阮" in China, which pronounced "ruan", "阮" is one of Chinese family names. 阮瑀, a great litterateur living in second century A.D.

family name "Nguyễn" is typical Vietnamese name. I don't know exactly but is around 38 % of population Vietnam has "Nguyễn" family name.

In Vietnam we have about 63 family names which got more than 0.1 % of 90 million

most of family name in Vietnam can translated in to Chinese with equivalent name from a time Han Ji was official writing system in Vietnam, like "Nguyễn" to be translated into Chinese "阮", which pronounced "ruan" in China.
Nguyễn is the last royal dynasty in Vietnam. That's why there's so many Nguyen surname.

Because they tend to hide the surname of previous dynasty, like the case, Lý dynasty
Which one you prefer? The beautiful petite type of the southern phenotype or the beautiful model type of the northern phenotype?

The North Chinese women with too many Mongol or Korean features are not considered to be attractive. Same for the South Chinese women, too many Southeast Asian features won't be considered attractive as well.

her name is translated in to Vietnamese : Cận Diệp, could you know where does she come from ? I think she is northern Chinese girl.


Vietnamese that distort history to advance some agenda,defend Vietnam in every situation,believes there is a pure Kinh ethnicty.
there is NO such thing: "pure" Kinhs. As I said elsewhere, the newest scientific (genetics) findings say the first Viets most likely came from the Sea (perhaps islands in the Pacific) and mixed with Locals when they settled down in Red River delta.
That is a satisfactory answer.
However I still wonder why members such as EastSea spam a picture of Van Lang owning Southern China.
EastSea does not spam.
Allow me to make a comparison. Do you believe to God?

In Germany many people believe to God. If you ask them for historical evidence for the existence of God, you will get a lengthy answer that perhaps does not satisfy you.

Again we are talking over the period that "might" have happened 5,000 years ago. Understandably it is difficult to find historic evidence in tropical Vietnam, where regular monsoon rains wash everything away. Secondly the events occured in times where country borders were not clearly marked. Ancient Van Lang might have existed (maybe not), along with ancient China, where borders were overlapped. Last but not least, I don´t know, either whether any writing records were made for this period.

Only one thing is sure, people in Vietnam celebrate Hung Kings.
I have two questions for you, and your sincere reply would be much appreciated.

Q1, Where or through what source you know Zheng Shuang and Li Qin? I never heard of Li Qin, a new actress?

Li Qin, a Sichuan girl, actress

Q2, Does your wife know that you post other women's photo online?:partay:
you are a funny dude. of course not. :-)
If you keep persuading everyone, Vietnamese people originated from China, how you think if those Chinese-origin people dislike Chinese origin ?
when they keep confirming they're Vietnamese race not Chinese race at all

So proud huh ??
Lets assume Vietnamese did not came from China. Like Mr Viet has said, Vietnamese came from the sea. The seafarers around this region are Malay. So Vietnamese are related to Malay. That is plausible.

Then came a bunch of "Chinese" who conquered Vietnam. After 1000 years, Vietnamese fought back and regain independence.

The Malaysian Malay also got some theory they put forward below. These Islamofacist tell everyone Chinese came from SE Asia. According to their map, seems that Malaysian Malay are the center of the world, and Malaysian Malay give birth to Vietnamese and Chinese.

DNA suggests China Chinese originated from Southeast Asia | The Online Citizen

The ancestor of the Sino-Tibetan people came from Southeast Asia, but Sino-Tibetan itself was evolved in Central-West China around the Tibetan plateau.
there is NO such thing: "pure" Kinhs. As I said elsewhere, the newest scientific (genetics) findings say the first Viets most likely came from the Sea (perhaps islands in the Pacific) and mixed with Locals when they settled down in Red River delta.
If there is no such thing as pure Kinh then why do some Vietnamese members care so much that Han Chinese are mixed?

ie this lost Baiyue nonsense.

Can you show me some genetic sources I'm just curious that's all.

EastSea does not spam.
Allow me to make a comparison. Do you believe to God?

In Germany many people believe to God. If you ask them for historical evidence for the existence of God, you will get a lengthy answer that perhaps does not satisfy you.

Again we are talking over the period that "might" have happened 5,000 years ago. Understandably it is difficult to find historic evidence in tropical Vietnam, where regular monsoon rains wash everything away. Secondly the events occured in times where country borders were not clearly marked. Ancient Van Lang might have existed (maybe not), along with ancient China, where borders were overlapped. Last but not least, I don´t know, either whether any writing records were made for this period.

Only one thing is sure, people in Vietnam celebrate Hung Kings.
The image of Van Lang covering Southern China has been posted by EastSea in post 723 and 1070 while the user Rechoice has also shown it in previous threads.

Dai Viet su ky toan thu was written about 3000 years after the first Hung King tell me how is this reliable?

Without any archaeological proof this written passage is useless if there were archaeological artifacts of such importance (such as the oracle bones proved Shang exists then) then maybe there can be a claim.

In the Kham dinh Viet su Thong giam cuong muc

洞庭地夾兩湖實在百粵之北巴蜀猶隔雋滇(今屬雲南) 不相接壤舊史侈大其辭殆與後蜀王之事皆屬傳虛而未之
Dongting is in between the 2 Hu's(Hunan and Hubei),Dongting is north of where the Baiyue lived.
Ba and Shu were separated from Vietnam from Dian(in Yunnan),thus they did not border each other and previous texts overestimates Van Lang's land. The events of Shu Pan and Van Lang's land is thus untrustworthy and unproven.

The 15 divisions of Van Lang are in the areas of Jiaozhi and Zhuyuan,there isn't a single division north of those areas.

Germany and God has nothing to do with this topic.

There was no such state recognized by scholars as Vietnam and China since the Shang did not exist in the earliest reign of Hung kings.

If Van Lang existed the various "Chinese" states would have written about it if Dai Viet su ky toan thu is correct.

In my opinion myth such as the Van Lang/Xia dynasty should be treated as myth and not be used to promote nationalistic agendas.

ie Southern Han Chinese are brainwashed Vietnamese or some nonsense like that.

You studied much on historian, I could not argue with you.
Even, right now ... there's always local minor ethnicity ... Vietnam has 55 ethnicity groups.

The human being, originated from 1 or 2 origin, right?
then they earn more characteristics and turn to many races, right ?

we prefer the who they want to be ... that's Vietnamese, Chinese, African, Pinoy, ... even Singaporean

Another thing,

You could point out how many Northern ( cannot say China ) occupied Vietnam, how they affect, but still the local residents always consider themselve is independent with Hung King as first kings of their kingdom ( Van Lang ). There's remain, proofs as you want in Hy Cuong hill, Phu Tho province, Vietnam ..

This is Defense forum , if you specialize in historian, I think another forum suitable to you
This topic is for answer to outsiders, as what the host think is true .
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