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History of the looting of the Indian army in the war of liberation , and reasons of helping us (Bangladesh)

so your relatives who surrendered survived two years eating lime mixed rice and grass mixed roti ?
You are not aware of the term slow poisoning i guess ! Many Pakistani posters can confirm to what i am saying here, it isn't a conspiracy theory.
it means you were capble of getting freedom on your own ?
Bangladesh was going to become a country even if India had not intervened. Yahya agreed to Americans to give Bengalis what was there and American side knew it was going to happen. The only thing nobody wanted was Indian intervention.
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You are not aware of the term slow poisoning i guess ! Many Pakistani posters can confirm to what i am saying here, it isn't a conspiracy theory.

Bangladesh was going to become a country even if India had not intervened. Yahya agreed to Americans to give Bengalis what was there and American side knew it was going to happen. The only thing nobody wanted was Indian intervention.

To return to the context of the thread what in your assessment is the truth behind India acquiring a large amount of military hardware surrendered by Pakistan in Bangladesh.
My own assessment is ( from personal accounts I heard) and from the absence of Indian claims that very little hardware and materiel was left intact to be captured.
See my post above in response to peagle.
I hope you already read the OP . So is still the answer of your question required?

However, give me a simple and straight answer , if you believe that you liberated us , why did you do this? Did you do this without your own interest?


we liberated you because there was imminent danger of genocide and we wanted a friendly country without any threat for india .
it appears bengalis will backstab anyone or anythi g

bangalis are great people , exceptions are everywhere .
we liberated you because there was imminent danger of genocide
Yes you are the Messiah aka savior, I understand finally. But I want one more direct evidence! Please liberate Arakan, because there also genocide happened and 1 million Rohyngas have taken refuge in Bangladesh. So Messiah, please liberate Arakan and save Rohingyas! They are human being too, so please save them!

But if you are not interested , please do not bother wasting your time here .

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Yes you are the Messiah aka savior, I understand finally. But I want want more evidence/ Please liberate Arakan, because there also genocide happened and 1 million Rohyngas have taken refuge in Bangladesh. So Messiah, please liberate Arakan and save Rohingyas! They are human being too, so please save them!

But if you are not interested , please do not bother wasting your time here .

Thanks brother. I am also waiting for India to save the Uighur Muslims in China... oh never mind!
Thanks brother. I am also waiting for India to save the Uighur Muslims in China... oh never mind!
Pleasure brother. Well China is much more powerful than the supa pow ( India ) , but what about Myanmer? They can easily liberate Arakan. So just here the big talk of Indians lose it's direction always. These delusional people have no idea that actually they are nothing as they are taught to believe!

If they can not wage war against Myanmer , then what is the reason I will believe in there fake help propaganda? No reason for me , or for any sane person!
Some of my distant family members (Both army and civilians) were taken as POW in Bangladesh and i can tell you with surety that none sings a single praise about Indian army not when their rice were mixed with lime and ground glass. One of the guy (army man) died and doctors at Pakistani hospital confirmed the cause of death.

So you can keep telling yourself that you were saviors, Pakistanis realized back in 1971 and Bangladeshis are realizing very fast now, about you.

We realized it long time back. Hence Sheikh Mujib's first order of business was to get them off our lands after he returned to Bangladesh in 1972.

Talk to any average Bangladeshi on the streets, you will know the distrust of India is real.
We realized it long time back. Hence Sheikh Mujib's first order of business was to get them off our lands after he returned to Bangladesh in 1972.

Talk to any average Bangladeshi on the streets, you will know the distrust of India is real.
Unfortunately people of Pakistan and other countries get wrong message because of our Media. When we can free Media from raw moles , we can get our true freedom bhai!

Although people nowadays keep trolling all news , still they have no other source to read or watch. Nowadays , media is the greatest weapon!
Bangladeshis should really read this book -
View attachment 722661
It's about how Indian navy officers and frogmen along with ex east pakistan navy submariners were trained and worked to carry out operations together against the common enemy.
It's sad to see some people trying to take away the close partnership that existed back then.

