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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

Most of Vietnamese now are not pure Viet people. A small amount of them can be find in Northern provinces. They're called Giao Chỉ (Jiaozhi) people.

Look at geographical location you can know why some Vietnamese looks like Chinese while some other ones looks like Thai, Lao,...

Vietnamese now = [Pure Viet mixed with Han(a big amount of them living in the North Vietnam and north of Central Vietnam, even if Vietnamese government did not mass expelled Chinese Vietnamese in 1979, this number can be larger) + Pure Viet mixed with Khmer, Cham,...(Most of people in the South Vietnam and south of Central Vietnam) + Pure Viet(a small amount, they can be found in Phu Tho, Bac Giang, Ha Nam, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Thai Binh,Nam Dinh,...)] + 55 other nations(3% of population)
If you said are true, which I think it a mystical then why 90% of Vietnamese still have our last name?
Depend who wrote the histories, and which histories you in favor of. To Chinese it mythology because that's how Chinese historian wanted the readers the read.

Mythology and history are mutually exclusive.
Yes, it is another name for Saigon. Just some few of Southern Vietnamese want to use this name HCM. By the way, Saigon officialy is a part of HCM city.

The traffic in the city is crazy. It is an adventure to cross the street. You must wait for several years until the subway is complete.

Before 1975 it call Saigon after 1975 or so Saigon change to HCM but all southerners still call it Saigon, only foreigner call HCM
The warmongerers are countries which are making arbitrary claims to already occupied and claimed islands like the Philippines. Vietnam is much more racist than China and you know it, even the Vietnamese Americans here all hate darker skinned people. They think Laotians, Cambodians, and Chams are inferior, we have all of those people livinig in America and in return they also have negative views of Vietnamese.

Its not just the Vietnamese people having negative attitudes towards other southeast asians, Vietnam's policy treats Laos like a vassal state.

China has not claimed one inch beyond the borders it set in the 1940s. It even gave up claims like Kachin state in Myanmar and Mongolia.

The Chinese media hardly mentions Vietnam.

On the other side, the Vietnamese media is obsessed with demonizing China and Chinese people. As if China is doing something that's pissing them off really badly, but they can't do anything about it so they lash out in their media. Whenever something bad happens its because of China according to the Vietnamese media.

Obsessed 'hell' of southwestern girls - News VietNamNet

Rural girls marry foreign men for filial duty - News VietNamNet

Analyzing Vietnam-China trade relations - News VietNamNet

Chinese merchants flock to Vietnam to collect farm produce - News VietNamNet

And that's just the English version of Vietnamese media.

And speaking of refugees from Northern Vietnam to Southern Vietnam, South Vietnamese dictator Ngo Dinh Diem dumped tons of people like your grandfather onto Montagnard land and dispossed them of their land. Seeing as both the Montagnards and the northern Vietnamese refugees were Catholic, it could only have been racially motivated. The Vietnamese Communist Party continues to disposess the Montagnards of their land.
You are born in Vietnam, and Your parents did not become Vietnam citizen and got kick out of Vietnam in 1979. Did you ever said thanks to Vietnam your birth place? Vietnam still is your place of birth where ever you live, it must a hurt you that your bird place is Vietnam.

Now you tried to connect your self with Twain and China in general. Did you ever attempt to move to China and claim that you are Chinese with the local Chinese. Why don't try that and come back to this forum and tell us your true story, instead posting all your bs .
You are right. We look different like day and night.


Viet girl
You guys are blind the only different are how they dress, both girl eyes are look like Vietnamese, both girls eyes are not slant. Both have double eyes lid
Hong Kong and Macau are two tiny CITIES of China, yet your WHOLE land were ruled by your neighbors for more than 1000 years. Tell me how thick your face could be.

'Protectorate' you say, how about "poor" S.Korea and Japan. Daheck is 'half-independence' state, didn't you people claim that your big bad bully "stole" your islands~ are you the 'half-independence' state~? The 4 lands Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland you have mentioned are all more developed than your country. You mad~?
Why can't Mighty China protect the two little cities?
Am I talking about east turkestan???

Why cannot you get the fxxk off my comments???

