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Below is Vietnamese girls. The have the more "Chinese type" and more "Champa type". Your claims that Cantonese love to marry Northern type is BS.


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The beauty of the North Chinese girl right now is perceived as the standard beauty in China and East Asia.

Just go to some random forums in HK, most of them think that the Chinese girls with northern phenotype are physically more attractive. Although they still believe that North Chinese are poor and look down on them.
I've worked together with two Viet girls on my project, they are darker than average Chinese girls.
The beauty of the North Chinese girl right now perceives as the standard beauty in China and East Asia.

Just go to the random forum in HK, most of them think that the Chinese girls with northern phenotype are more physically attractive. Although they still believe that North Chinese are poor and look down on them.

The Northern and Southern Chinese perception of beautiful girl has quite a big overlapped. Most preferred chiseled feature, white complexion as good looking. The northern Chinese are fairer but Southern Chinese are more chiseled.

You go forum and many will think Vietnamese girls, Thai girls, probably Jiangsu, Chongqing and Sichuan are good looking. Not too many praise the Hebei, Shannxi, Inner Mongolia, North East, which are the typical northern Chinese girls.
Cantonese are pretty aggressive when it comes to defend their local culture.

They will love to marry a beautiful North Chinese girl, but meanwhile they will also force them to learn and to speak Cantonese at home. Many Cantonese want to become physically more North Chinese, but only culturally they still want to retain Cantonese.

We Shanghainese are much more softer when it comes to defend our local culture, we marry a North Chinese girl who can only speak Mandarin, when we will pander her to only speak Mandarin at home.

That's why the local culture in Shanghai is more easy to be assimilated by the North Chinese culture.

The Northern and Southern Chinese perception of beautiful girl has quite a big overlapped. Most preferred chiseled feature, white complexion as good looking. The northern Chinese are fairer but Southern Chinese are more chiseled.

You go forum and many will think Vietnamese girls, Thai girls, probably Jiangsu, Chongqing and Sichuan are good looking. Not too many praise the Hebei, Shannxi, Inner Mongolia, North East, which are the typical northern Chinese girls.

Most of them still think North China will produce more attractive girls.

BTW, Jiangsu/Chongqing/Sichuan are South Chinese with northern phenotype.
Cantonese are pretty aggressive when it comes to defend their local culture.

They will love to marry a beautiful North Chinese girl, but meanwhile they will also force them to learn and to speak Cantonese at home. Many Cantonese want to become physically more North Chinese, but only culturally they still want to retain Cantonese.

We Shanghainese are much more softer when it comes to defend our local culture, we marry a North Chinese girl who can only speak Mandarin, when we will pander her to only speak Mandarin at home.

That's why the local culture in Shanghai is more easy to be assimilated by the North Chinese culture.

Myself lament the lost of Taiwanese language as well. I do not know about Shanghai-nese but I think Cantonese is more expressive than Mandarin. If Taiwan break off from China, they will enshrine Taiwanese and claim it got nothing to do with China.

The central China phenotype is mixed, you cannot say they are northern. They are mixed. And Northern and Southern Chinese are so overlapped that they are not mutually exclusive.
Myself lament the lost of Taiwanese language as well. I do not know about Shanghai-nese but I think Cantonese is more expressive than Mandarin. If Taiwan break off from China, they will enshrine Taiwanese and claim it got nothing to do with China.

The central China phenotype is mixed, you cannot say they are northern. They are mixed. And Northern and Southern Chinese are so overlapped that they are not mutually exclusive.

Cantonese in fact admire the physical appearance of North Chinese, they only want to be Cantonese culturally.

Many Cantonese posters in Mainland China always use the attractive Cantonese people with northern phenotype to represent themselves.

Sometimes, when there is a flame war between North Chinese and Cantonese, Cantonese used to attack North Chinese such as flat face and small eyes as stereotype.

But this is not true, many North Chinese don't have flat face and small eyes.
You think Southern Chinese admire places like Shanxi, Shannxi, Gansu, Hebei, you must dreaming. 他们是南方富裕省份扶贫的对象。每年高考,还要给他们优惠。

Below girls of Shanxi, Northern China


Girls of Jilin, Northern China


Girls of Jilin, Northern China

You think Southern Chinese admire places like Shanxi, Shannxi, Gansu, Hebei, you must dreaming.

Below girls of Shanxi, Northern China


Girls of Jilin, Northern China


Girls of Jilin, Northern China


Not all North Chinese are beautiful, but there are many of them.

The most beautiful girls in North China are in the cities like Harbin and Dalian.

I will soon post the pics of the average young girls in Harbin, just wait.
As a Southern Chinese, honestly speaking I think there are a lot of pretty girls in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan. I wouldn't even say Singaporean girls are beautiful.
North Vietnamese hate South Vietnamese and think they are ugly and annoying.

Check the comments in this video.

don't lie kid.

What do Shanghai_ren think about Peking_ren and inverse ? just dont make propaganda of CPC here.

I have been worked for a time for State Own Campamny, there are two boss are South Vietnamese, they belong to the best whom I could worked therewith.
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As a Southern Chinese, honestly speaking I think there are a lot of pretty girls in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan. I wouldn't even say Singaporean girls are beautiful.
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Many Southeast Asian girls are indeed beautiful.

But if you ask a Cantonese man to choose between a Northeast Chinese girl and a Vietnamese girl to marry, i bet he will choose the Northeast Chinese girl 9 out of 10 times. But he will also indeed force her to learn Cantonese in order to preserve his local culture.

In Mainland China, the North Chinese beauty is more appreciated. This even applies to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Here is the average street girls in Harbin.

Skin color can depend mostly on the sunshine. Any case, we proud for what belong to our ethnic identity.

Yeah, but most Vietnamese prefer light skin color.

Even one of your members "Viet" also claimed that Vietnam is a Northeast Asian country.
As a Southern Chinese, honestly speaking I think there are a lot of pretty girls in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan. I wouldn't even say Singaporean girls are beautiful.
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I read some old book of China, it said that Qi Guo girls are most betiful girls in China. If I do not make my mistake, there is Shandong Province in China same Hometown of Jiang Jing, she is third wife of Mao Zedong.
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