You actually responded to your fellow countrymen who believe they handed our independence on a platter and we were all lungi wearing hobos.

The key point here is "East Pakistan Naval operators" along with civilian freedom fighters excuted Operation Jackpot, which was the biggest single coordinated attack on Pakistani shipping that crippled the supply for the Pakistani soldiers stationed in East Pakistan. Who were already in short supply as it is.

So, the point is- even if India had never entered the war, the attrition war would have eventually resulted in the resolution of the war. Albeit a slightly prolonged war.

At least would have saved the world from the bakwas the Bhakts spread in the internet that they defeated Pakistan in 13 days. Bhaktian crap has no limit.
It's no big deal. You also have more maachh bhaat Bengalis! Actually macch bhaat is west bengal origin. We prefer beef!

And lungi is much more comfortable than dhoti aka nengti.

Also our professional soldiers never wear lungi in battle field.

I used to watch some Indian tv serial where your mythological heroes are even fighting wearing dhoti/lengti.

But such dhoti/nengti uniform is too much unconveniet in real life battle .

That's why your military ditched your cultural battle dress ( dhoti/lengti) and accepted modern uniform.


Actually rohingyas came and become refuge in our country!

That does not mean that we are at war with Myanmer!

Same happned during our liberation war. We seek refuge in neighbouring country .

But that does not mean that there were any war between Pakistan and India! It was simply civil war/our freedom war. Indian Army came uninvited, to burgle our glory and loot the everything.

Exactly. If now civil war starts in Myanmer against the military regime and rebel won the battle, or if ARSA establish independent Arakan , that does not mean that Bangladesh is helping to create Indipendent Arakan, only because Rohingyas are refugee in Bangladesh.

So you do not have to be over excited! :)
Please have your beef, but send the Illish and other To West Bengal. We will pay in dollars.
Do you want the names of some of your famous dignities who used to wear dhoti? I can list in numbers.
Please have your beef, but send the Illish and other To West Bengal. We will pay in dollars.
Sure I have no problem doing business .I want good relationship with neighbours, if my dignity is not harmed by propaganda!
Please have your beef, but send the Illish and other To West Bengal. We will pay in dollars.
Do you want the names of some of your famous dignities who used to wear dhoti? I can list in numbers.
I have no problem with dhoti. I have problem only with Gerua dhoti , and it's supporters who are infesting online forums, who want to defame our dignity. Mahatma gandhi ( famouse dhoti wearing gentleman) is one of my favorite personality , who was murdered by gerua dhoti.
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What’s not clear about this lmao
Just read up on adamjee jute mill, haque industries to name a few... all their machineries were taken to India. Heck, every single pk army rifle, bullets, mortars was taken back to India. Look it all up, no govt. needs to issue statements on this matter.
This Baibars guy is a false flagger Indian, we all know this. Apparently you don't.

Here is a thread discussing the looting by Indian Army from commoners.

There is no accounting for all the industrial machinery Indians looted from Bangladesh. Just trucked them away overnight.

All told - reportedly about $2 Billion worth of stuff (in 1971 valuation) was stolen by India. Shameless bunch.

Now these shameless idiots are coming here boasting about how wrong we are to say this.

Comparing GDP with imported machinery costs and what not. Chulchera Hishab.

Even if one lakh was stolen - it was still looting.

This is well documented. Whatever was not bolted down, Indian Army lifted it away.

And we've also been buying their crap - $50 Billion worth every year (now), for fifty years !

Hasina has no shame.

And now there's two chamcha indos sitting below Boris Johnson's throne. Don't ever trust these mushreek
I don't know if you need Shariah law as a constitution to become an Islamic country. We can look at actual Islamic countries and see if they truly adopted Shariah as law.

If you go by how deeply embedded Sunni Islamic values are in the population, then Bangladesh is by far an Islamic country.