What a retard.
Wholegrain wanted to be whole Chinese why don't you take him in like Chinese brother? Even those his parent and him was born in Vietnam.
Then, come to VN and find out the Truth, dont just take some trash on internet and post them here.:pop:

I don't think wholegrian wanted to go back to Vietnam when his family got kick out of Vietnam . He is here to take down Vietnam in ever possible ways, that's his only purpose in life. He have to hide behind Twain flag to hide his pass sorrow, so please don't get to hard on him. We also needed all Chinese members here to except wholegrain as wholeChinese brotherly hood.
What is the 'Viet look'? :coffee:
None mix Viet male or female got double eye lids, very rare you see Viet with slant one lid eye. I wanted to said 100% of Vietnamese have double eye lib and not slant as Chinese eye, but there are no such thing 100%.
None mix Viet male or female got double eye lids, very rare you see Viet with slant one lid eye. I wanted to said 100% of Vietnamese have double eye lib and not slant as Chinese eye, but there are no such thing 100%.

Many Chinese got double eye lid as well, including the North Chinese.

There is no such thing that - double eye lid = Viet and single eye lid = Chinese. :coffee:
You just being stupid with your hatred inner self. You needed to get out of your cave more often.

you simply can't face all these undisputed facts listed above. challenge me on those assertions, tell me which one is incorrect.
The south mostly from the north and migrated to the south. The mix between the Chams and Khmers are very rare, if any it the male Viets doing the mixing, cause it very rare to see Chams are Khmers last name. Now if you go to the Khmers area in southern parts their are groups of Khmers still have their last name in Khmers but translated to Viet.

Most of the time you can tell the different in the eyes lids

Dai Viet issued laws forbidding Vietnamese men from marrying Cham women in 1499, and right after that it began large scale massacres and genocide against the Cham people.

Blood and Soil

Law and the Chinese in Southeast Asia - Google knygos

The Flaming Womb

We is from China view, which China wanted Vietnam neighbors to feel uncomfortable and against Vietnam, in return to favorite with China against Vietnam.
Viet know how it feel and to resist foreign occupied, so why would Viet do the same like China, French and USA by invading other countries.

Do you come from some parallel universe where Vietnam never invaded Champa? We know how Vietnam feels towards the Indianized southeast asians, you view them (the Thai, Cham, Cambodians, Laotians, Malaysians, Indonesians) as inferior and lazy, because they adopted Indic civilization.

But we don't judge people by their culture or civilization. We know that Confucian Dai Viet was the enemy of China but the states like the Sulu Sultanate where we share almost no culture in common were our ally.

Why can't Mighty China protect the two little cities?

Macau was not taken in a war. China beat the Portuguese and executed their entire delegation when they invaded the Malacca Sultanate. Macau was leased as a trading depot.

Vietnam got beaten by France and Spain in the cochinchina war and gave up cochinchina to France.

You are born in Vietnam, and Your parents did not become Vietnam citizen and got kick out of Vietnam in 1979. Did you ever said thanks to Vietnam your birth place? Vietnam still is your place of birth where ever you live, it must a hurt you that your bird place is Vietnam.

Now you tried to connect your self with Twain and China in general. Did you ever attempt to move to China and claim that you are Chinese with the local Chinese. Why don't try that and come back to this forum and tell us your true story, instead posting all your bs .

Oh dear, the brain dead idiot thinks I am one of them. You may be confusing me with jhungary, whose mother was expelled from Vietnam for being ethnic Chinese. I have no connections with Vietnam. I know Chinese people from Vietnam, in my opinion they love Vietnam too much and have some kind of stockholm syndrome and want to connect China with Vietnam.

If you said are true, which I think it a mystical then why 90% of Vietnamese still have our last name?

Vietnam got last names from China. The Vietnamese last names like "nguyen" are pronounciations of Chinese character last names, in Mandarin "Nguyen" is "Ruan", "tran" is "Chen".

The ancestors of the Tran dynasty were Chinese from Fujian. Their last name in Hokkien dialect was Tan (in mandarin Chen). They then moved to Vietnam and used the same character but pronounced it by the Vietnamese pronounciation, Tran.

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