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Hindus, Muslims celebrate Lucknow's 'Holi Baraat'

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Now this is just turning in to a unpeacful thread ! i really think wat one does is ones business as long one chooses to follow his or her's faith with a true heart being joyful with others in there time of joy is no harm nor bad once again others might not be openminded like me .
Now this is just turning in to a unpeacful thread ! i really think wat one does is ones business as long one chooses to follow his or her's faith with a true heart being joyful with others in there time of joy is no harm nor bad once again others might not be openminded like me .

Now this is just turning in to a unpeacful thread ! i really think wat one does is ones business as long one chooses to follow his or her's faith with a true heart being joyful with others in there time of joy is no harm nor bad once again others might not be openminded like me .

Thanks Topgun, yes not everyone will be as open minded as u, and thats alright too, those who are not open minded can follow what they please. but the problem with these intolerant mutts is that they are more interested in what U r doing and judging you. that causes friction. they don't understand the concept of God's judgement and want to do it themselves instead.
There is no such thing as Hindu-Muslim Holi celebration as Hindus do not celebrate Islamic festivals, Muslims also do not celebrate Hinduist festivals.

Sorry bro but i have to disagree,i have been to diwali celebarations loads of times with muslim friends and have celebrated eid with hindu friends.
Sorry bro but i have to disagree,i have been to diwali celebarations loads of times with muslim friends and have celebrated eid with hindu friends.

Al Jakir and I have already showed another India and perhaps that is the mainstream India. Yes the India you see everyday is exception and I know exception is there but that exception is not the mainstream unfortunately. I did not say this religious group should not participate in that religious group's festival or the vice versa. I said, what you see superficially something like communal harmony is actually something that one cannot see if she or he does not go deep into the matter to feel the undercurrents. At the same time, you must have the eyes required to see that apparently invisible undercurrents where fear, humiliation, threatening, insecurity feeling work. Sometimes, people do something which they actually do not want to do, but they do to avoid some unwanted consequences which might become harmful to them, so they do that reluctantly. Yes, in the exceptional cases, people do something spontaneously. I cannot explain more. Hope you understand what I want to say.

And who am I to tell people what to do or not? I am not least bothered about that. Personally I believe in Free Individualism, you know what it means? Yes I can suggest someone to do something but it is up to that person whether to follow my words or not. I cannot force anyone. Kisiko kharid keto nehi rakhkha! Even I personally do not support when husband dictates his wife just because the woman is his wife... anyway...

I am you know a communist, and so I am an atheist or in your language a naastik and I am proud of being a naastik... But I respect others who follow religions...
Please be tolerant of muslims who do not espouse the exact same views as yourself.
Celebrating occasions other than Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are not proven by the hadith. Since Mohammed (PBUH) did not celebrate occasions other than the mentioned two, we cant celebrate them as well.

‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:

"For every people there is a feast and this is our feast." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 5, no. 268).]

"Allâh has given you better than those feasts: the ‘Eid-ul-Adh-haa (Feast of Sacrificing), and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr (feast of Breaking the fast)." [Sunan An-Nasaaee: English translation: (vol. 2, p.333, no. 1559), Sunan Abu Dauwud: English translation: (vol. 1, p.293, no. 1130). It is authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Aboo Daawood: vol. 1, p. 210, no.1004.]

Umm Salamah said the Prophet used to fast on Saturdays and Sundays, and when asked he said: "They are two days of Mushrikeen’s holidays so I like to oppose them in their ceremonies." [Musnad Imaam Ahmad.]

There are no two opinions on this. For those who still want to adulterate the principles and guidlines of Islam, they should consider the following ahadith on this matter.

Jaabir reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam used to deliver his sermon with this opening:

"The best word is the Book of Allâh and the best way is that of Muhammad ( !). The worst deed is innovation and each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sahih Muslim: (vol. 2, p. 410, no. 1885).]

There is an additional remark in Sunan An-Nasaaee:

"Every deviation from Islaam leads to Hell-fire". [Sunan Nasa’i: English Translation: (vol. 2, pp. 343-4, no. 1581.)]

‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever does an act which is not in agreement with our faith, such an act is rejected." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 3, no. 861.).]

There is another report by her with different wordings:

"Whoever invents something in our faith which does not originally exist, has nothing to do with us." [ Sahih Muslim: (vol. 3, p. 931, nos. 4266-7).]

‘Irbaad ibn Saariyah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever survives me would observe many differences. However, you should follow my sunnah and that of my rightly guided caliphs. Adhere to it firmly. Beware! Avoid innovation, for each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sunan Abu Dawud: (vol. 3, p. 1294, no. 4590).]
You're preaching to the converted here, qsaark. You have obviously not gotten my drift. I'm not saying that it is ok to celebrate other festivals, islamically speaking.