If we adopt Shariah - then non-Muslims will become dhimmis and may have to pay Jiziah tax, which I don't believe will ever happen in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi society is based on respect for non-adherent Bnagladeshis (Hindus, Buddhists, Christians) while we Muslim Bangladeshis pursue and adhere to Islam.

One cannot force people to convert to Islam. Never works.

Those who come to Islam must come because it is a better and fairer way to lead your life. A better aqidah in other words.

Al Kafirun (Qur'an 109:1-6)


"Say: O ye that reject Faith!
I worship not that which ye worship,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
To you be your Way, and to me mine. "

Bangladesh is not like middle eastern Islamic countries, it is a very moderate one. Closest analogs are Indonesia, though Indonesia is ahead of us economically. But many values are similar, there is more tolerance for dissent and fair play.

However one would be wrong if they questioned the depth of our faith just because most of the population are not zealots. Bangladeshis are deeply faithful, but they do not wear Islam on their collective sleeves. They also do not believe in persecuting non-believers, which we unfortunately see in India today with non-Hindu persecution, for example.

The rate of female empowerment (opportunities in jobs and education) for us is higher than India and even US (more females in jobs than them percentage wise). Far less females in India are employed as a percentage compared to our country.

There are more females than males in school from grades 1 through 12 in Bangladesh.

This is seen a prerequisite to becoming a better country having opportunities for all citizens IMHO.

But we are again, straying far from the topic of the thread.
Dude your posts are full of delusions and stupidity and not even worth answering. Zero facts full bs. The truth will be truth, lungi was dhotis sidekick in that war.

Ask @asad71 a 71 war veteran, (if he is still active) most of you are younger than 50, so sit back down..
Some of my distant family members (Both army and civilians) were taken as POW in Bangladesh and i can tell you with surety that none sings a single praise about Indian army not when their rice were mixed with lime and ground glass. One of the guy (army man) died and doctors at Pakistani hospital confirmed the cause of death.

So you can keep telling yourself that you were saviors, Pakistanis realized back in 1971 and Bangladeshis are realizing very fast now, about you.
any credible evidence about the food sabotage. It was your Pakistani citizen @Baibars_1260 singing praise of Indian army. I thought you guys trust him.
I don't know if you need Shariah law as a constitution to become an Islamic country. We can look at actual Islamic countries and see if they truly adopted Shariah as law.

If you go by how deeply embedded Sunni Islamic values are in the population, then Bangladesh is by far an Islamic country.

If we adopt Shariah - then non-Muslims will become dhimmis and may have to pay Jiziah tax, which I don't believe will ever happen in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi society is based on respect for non-adherent Bnagladeshis (Hindus, Buddhists, Christians) while we Muslim Bangladeshis pursue and adhere to Islam.

One cannot force people to convert to Islam. Never works.

Those who come to Islam must come because it is a better and fairer way to lead your life. A better aqidah in other words.

Al Kafirun (Qur'an 109:1-6)


"Say: O ye that reject Faith!
I worship not that which ye worship,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
To you be your Way, and to me mine. "

Bangladesh is not like middle eastern Islamic countries, it is a very moderate one. Closest analogs are Indonesia, though Indonesia is ahead of us economically. But many values are similar, there is more tolerance for dissent and fair play.

However one would be wrong if they questioned the depth of our faith just because most of the population are not zealots. Bangladeshis are deeply faithful, but they do not wear Islam on their collective sleeves. They also do not believe in persecuting non-believers, which we unfortunately see in India today with non-Hindu persecution, for example.

The rate of female empowerment (opportunities in jobs and education) for us is higher than India and even US (more females in jobs than them percentage wise). Far less females in India are employed as a percentage compared to our country.

There are more females than males in school from grades 1 through 12 in Bangladesh.

This is seen a prerequisite to becoming a better country having opportunities for all citizens IMHO.

But we are again, straying far from the topic of the thread.
If you don't follow the law of Allah you cannot call yourself an Islamic country
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