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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

@NiceGuy, @EastSea, @Rechoice and @Soryu and others

I read that VN government imposes new regulations on Internet, e.i. personal views are allowed, but forbidden is the redistribution of political information.

Does it affect your contribution on defence.pk or any other web sites?
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what do you mean all the wannabe rich want to live there, is it only for rich people? in the future I am looking to live there so can I ask what is the average house price there?
I don´t live in Vietnam, so may other Vietnamese members answer how much a house or apartment costs in Da Lat. But it is for sure, it is not cheap as nearly everyone wants to live or spend their holidays there.

The city is also home of the Summer Palace of the last Emperor of Vietnam: Bao Dai


@NiceGuy, @EastSea, @Rechoice and @Soryu and others

I read that VN government imposes new regulations on Internet, e.i. personal views are allowed, but forbidden is the redistribution of political information.

Does it affect your contribution on defence.pk or any other web sites?

1. It's related to Website registered in Vietnam only.
2. Nghị định 72 đã quy định rất rõ việc cấm “Giả mạo tổ chức, cá nhân và phát tán thông tin giả mạo, thông tin sai sự thật xâm hại đến quyền và lợi ích hợp pháp của tổ chức, cá nhân”.
When I say something, it's is my idea, I will be personally responsible for that. If I quote, redistribute the information from some one else or others agencies or refer to other source, I have to provide the link.:enjoy:
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There are lots of different tribes in Afghanistan.. Hazeris, Pashtuns etc,,, Most of them look like Pakistanis. but Pashtuns do look like Mongols... The guy who owns the booze shop in my area in London is a Pashtun and his nickname amongst his customers is 'Mr Chinaman'

I am going to correct myself here, he told me he is a Hazeri, it's them that look like Mongols..

I believe Mr Karzai the president is a PAshtun and they look like Pakistanis...

Most of the people from Asia are related to Genghis Khan (real name Timucin), including Turks who ran away from them towards Europe and still trying to get in..
There are lots of different tribes in Afghanistan.. Hazeris, Pashtuns etc,,, Most of them look like Pakistanis. but Pashtuns do look like Mongols... The guy who owns the booze shop in my area in London is a Pashtun and his nickname amongst his customers is 'Mr Chinaman'

Its turkic people who look like "chinaman"
She's a pakhtoon girl and it's not uncommon for pakhtoons, especially girls, to have that 'asian look'...kind of chinky eyes, pale skin and a roundish face. Even a male pakistani member 'pakhtoon' looks somewhat like her. My friends say I look half middle eastern half 'asian', mongolian and whatnot and I'm not even a pakhtoon. :D

Could be from any ethnicity... probably hazara.
@NiceGuy, @EastSea, @Rechoice and @Soryu and others

I read that VN government imposes new regulations on Internet, e.i. personal views are allowed, but forbidden is the redistribution of political information.

Does it affect your contribution on defence.pk or any other web sites?

Not at all, some info were twisted by somebody at outside Vietnam.
You can go to many political site by Vietnamese in blogpot or Facebook, nothing to worry.
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I heard of the Pashtun and their 'death by golden shower', the saying "revenge is a dish best served cold" came from these people, they are barbaric race of people

They are our people and one of the best people on the planet....enmity n frndship are valued traits of pashtuns...... :tup:
I was serious about 'The Tunnels' in Vietnam... I have just seen a 1 hr documentary about it..

While coming back with supplies on The Ho Chi Minh trail, the tunnels acted as meeting, hiding, storing places.. They also stopped fighters being killed from US bombing from above.. That's why the Americans used 'Agent Orange' made by yours truly, Monsanto.. In face Monsanto made other 'Agents' too , red, Blue so on to defoliate the forests of Vietnam.. The chemicals are still in the ground to this day, poisoning people..

The Americans were so worried about the success of the tunnels, they created a special platoon called 'The Tunnel Rats', whose job it was to go in there and flush out Viet Kong fighters.. Hell of a horrible job if you ask me, as these tunnels were more than often booby-trapped.. A lot of them got killed in there..

As far as i know the tunnels are a tourist attraction now.. (Pictures please, i am not allowed to paste them yet)
TheShaheen, the most famous tunnels are located in the city of Cu Chi, a part of Saigon. When the GI´s discovered the existence of the secret tunnels, the so-called tunnel rats were deployed searching and killing the Vietcongs. Many of the rats never came back.

If you need more info, You can google yourself by typing Cu Chi tunnel. There are a lot of pictures. :D



Cu Chi tunnels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


today as tourist attraction



For the last point, I heard that it is your tradition that Viet men live on their women? I mean no offense cuz there are also some places in China where women go out to work while men stay at home
where did you get this info? taken from a Chinese history book? LOL

if true, then you must see lot of Viet men lazing around at home or on the street, right? No. Let me post more images of Vietnam, the southern part of Saigon today.










Death to the corrupted north vietnamese, they were vietcongs

Look the country they've done: nasty, poor and corrupted/racist. Not like the capitalist South Korea
I would recommend all PDF members to read on the exploits of the Vietnamese air force it gave one of the toughest challenges to the USAF something which has not been replicated ever since (an Eastern air force dominating a Western air force).
Viet is the typicall nv vietcong who think he's a genius of the War, when he was backed up by Russia and China

If you are genius, why the vietnamese Army has not evolved since the 70's? You are just uncompetent corrupted arrogant people

Why don't you say that China has taken a huge part of North Vietnam if you are genius of the War?

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