I am saying that not all muslims and not all muslim scholars accept that we should not celebrate other festivals.

I understand the arguments about bidah, because I hear it every Friday sermon "Wa sharrul umuri muhdathaatuha, wal kulla muhdathatin bidah, wa kullu biddatin zalala, wa kullu zalaalatin finnaar"

The issue is that there is a nuslim opinion, which does not consider it bidah, or wrong. And difference of opinion must be respected.

Another point, a mubtadi is not a kafir, unless in his bid'ah he nullifies an artilce of faith. He will be a sinner, but a muslim sinner.
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The claim was that Holi is Hinduism. That may be the basic truth, but I like to believe that there is more to it than that.
In any community, celebrations are disasters are always a community event. I am from Kerala and grew up in a Christian neighbourhood and I always ate Cake and put up a star on X'mas even though I am not a Xian. We'd play football in the Church grounds and then go inside the church to rest a while. Similarly I had a muslim flatmate, and eventhough I would'nt fast I'd always join him for the Ramzan dinner :-) The same goes when bad things happen -the community tends to come together.
It is sort of like Basant in Pakistan - while the celebration is nominally non-muslim (originally dedicated to Saraswati) it no longer is a pure Hindu festival in Pakistan if I were to judge by news reports. It is something similar with Holi in India - the Muslims may not really believe in the Hindu mythology but when has history ever gotten in the way of a good celebration?

no trust me there is nothing more to that lol
we had holi in lahore recently for hindu communities
its a hindu holiday
plain and simple
I am saying that not all muslims and not all muslim scholars accept that we should not celebrate other festivals.
In the presence of the clear instructions in ahadiths, if someone (irrespective of how educated he/she might be) does not accept, than he is proving that he is a non-beleiver. Hence he should not be followed. In Islam, there is no such thing as accepting few things and leaving others, in Quran, this has been described as one of the characteristics of the Jews.

Al-Baqara 2: 208

Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo odkhuloo fee alssilmi kaffatan wala tattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytani innahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun

O you who have attained to faith! Surrender yourselves wholly unto God, and follow not Satan's footsteps, for, verily, he is your open foe.
In the presence of the clear instructions in ahadiths, if someone (irrespective of how educated he/she might be) does not accept, than he is proving that he is a non-beleiver. Hence he should not be followed. In Islam, there is no such thing as accepting few things and leaving others, in Quran, this has been described as one of the characteristics of the Jews.

Al-Baqara 2: 208

Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo odkhuloo fee alssilmi kaffatan wala tattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytani innahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun

O you who have attained to faith! Surrender yourselves wholly unto God, and follow not Satan's footsteps, for, verily, he is your open foe.

Ajeeb. If someone does not accept a particular ayat, or a particular saheeh hadeeth, after being informed, then yes, it can be called unbelief.

But if someone doesn't accept a particular interpretation, then you cannot call that person an unbeliever. The interpretation maybe wrong, but still the person is a muslim.

Thats why the word mubtadi exists. You can call someone who doesn't agree to your interpretation as a deviant, misguided, astray, ignorant, but not a non muslim.

Unless the person rejects something that it is necessary to believe in.

Please read usul takfir before making such harsh statements, and read what are the things that lead to kufar bu'yah
Celebrating occasions other than Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are not proven by the hadith. Since Mohammed (PBUH) did not celebrate occasions other than the mentioned two, we cant celebrate them as well.

‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:

"For every people there is a feast and this is our feast." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 5, no. 268).]

"Allâh has given you better than those feasts: the ‘Eid-ul-Adh-haa (Feast of Sacrificing), and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr (feast of Breaking the fast)." [Sunan An-Nasaaee: English translation: (vol. 2, p.333, no. 1559), Sunan Abu Dauwud: English translation: (vol. 1, p.293, no. 1130). It is authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Aboo Daawood: vol. 1, p. 210, no.1004.]

Umm Salamah said the Prophet used to fast on Saturdays and Sundays, and when asked he said: "They are two days of Mushrikeen’s holidays so I like to oppose them in their ceremonies." [Musnad Imaam Ahmad.]

There are no two opinions on this. For those who still want to adulterate the principles and guidlines of Islam, they should consider the following ahadith on this matter.

Jaabir reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam used to deliver his sermon with this opening:

"The best word is the Book of Allâh and the best way is that of Muhammad ( !). The worst deed is innovation and each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sahih Muslim: (vol. 2, p. 410, no. 1885).]

There is an additional remark in Sunan An-Nasaaee:

"Every deviation from Islaam leads to Hell-fire". [Sunan Nasa’i: English Translation: (vol. 2, pp. 343-4, no. 1581.)]

‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever does an act which is not in agreement with our faith, such an act is rejected." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 3, no. 861.).]

There is another report by her with different wordings:

"Whoever invents something in our faith which does not originally exist, has nothing to do with us." [ Sahih Muslim: (vol. 3, p. 931, nos. 4266-7).]

‘Irbaad ibn Saariyah reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever survives me would observe many differences. However, you should follow my sunnah and that of my rightly guided caliphs. Adhere to it firmly. Beware! Avoid innovation, for each innovation is a deviation from Islaam." [Sunan Abu Dawud: (vol. 3, p. 1294, no. 4590).]

qsaark:In the presence of the clear instructions in ahadiths, if someone (irrespective of how educated he/she might be) does not accept, than he is proving that he is a non-beleiver. Hence he should not be followed. In Islam, there is no such thing as accepting few things and leaving others, in Quran, this has been described as one of the characteristics of the Jews.

JAZAKALLAH KHAIR Qsaark Bhai. Very appreciative posts. :tup:
AjeebThats why the word mubtadi exists. You can call someone who doesn't agree to your interpretation as a deviant, misguided, astray, ignorant, but not a non muslim.
Yes you are right, however; it is only applicable to the matters which are not very clear by the Quran and Hadith. One such example is 'how to make wadhoo? or how to say your prayers'. There is no doubt that every Muslim has to pray 5 times a day, but how to say the prayers is not clear. So Muslims belonging to different sects perform the Namaz in a little bit different way. Or as you have mentioned about Halal, Haram and Makrooh, there are different opinions on Makrooh, but not on Haram. Alcohol, and pork are haram in all the Islamic sects. Crab meat, or fish with no scales, or horse meat, or donkey meat are debatable.

The problem is, there is no ambiguity in the understanding of ahadith on the subject we are currently debating on. There is not a single example from the life of Mohammed (PBUH) or from the lives of his Sahaba, or the Tabeyeens, or even from the lives of tab-a-tabeyeens on celebrating non-Islamic festivals. Muslims have ruled for a long time on Spain, yet, no example exists that Muslim rulers (or Muslim inhabitants of Spain) used to celebrate Christian festivals. The problem of celebrating the non-Islamic festivals is relatively new. In fact, it took its roots in India in the time of King Akbar. But than, there were religious scholars who apposed these practices such as Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Saani.

So really I don’t think that this is a matter of believing one interpretation and not the other. It has become more like a fashion to practice non-Islamic things and than try to justify them.

All I am saying is, every one is free to practice whatever he likes to (hence there is the concept of Jazaa and Saza), however, it is extremely important not to twist the Islamic laws in the guise of 'misinterpretations to justify one's actions. Sins can still be committed without dragging Islam.
Holi is meant for Hinduism... and that is the fact historically. Krisna, one Hindu deity, first initiated this practice where Hindu history says Krisna played Holi with his innumerable low caste Goala (cow breeder) wives, who were known as Gopis including Radha, Krisna's aunty cum lover. I am not saying this, Mahabharata says this. Ask anyone who was Radha and get the answer. That practice later became a festival and in some parts of India, Holi is played as a part of a bigger festival known as Rasalila, a very vulgar type chemical love between Krisna and Radha when both dance in a fool moon night, now Holi is played as a festival but on different Hindu religious occasions in different parts of India as Hinduism has different characters in different races of India.

In some parts of India, Muslims and Christians are compelled or forced to play Holi because if they do not participate, they will get bad treatment from the Hindu majority. Of course, Hindu Media houses never ever cover such issues. This is the fact and if any one does not agree with it, she or he is a hypocrite.

And the 'source bull' of this bullsh!t is......??
@ Communist

You call yourself a Naastik. This means you don't believe Almighty/God/Allah. Well, that's ok with me.

But further, you say that you 'respect' others' religions. Well, all your posts just disagree with that. I see you always work hard to somehow bring disgrace to Hindu Dharma.

If you want a discussion over religions, start a different thread and PM me. I will be happy to share my views. But don't keep trying to turn every thread towards "Kautilya", "Mahabharat", "Ramayan" etc. And worse, you do this with incomplete or wrong pieces of information. Please refrain from that. You are degrading the forum.

I am you know a communist, and so I am an atheist or in your language a naastik and I am proud of being a naastik... But I respect others who follow religions...

EXCEPT the Hindu faith of course :)

a communist :) in this article abt hindus and muslims celebrating holi, where do u stand really? u r here to talk BS abt hindus, period. go ahead and do it, and I don't respect whatever cooked up beliefs u have. i always call communism a religion, now i know which one.
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