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Hindus, Muslims celebrate Lucknow's 'Holi Baraat'

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what gives you the right to decide others lives? even of other muslims. This is the problem with religious fundamentalism. Always eager to meddle/decide how others should live/behave/enjoy/dress/be friendly with etc.

you want to live exclusively in your corner so be it.but that no sufficient hun?

There's no mention what so ever of Holi in the the teachings of Islam. Muslims are people who follow Islam.

Hindus (also Sikhs) in Pakistan also celebrate Holi in Pakistan and no one bothers them because that's their faith, but Holi isn't part of Muslim people's lives.

I've noticed that the "Muslims" in India are too much involved in Hinduism.
I've noticed that the "Muslims" in India are too much involved in Hinduism.

More like having Fun!!! If you know what that means.

Holi is symbolic for arrival of spring.
There's no mention what so ever of Holi in the the teachings of Islam. Muslims are people who follow Islam.

Hindus (also Sikhs) in Pakistan also celebrate Holi in Pakistan and no one bothers them because that's their faith, but Holi isn't part of Muslim people's lives.

I've noticed that the "Muslims" in India are too much involved in Hinduism.

again why should you decide how another person should live his life?
Basically then there isnt much difference between you and a taliban or a radical mullah then. Only perhaps some minor difference in how conservative. You need to get a life.
More like having Fun!!! If you know what that means.

Holi is symbolic for arrival of spring.

yes true but the concept of "Holi' evolve from Hinduism not just social fraction of life.
again why should you decide how another person should live his life?
Basically then there isnt much difference between you and a taliban or a radical mullah then. Only perhaps some minor difference in how conservative. You need to get a life.

You're the one who needs to get a life who so desperately wants to link Muslims to Hinduism.
what I don't understand is why the hell Hindu always want involve some loser Muslim to their festival to feel better? Why can you celebrate your own holiday and be happy about it. Why need the endorsement of so called fake Muslim......
The idiots here trying to derail the thread and worried abt indian muslims celebrating holi are the same ones who worry abt india's talibanisation when some of our idiots try to distrupt valentines in the name of purity :)

all these 'pure' people who besides God know abt the iman of others shud be sterlised and kept in a museum.
what I don't understand is why the hell Hindu always want involve some loser Muslim to their festival to feel better? Why can you celebrate your own holiday and be happy about it. Why need the endorsement of so called fake Muslim......

Your thought process is few centuries back. Please note that its not linking hindus and muslims its a willfull participation and a beauty of a wonderful co-existance between the people of different religion and faith. We celebrate each others festival with pleasure. Well people living under propganda by mullahs can never understand the meaning of secularism and peaceful co-existance. :tsk:
It was my belief that Islam prohibited worship of gods other than Allah and I have no complaints about that. I hope that you wouldn't see throwing colours and having a good time and socializing with your neighbours as something that robs one of belief or as a change in their belief in god. Islam, as is any good religion, is stronger than that - you can't lose your belief in your god just because you join your friends in their happiness.

I wouldn't mind if it was a just social gathering but "holi" itself evolve from Hinduism. so you Hindu dominant Hindustan may be able to brainwash some joker but not us my friend.


There are many legends given as the reason for celebrating ‘Holi’. There is one popular legend that is reputed to bring about the birth of ‘Holi’. It seems that long ago there was an evil king named King Hiranyakasipu. His son, prince Prahlad however was very holy and often prayed to God and this infuriated his father. One day, the wicked king ordered his sister, the demon Holika, to kill his son. The demon Holika, who was immune to fire, captured prince Prahlad and entered a fire furnace. She had done this to kill the prince, however it was her who was burnt to ashes. Prince Prahlad was safe and was not burnt at all. The legend goes that before the demon aunt died, she begged for prince Prahlad’s forgiveness and the prince forgave her and announced that her name would be remembered once a year. Thus the festival ‘Holi’ was created.

There is also another story behind the festival of ‘Holi’ and it is based on the everlasting love between Krishna and Radha. It seemed that in the Hindu mythology Lord Krishna was known to court Radha and the light-hearted mischievous courtship of his was linked to Holi. Thus Holi is known to be the celebration of love between the two of them."
What is the Hindu Holi festival
You're the one who needs to get a life who so desperately wants to link Muslims to Hinduism.

If muslims participate in 'Holi festivities' ,they wont loose theie muslim religion.
Indian muslims dont think so and what pakistani muslims think in this regard just dont matter to them.period.

U'll find indian muslims taking some part in all kinds of hindu festivals on their own free will , happening round the yr.Similarly hindus & muslims do also enjoy celebrating Christmas with fellow christan brothers in india.
what I don't understand is why the hell Hindu always want involve some loser Muslim to their festival to feel better? Why can you celebrate your own holiday and be happy about it. Why need the endorsement of so called fake Muslim......


fake human being,

its called co existence, when ppl live together they celebrate together. i'll accompany muslims in breaking fast in ramadan, a pakistani muslim family came over for diwali and i also 'celebrated' valentines. yes we are all losers.

but we participated in others' celebrations withour praying to their gods or losing faith in ours. our iman happens to be strong, our mind clear of doubts and heart free from hatred.
I wouldn't mind if it was a just social gathering but "holi" itself evolve from Hinduism. so you Hindu dominant Hindustan may be able to brainwash some joker but not us my friend.

No body is asking you to celebrate holi, you dont want to dont do it. Why force your opinion on other people? They have ther lives and you have yours. What other people do and how they celebrate each other's holidays is none of your concern. There is no diference between fundamentlists and you, if you are going to force you opinion on others.

Al-Zakir, you live in US and dont tell me that Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs dont attend Christmas parties at thier works. People wish happy holidays and marry christmas to each other all the time, it doesnt meas those people are less Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs.
Yes thats y hindu blew Muslim masjids in India cuz they want to celebrate..loser hindus.
Yes thats y hindu blew Muslim masjids in India cuz they want to celebrate..loser hindus.

I am not Hindu and I find that statement highly offensive. I hope mods will deal with you.
What is there to be offensive? Babri masjid was demolished isn't that offensive in nature? I would object to going anywhere in hindu parties as a protest to what they did to masjids where wer these hindu friends of urs when babri masjid was demolished, did they take part in protest with Muslims on large scale after all both live in one India! Again this is not offensive this is reality and you don't call reality as offensive don't hide brotha!

NO PROTEST BY Indians the so called friends and or brothers of Indian Muslims....NOW SEE BELOW THIS IS OFFENSIVE.
June 11, 2001
Mosque at Ganie Mohalla Shangas, Islamabad (Anantnag) is burnt by Indian troops.
August 16, 2001
Hindu mob attacks/damages Jamia Mosque in Badder, Kishtwar.

August 19, 2001
Troops desecrate mosque in Padar, Doda.

September 12, 2001
Troops ransack mosque in Bungalowbagh.
October 26, 2001
Indian troops besiege and fire mortar shells on a mosque at Panzan in Chadura, Budgam.

November 11, 2001
Troops destroy mosque and burn Imambargah at Bundnoor, Beerwa

November 21, 2001
Troops raid mosque and beat up Namazis (worshippers) at Qazipora, Tangmerg.
November 30, 2001
Troops damage mosque in Hardmalpora, Budgam.

December 2, 2001
Troops damage mosque in Malpora, Budgam.

December 15, 2001
Troops desecrate old Jamia Mosque, Baramulla and carry out wreckage on pretext of search.

December 20, 2001
Mosque is torched at Aliposhpora, Pulwama.

A long long list do you want me to list them...where were you all indians to protest and tell me why should Muslim join you in holi or whatever.
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