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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

I read some old book of China, it said that Qi Guo girls are most betiful girls in China. If I do not make my mistake, there is Shandong Province in China same Hometown of Jiang Jing, she is third wife of Mao Zedong.

Jiang Qing is an average woman.

BTW, ever heard of Xi Shi? Her birthplace is from Zhejiang, very close to the place of my maternal ancestry.

I remember many Viet members believe she is Baiyue, if she was truly a Baiyue woman, then good for you.
Yeah, but most Vietnamese prefer light skin color.

Even one of your members "Viet" also claimed that Vietnam is a Northeast Asian country.

skin color is important item for talking about the bouty, its world wide acepted. Viet+ and EastSea prefer in to different idea how it looks like. I think its normal even both my countryman born in Nhatrang, the town is located in Middle Vietnam.

Jiang Qing is an average woman.

BTW, ever heard of Xi Shi? Her birthplace is from Zhejiang, very close to the place of my maternal ancestry.

I remember many Viet members believe she is Baiyue, if she was truly a Baiyue woman, then good for you.

Yes, she is Tây Thi with the name translated in to Vietnamese. Bravo, congratulation for you, correctly she is Wu Yue girl.
skin color is important item for talking about the bouty, its world wide acepted. Viet+ and EastSea prefer in to different idea how it looks like. I think its normal even both my countryman born in Nhatrang, the town is located in Middle Vietnam.

All East Asian countries have a tradition of favoring the light skin color, but it mostly for women, men don't matter. The women with light skin are perceived to be more feminine.

But men with tanned skin could be considered as a sign of masculinity.
All East Asian countries have a tradition of favoring the light skin color, but it mostly for women, men don't matter. The women with light skin are perceived to be more feminine.

But men with tanned skin could be considered as a sign of masculinity.

One mỏre thing I can agree with you, if you are man looks at as beautiful, people think you are guy.
North Vietnamese hate South Vietnamese and think they are ugly and annoying.

Check the comments in this video.

That is not new. In Vietnam, Northerner dislike Southerner and vice versa. That is due to the country history, when both parts were divided, ruled by different dynasty families or different political systems.

I think you may want to go really deep deep into SE Asia and see the phenotype.
Below is Vietnamese woman soldiers. Do they look northern Chinese?


There is so much overlapped between Southern Chinese, Vietnamese especially, that I think it would be quite a conceit to say that the groups are very distinguishable.

When I visited Vietnam, non of Vietnamese think I am foreigner. When I visited Beijing, they think I look minority.

I cannot recognize Vietnamese in Singapore unless they open their mouth. I am still able to figure out who is Northern Chinese.
lol that means you look more Viet than Chinese. welcome to the club. :sarcastic:
here is a pic: Viet girls in Singapore.


here Vietnamese students are seen looking for information on study in Singapore at an education fair in Can Tho City, Vietnam.
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Yeah, but most Vietnamese prefer light skin color.

Even one of your members "Viet" also claimed that Vietnam is a Northeast Asian country.
That only applies to Viet girls. They hate the sun. Because dark skin refers to poor people. So most when going out they wait until the sun goes down, or they cover their body with materials to protect the skin. :-)


As a Southern Chinese, honestly speaking I think there are a lot of pretty girls in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan. I wouldn't even say Singaporean girls are beautiful.
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the picture is a bit old, I believe. Today the law requires everyone has to carry helmet. So you can´t see how they look without mask. :D

North Vietnamese hate South Vietnamese and think they are ugly and annoying.

Check the comments in this video.

Yes they are more beautiful and whiter. They have more boobs and ***

Probably because the french soldiers have stationned in the North for more time

But the problem is they are corrupted and uncompetent, or rather uncompetent because corrupted
I only have some simple questions for you Vietnamese nationalists,if you have some sources why don't you prove these questions?
can you tell me who in your eyes are Vietnamese nationalists? What are the criteria? I can see you love using this word.
1. Where is the textual and archaeological evidence for the existence of Xich Quy,Van Lang and the Hung Kings?
this question was raised several times over and over again. And you are here again. Okay, actually the final evidence of the existence is still missing. Are you happy now?

Again we are talking over the period that might have existed 5,000 years ago. Long long ago. However, one thing is sure: people in Vietnam believe it, regardless of others do or not.
History of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2.Where is the genetic evidence that Southern Han Chinese are solely composed of Baiyue stock?
3.Where is the evidence the Baiyue identified as one people or as Vietnamese?
what the fck?
4.How has Vietnam influenced China in culture,language,inventions etc?
you are a funny person. I like you. Here is my answer: for 1,000 years we had been Chinese citizens.

And now your turn. Can you tell me how Japan and Western nations have contributed in Chinese cultures, custom, history and inventions?
Singapore most elite school girls. RJC. They are not very good looking I must admit. See their phenotype, its quite unique. Most of them are 100% Chinese yet they do not look very "Chinese". I believe its due to their anglicization that exude certain composure as well as their choice of hairstyle and dressing that give them a unique feel.

They are very acultural and they are shallow in Chinese culture.

Occasionally, there are good looking ones but the frequency is way lower than in Vietnam, Thailand or Laos.





Singaporean most elite school boys. Most are 100% pure Chinese. They can pass of that in the Southern China, but in Northern China, some of them could be taken for minorities or people will just tell that they are Southern Chinese.


The Malaysian Chinese looks the same. The Indonesian Chinese is very mixed and many has a certain salient "Indonesian feature". The Thai Chinese girls look best. Thai Chinese girls exude a lot of feminine. The Vietnamese girls are extremely good looking. The Vietnamese girl good look fit exactly 100% the way Singaporean guys perceive to be beautiful.

In short, the "good looking girl" in Singaporean men's perception occur in high frequency in Thai and Vietnamese girl population.
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ha ha ha ...it is also a personal taste. I would prefer Chinese over Viet girl.

Which one you prefer? The beautiful petite type of the southern phenotype or the beautiful model type of the northern phenotype?

The North Chinese women with too many Mongol or Korean features are not considered to be attractive. Same for the South Chinese women, too many Southeast Asian features won't be considered attractive as well.
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Which one you prefer? The beautiful petite type of the southern phenotype or the beautiful model type of the northern phenotype?

The North Chinese women with too many Mongol or Korean features are not considered to be attractive. Same for the South Chinese women, too many Southeast Asian features won't be considered attractive as well.
There is an old saying in Vietnam: "the other mountain is always more beautiful than the one where I stand on." No matter where she comes from China, she should look beautiful and natural. :smitten:

Zheng Shuang

Li Qin
There is an old saying in Vietnam: "the other mountain is always more beautiful than the one where I stand on." No matter where she comes from China, she should look beautiful and natural. :smitten:

Zheng Shuang

Li Qin

I have two questions for you, and your sincere reply would be much appreciated.

Q1, Where or through what source you know Zheng Shuang and Li Qin? I never heard of Li Qin, a new actress?

Q2, Does your wife know that you post other women's photo online?:partay:
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Vietnamese names sound very different from Chinese names. How did you pronounce them when you used Chinese characters, did the pronunciation differs in different regions. @EastSea @Viet
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